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I’ve lived here for three years.

I’ve lived here since 1987.

1. How long have they known each other? 2. How long have you had this coat? 3. How long has Malcolm run the company? 4. How long have you studies at the university? 5. How long has he been out? 6. How long has Steve lived in Germany? 7. How long has his father been a sales manager? 8. How long have you waited for the boss? 9. How long has she been absent from classes? 1O. How long have you worked at Business English? 11. How long have they got that Volvo? 12. How long have they been your business partners? 13. How long has Harry worked for this bank? 14. How long have you stayed at the seaside? 15. How long has this film been on? 16. How long have you been a student?

Exercise 14. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect.

1. I don’t know this man. I never (meet) him. 2. At last I (do) my homework. I can go for a walk now. 3. The delegation already (arrive) but we (not to speak) with its members yet. 4. You (make) any spelling mistakes in your test? - No, I (not to make) any mistakes. 5. Where’s Jane? - She (go) to the shops. She’ll be back soon. 6. You ever (be) to the USA? - Yes, I (be) to New York several times. 7. I (play) a lot of tennis since the beginning of summer. 8. Harry is ill. He (have) an accident. He (break) his leg. 9. You (finish) typing? - Not yet. In fact I just (begin). 10. How many records you (bring)? - Five. 11. You ever (find) anything valuable? - No, I (not). 12. Don’t worry about the letter. I already (post) it. 13. I know this town perfecty well. I (be) here several times. 14. David always (be) fond of his nieces. 15. You ever (leave) a restaurant without paying the bill? 16. I (not to buy) a newspaper today. 17. I (buy) a new carpet. Come and look at it. 18. Anne never (like) sweets. 19. I often (see) him but I never (speak) to him. 20. We just (hear) the most extraordinary news.

Exercise 15. Lynne is meeting two clients, Ben and Patty Crawfort. Ben and Patty are on holiday in London. Complete the conversation using the present perfect.

Lynne: How is your hotel?

Ben: Great! It’s the best hotel I ever (stay) in.

Patty: Yes, Ben is really pleased. He never (sleep) in such a big bed before. But he won’t be pleased when we get the bill. It’s also the most expensive hotel we ever (stay) in!

Lynne: You (be) to London before, Ben?

Ben: No, I (not to be) here before, but Patty (be) a number of times. Haven’t you, Patty?

Patty: That’s right. But the last time was ten years ago and London (change) a lot since then.

Lynne: And what are you going to do this afternoon?

Patty: Well, I never (see) Madame Tussaud’s. We (hear) a lot about it from friends, so we’d go there.

Lynne: I see. And what about dinner tonight? I know a very good Japanese restaurant. You ever (eat) Japanese food, patty?

Patty: No, I (not). Is it good?

Lynne: It’s delisious

Ben: I (not to try) Japanese food before either, so let’s go there.

Patty: Yes, why not?

Exercise 16. Translate into English.

1. Я не приготовил домашнее задание к сегодняшнему уроку. 2. Вы когда-нибудь играли в шахматы с Джоном? Хорошо ли он играет? - Я не знаю. Я никогда с ним не играл. 3. Зайдите попозже. Мой брат еше не вернулся. 4. Я никогда не слышал ничего об этом писателе. 5. Я оставил книгу в читальном зале. Принеси ее. 6. Том не играл в фотбол с 1983 года. 7. Сколько времени вы знакомы с мистером Смитом? - Я знаком с ним три года. 8. Мы еще не купили магнитофон, но у нас есть проигрыватель. Давайте потанцуем. 9. Я давно не получал писем от роди- телей. 1О. Мы с Биллом друзья с самого детства, и мы никогда не ссори- лись. 11. Почему вы не писали нам с 198О года? 12. Я не был в театре с осени. 13. Вы были когда-нибудь в Лондоне? 14. В каких музеях вы побывали с тех пор? 15. Сэм потерял часы и теперь он всегда опаздывает. 16. Мы послали ему письмо, но ответа еще не получили. 17. Вы очень хорошо говорите по-английски. Это правда, что вы знаете английский с детства? 18. Я давно о вас не слышал. Где вы были все это время? 19. Я eще не говорил с Джоном об этом. Я не видел его со вчерашнего дня. 20. Вы уже прочитали эту книгу? Как она вам понравилась?

Exercise 17. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form: present simple or present perfect.

1. I (see) the snow (stop). 2. Ann (want ) to see you. You (not to be) here for ages! 3. As a rule I (have) ham and eggs for breakfast, but this time I (order) an omelette. 4. This is the house where I (live). I (live) here since my childhood. 5. You (see) the new picture by Picasso? - Yes. - How you (like) it? - I (like) it very much. 6. She just (ask) a porter to carry her bags as they (be) too heavy for her. 7. Where (be) your room-mate? - He (go) to the library. 8. I regularly (see) him every morning at the tram stop, but I (not to see) him these two or three days. 9. It (be) cold in winter in Moscow, as a rule? - Yes, gene- rally it (be), but this winter (be) exceptionally warm. 10. Why you (not to shave) this morning? - I (shave) every other day. 11. I always (want) to have a car of my own. 12. Father (be) at home? - No, he (not to come) yet. 13. You (know) Eliza? - Yes. - How long you (know) her? - I (know) her for 10 years. 14. There (be) a lot of things I (want) to do for a long time now and I (not to do) them.

15. You (realize) we (know) each other for quite a long time now? And this (be) the first occation you (ask) me to come out with you. 16. You (know) the girl who just (leave) the shop? 17. I (not to see) your pictures for a long time. Can I look round? 18. I (know) you for thirty-five years, but I never (see) you look or (hear) you speak like that before. 19. You (be) the first guest I (have) since my return. 20. The lesson (not to begin) yet.

Exercise 18. Use the verbs in brackets in the Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous.

1. Look! Somebody (break) the window. 2. We (walk) ten kilometers. 3. We (walk) for three hours. 4. I’m on a diet. I (eat) nothing for the whole week. 5. I (work) with him for ten years and he never (say) “Good morning” to me. 6. The meat must be nearly ready. I (cook) it for nearly an hour. 7. What you (do) for the last two hours? - I (sit) here working at this problem. 8. I (clean) the windows. So far I (clean) five of them and there are two more to do. 9. You (see) my bag anywhere? I (look) for it for half an hour. 10. Ask her how long she (write) and how much she (write). 11. I (do) my homework for three hours and I (not to finish) it yet. 12. There’s the car. Arnold (come). I must go and wash my eyes. I don’t want him to see I (cry). 13. I (try) to learn Japanese for years but I (not to make) good progress yet. 14. I (read) the book you gave me but I (not to finish) it yet. 15. What you (do)? - We (pick) apples. - How many you (pick)? - We (pick) ten baskets. 16. You (hear) the news? Tom and Ann are engaged! - That’s not news, I (know) it for ages.

Exercise 19. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form: present simple, present continuous, present perfect or present perfect continuous.

1. What you (think) of this drawing? - I (think) it (be) excellent. 2. I see you (not to do) much. What you (do) all this time? 3. Recently I (spend) a lot of time developing my reading skills. 4. This man (be) a journalist for many years now. 5. We (not to see) Edward for a long time. He (to change) very much? - No, he (be) just the same. 6. Will you, please, lend me your pen for a moment. I (leave) mine at home and now (have) nothing to write with. - I (be) sorry, but I (be going) to write myself. Ann (not to write) at the moment, she can give you her pen. 7. You (read) “The Gadfly” by Voynich? - I (read) it now. I (not to finish) it yet. It (be) a very good book, I (like) it very much. 8. We (go) to the cafe “Cosmos” tonight. You ever (be) there? 9. Where (be) Ann? - She (be) in the kitchen. - What she (do) there? - She (wash up). - I already (help) my mother with the housework and (come) to ask Ann to go to the cinema with me. 10. Peter, what Bob (do) there? - He (look) for his exercise-book, he (lose) it. - Why, it (lie) here! 11. Who (play) the piano over there? - It’s my sister. She (play) very well, ... she? - Indeed she ... . She (be) a professional musician? - No, she (not). - What she (do) then? - She (be) a fourth-year student at the uni- versity. 12. Where (be) John? - He (prepare) his lessons. He usually (prepare) his lessons at this time. 13. Is there anything the matter with you? You (be) so pale. - Nothing (be) the matter. I just (finish) my work and I (be) a little tired. 14. My bicycle (not to be) here any more. Somebody (take) it. 15. You (know) that Nick (make) no mistakes in his work.

16. Mary (live) in Dublin. She (live) there all her life.

Exercise 20. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form: present simple,present continuous, present perfect or present perfect continuous.

1. I (enjoy) every minute of my stay here. 2. Why you (cry)? Anything (be) the matter? - Nothing whatsoever. I (cut) up onions. 3. We (watch) this stupid film since lunchtime. Let’s switch over to the other channel. 4. Thank you, but I really (not to want) any more juice. I (have) two large glasses already. 5. This soup (taste) far too salty. 6. I (photo- copy) the report all morning, but I still (not to finish). 7. I (not to be surprised) he (fail) that exam. He (not to work) hard recently. 8. You (know) my friend George Thompson? - Certainly not. I never (meet) him. 9. You (hear) the wind? It (blow) very strongly. 10. How your son (get on) at school? - I (not to know). I (not to speak) to the teachers for some time. 11. The weather (be) nice recently, don’t you think? 12. What you (do) all this time? I (not to see) you for weeks. 13. Every day I (wind up) my watch at nine o’clock in the evening. 14. Peter (write) letters since two o’clock. He already (write) five letters. 15. Your Italian (be) very good. You (study) it for a long time? 16. What you (look for)? - I (look for) my dictionary. - I just (see) it somewhere. I (think) it (lie) on the bookshelf.

Exercise 21. Translate into English using the Present Simple, the Present Continuous, the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous.

1. Я знаю его много лет, он всегда был мне хорошим другом. 2. Я уже выучил текст, а сейчас повторяю слова. 3. Почтальон обычно приходит в пять часов вечера. Сейчас уже половина шестого, а он все еще не пришел. 4. Сколько раз ты была в этом году в театре? - Только два. 5. а) Он читает газету каждое утро. б) Сейчас он читает утреннюю газету. Не мешайте ему. в) Он уже полчаса читает газету своей бабушке. г) Он читает газету с семи часов. 6. а) Я перевел эту статью. Она готова. б) Я пе- ревожу эту статью уже два часа, но перевел только половину. 7. Видишь человека за тем столиком? Он на нас смотрит. 8. Ты что-нибудь слы- шишь? - Я слушаю очень внимательно, но ничего не слышу. 9. Чем ты сейчас занимаешься? - Я уже два часа печатаю. 10. Сколько времени ты женат? - Три года.

11. По дороге на работу я обычно встречаю детей, ко- торые идут в школу. 12. Студенты только что ушли. Они находились здесь весь день. 13. Я очень рад, что вы пришли. Вы всегда приносите хорошие новости. 14. Я сегодня много сделал и завтра могу отдыхать. 15. Я очень люблю путешествовать. Я уже побывал во многих городах России. 16. С каких пор вы живете в Москве? - С 1983 года.

Exercise 21. Choose the correct form.

1. I ... my key. I can’t find it anywhere.

a) have lost b) lost

2. .... the news on television last night?

a) have you seen b) did you see

3. I’m looking for Mike. ..... him?

a) Did you see b) Have yoy seen

4. I’m very hungry. I .... anything today.

a) haven’t eaten b) didn’t eat

5. I still don’t know what to do. I .... yet.

a) haven’t decided b) didn’t decide

6. After leaving school, Tim .... it very difficult to find a job.

a) found b) has found

7. Where ...... your husband?

a) have you first met b) did you first meet

8. Is this the first time you ..... soup?

a) have cooked b) cooked

9. I .... taking driving lessons recently.

a) have started b) started

10. When Sue heard the news she .... very pleased.

a) wasn’t b) hasn’t been

11. I’m looking for Paul. ..... him?

a) Did you see b) Have you seen

12. Who ... the wheel?

a) has invented b) invented

13. I work in a bank now. I .... there for a year.

a) have worked b) worked

14. When .... your car?

a) have you bought b) did you buy

15. Look at Mike. He ... a beard!

a) grew b) has grown

16. I haven’t seen Bob since we ... .

a) quarrelled b) have quarrelled

17. You ... a lot of interesting things in your life.

a) have done b) did

18. I like your car. How long ..... it?

a) did you have b) have you had

19. Margaret ... to work yesterday. She wasn’t feeling well.

a) didn’t go b) hasn’t gone

2O. I like your suit. I ... it before.

a) haven’t seen b) didn’t see

Exercise 22. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form: present perfect or past simple.

Model: I (not to meet) John since I (leave) school.

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