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Unit 1 service industry

Repetition is the mother of learning.

Money spent on the brain is never spent in vain.

One good head is better than a hundred strong hands.


Task 1. Practice reading the following geographical names and international words.

Saint-Petersburg, the North-Western region, university, economy, economics, economist, service, institute, education, sphere, specialist, specialty, training, management, specialist, philosophy, anniversary, qualification, industry, correspondence , region, engineering.

Task 2. Practice reading the following words combinations. Learn them by heart.

higher education – высшее образование

full-time study – дневная форма обучения

a correspondence form student – студент заочной формы обучения

to enter a university – поступить в университет

to graduate from a university – закончить университет

highly qualified specialist – высококвалифицированный специалист

career ladder – карьерный рост (карьерная лестница)

to climb the career ladder – подниматься по ступеням карьерной лестницы

in the field of service – в области сервиса

service industry – индустрия сервиса

small enterprises – малое предприятие

membership card – студенческий билет

student record book – зачетная книжка

anniversary – годовщина

service enterprise – предприятие сервиса

supplementary issues – дополнительная литература

bachelor – бакалавр

Bachelor’s degree – степень бакалавра

Master’s degree – степень магистра

Doctorate degree – степень доктора

post-graduate courses – аспирантура

in accordance with Bologna Declaration – в соответствии с Болонской декларацией

Task 3. Give the English equivalents.

Высшее образование, дневная форма обучения, карьерная лестница, сфера услуг, студенческий билет, зачетная книжка, предприятия сервиса, бакалавр, степень бакалавр.

Task 4. Translate underlined words and phrases into English.

1. Система высшего образования в России is undergoing great changes.

2. Cтуденты дневного отделения attend classes every day except Sunday.

3. Студенческий билет и зачетная книжка are the main documents of the student.

4. Выпускники of our university are engaged mainly в индустрии сервиса.

5. Many of them work на малых предприятиях сервиса.

6. In 4 years we закончим университет и получим степень бакалавра.

7. But I probably продолжу учиться и закончу университет со степенью магистра. And you? What do you think about this? Are you going to продолжать свое образование?

8. As for me, I want подниматься по ступеням карьерной лестницы.

Read and translate the text

St. Petersburg State University of Service and Economics

Let me introduce myself. My name is Nikita Maximov. I am 18. This year in August I entered the Saint Petersburg State University of Service and Economics. I am a first-year student. I study on a full time basis. I study Economics. I hope getting higher education will help me to be highly qualified specialist and to climb the career ladder.

The course is difficult but it is very interesting. Our lectures usually start at 9 o’clock and finish at about 4p.m. At university we study various general and special subjects such as Mathematics, Computer Science, Philosophy, History, Macroeconomics, Foreign Languages etc. The second – and third-year students have thorough training in Management, Accounting, Marketing, Advertising, Statistics, Banking, Business Ethics and other subjects which are useful for specialists of Economics and Service Industry. Personally I am happy to study at this university. After finishing school I wanted to enter this particular university because it offers good career prospects for those who want to make career in service industry.

The University of Service and Economics trains highly-qualified specialists in the sphere of service in Saint Petersburg and the North-Western region.

There are 8 departments at the university:

  • Economics and Management of Service Enterprises;

  • Regional Economics and Management;

  • Tourism and International Economic Relations;

  • Social Science and Management of Social Processes;

  • Arts, Crafts and Design;

  • Motor Transport, Municipal Engineering and Household Facilities Service;

  • Trade and Restaurant Business;

  • Law.

In accordance with Bologna Declaration, the university provides training in two-level system of higher education: Bachelor’s Degree and Master’s Degree. The university also offers Post-graduate courses.

I study at the Department of Economics and Management of Service Enterprises. In 4 years I hope to get the Bachelor’s Degree in Economics. After that I am planning to continue my training and earn the Master’s Degree.

The graduates of our department work as managers, financial managers, accountants or stockbrokers. They also work in banks, local government offices or different service enterprises.

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