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Text 2: Our University

Moscow State University of Railway Engineering is the Russian federal state higher educational institution. It is one of the oldest, largest and the most prestigious transport universities in the country.

Our university is inseparably connected with railway transport and railway construction. Its graduates work in different structures of railway industry which role and importance for Russia cannot be overestimated.

The history of the university dates back to September 1896 when on the command of His Imperial Majesty Nicholas II Moscow Engineering School was founded. Its first students were prepared as specialists of railway track construction. In 1913 Engineering School was reorganized into Moscow Railway Transport Institute. Since 1993 it has become Moscow State University of Railway Engineering.

Now the university consists of nine institutes. They are: the Institute of Rail Operation and Information Technologies, the Institute of Economics and Finance, the Institute of Humanities, the Institute of Complex Safety, Law Institute and others. It also has the Part-Time and the Pre-University Training Faculties. The university comprises the Medical College, the Railway Transport College, the Law College and the gymnasium.

The university provides its students with modern knowledge oriented towards constant and rapid changes in the railway system. The equipment of the classes and laboratories satisfies all the requirements of the modern standards.

Though the university is one of the oldest in Russia it is still growing and developing. It is integrating into the world’s educational and scientific community. New demands to the system of education make the university apply innovative programmes and seek partnership for their implementation.

Today the university is a modern research and educational centre with advanced laboratory facilities for study and qualified staff training. It is one of the few transport universities in Russia with a branched network of departments.

The university carries out great scientific research work. It involves such directions as Information Technologies on transport and traffic safety programmes. Our university actively represents its scientific and educational interests at international forums in Russia and abroad.

*Appendix: № 5

Questions for discussion:

  1. What university do you study at?

  2. Where do its graduates work?

  3. When was the university established?

  4. Who was the founder of the university?

  5. What was the first name of the university?

  6. The first speciality in Engineering School was railway track construction, wasn’t it?

  7. How many institutes does the university consist of? Name some of them.

  8. What facilities for study and qualified staff training are there in the university?

  9. Does the university carry out scientific research work?

  10. What are the main directions of scientific research work?

Text 3: My Study

I am a first-year full-time student of Moscow State University of Railway Engineering. I study at the Institute of Railway Operation and Information Technologies My speciality is Operation and Management on Railway Transport. I have to study for five years to get a diploma and become a specialist.

There I have met a great number of students who come to acquire knowledge and to storm the summits of science.

Our group consists of 30 students. We attend the University 5 days a week. I study a wide range of general subjects such as History, Foreign languages, mathematics, physics and special subjects such as transport engineering and operation management of railways stations, passenger and freight transportation and etc. We have English classes once a week. I’m good at these subjects and hope to be a good specialist. Our classes begin at 8.30 a.m. Every day except Saturday and Sunday we listen to lectures, have seminars and tutorials on various subjects. There are different laboratories where we do research work. I try to miss no classes because they are very important for my study. Many lecturers from different chairs teach us. Teachers try to connect theory with practice experience.

There is a library at students’ disposal and I attend a reading-room in order to do my homework. Our academic year consists of two terms: the first is from September till the end of January and the second term is from February till the end of June. At the end of each term we take test and exams. Those students who pass all exams well get grants. If students pass successfully the exams at the end of the academic year they have an opportunity of going abroad to improve their professional skills and foreign languages according to the Programme of Students’ Exchange.

Some students of our group live in a hostel but I live with my parents. Our university has a Sports centre which offers many training facilities so all my groupmates go in for different kinds of sports. There is a Community Centre not far from the University where I can spend my leisure time. In my spare time I enjoy visiting cinema or theatre, going out with my friends or spend hours by using “chat” services.

At the end of my study I’ll pass final university exams and write a graduate work to get a diploma. The graduates of our university work for different firms and in the sphere of railway transport. In five years I’ll graduate from the University and I hope to get a good job in the sphere of transport communication where I’ll become a highly-qualified specialist.

Questions for discussion:

1. Are you a first-year student of MSURE?

2. What institute do you study at?

3. What is your speciality?

4. How long do you have to study to get a diploma?

5. How many students does your group consist of?

6. What subjects do you study?

7. How many terms does the academic year consist of?

8. Do you live in a hostel?

9. What facilities does MSURE have?

10. Where would you like to work after graduating from the
