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Английский язык.Таможня

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Ex. 5 Find words in the text that follow the verbs below:

a)to submit

b)to classify

c)to apply

d)to assess

e)to ensure

f) to release

g)to put

h)to levy

i)to process

j)to defer

Ex. 6 Insert prepositions.






1) ... is subject


clearance and control














checking and registration

2)... clearance starts






3)... the documents are submitted


the owner

4)... it can be done




different terms
















5)... depending




the company's record














6) ...they pass


to practical examination














7)... the cargo is stored



the warehouse

8)... experts familiar












the risks involved












9)... the reason





customs control

10) ... the cargo is released





















Ex. 7 Put the actions of customs officials in the chronological order and make sentences using these verbs:

to process,

to identify, to clear,

to assess,

to classify,

to examine, to study,

to stamp,

to check, to register,

to levy,

to release,

to apply, to use

Ex. 8 Find in the text the words corresponding to the following definitions:

a)to move things or people from one place to another in a vehicle t

b)a special right that only a small number of people are given


c)a formal written agreement between two people or companies


d)the things that a ship, plane or vehicle carries from one place to another c _

e)when people, companies or countries do business by buying and selling things t

f)an agreement in which you pay a company money and then they pay the costs if


you get ill or have an accident


g) information that you write down and keep so that you can look at it later r

h)a large building for storing materials or things that will be sold w

Ex. 9 Answer the questions:

1 .Why is cargo together with the vehicle subject to customs control? 2.What does the clearance start with?

3.What documents are checked?

4.How must the documents be submitted?

5.For what purpose do customs officials use the Goods Nomenclature?

6. What is taken into account when they assess the amount of duty payable?

7.Must the duties be paid at once?

8.When is paper processing over?

9.What happens if shipment or entry is not authorized?

10.Where is the cargo examined?

11.How is the examination carried out?

12.What if the goods arrive in bad or damaged condition?

13.When can the goods be released from customs control?

Ex. 10 Translate the sentences from Russian into English:

1. По прибытии в страну любое транспортное средство вместе с грузом подлежит таможенному оформлению.

2.Предъявите, пожалуйста, сопроводительные документы на груз.

3.Транспортные средства и грузы проходят оформление в зоне таможенного контроля.

4.Груз обычно сопровождается следующими документами: Грузовая таможенная декларация, инвойс, сертификат происхождения и др.

5.Таможенники используют Товарную Номенклатуру, чтобы классифицировать товар и установить какой тариф применять.

6.Существуют различные способы определения таможенной стоимости, которые применяются при начислении пошлин.

7.Когда мы оформляли свой груз, таможенники не требовали гарантии проведения платежа.

8.После оформления документов на обратной стороне Грузовой таможенной декларации было пять штампов с надписью «ПРОВЕРЕНО».

9.Товар был досмотрен на таможенном складе, и никаких запрещенных товаров не обнаружили.

10.В случае поставки товаров, не соответствующих по качеству и количеству условиям внешнеторгового контракта, таможенники урегулируют ситуацию с поставщиком или перевозчиком данного товара.


11. Когда начальник таможни поставил на документы штамп «ВЫПУСК РАЗРЕШЕН», груз был выпущен из зоны таможенного контроля.

Ex. 11 Get ready to speak on the topic.

Ex. 12 Render the newspaper article.

Smuggling Attempt Prevented

A 24-year-old woman was arTested by СВР officers after they found two undocumented male migrants hidden in a 2006 Dodge she was driving. The woman accompanied by her young son presented a U.S. passport to the officer.

During the primary inspection the officer reached behind the driver's seat and felt a person. The officers escorted the driver and the vehicle into the secondary inspectional area for case processing. There officers discovered a 32-year-old and a 22-

year-old migrants, who were citizens of Mexico.

The migrants and the driver were taken into custody and the vehicle was seized by СВР. The 32-year-old Mexican will be a material witness in the prosecution case. The driver was arrested and transported to the Correctional Center to await arrangement for federal district court charged with alien smuggling. The driver's son was turned over to a family member.


The Infinitive.

Ex. 1 Find in the text examples of the Infinitives. Underline them. Ex. 2 Insert "to" where necessary.

1. The cargo is examined

ensure that the information stated in the documents

is true to the fact.



2. Having used the proper method of customs valuation the officials assess the

amount of duty


be paid.



3. After that the duties are levied and it can


be done on different terms.

4. Depending on the company's previous record and reputation, payment of duty



be deferred.





5. In some cases the Customs may



guarantee the payment.








6. Normally, the cargo is unloaded and stored at the warehouse, the vehicle is enter a parking area.

7 .

speed up the customs clearance customs officials exercise risk assessment.

8.1 think I shall be able

use this new technology.

9. Let me






help you


process the documents.







Ex. 3 Complete the sentences using the Infinitive:

1.To work for the Customs is to . . .

2.When you work for the Customs it is important to . . .


3.Customs officers try to . . .

4.The main thing the passengers should do is to .

5.They apply to the Customs to . . .


transport means

транспортное средство



автотранспортное средство

to clear /

clearance / "CLEARED"

выполнить таможенные



формальности / оформление /




to ensure


обеспечивать, гарантировать,




Cargo Declaration form

Грузовая таможенная декларация

Bill of Lading

коносамент / инвойс




Packing List

поместная спецификация

Insurance Policy

полис страхования

Certificate of Origin

свидетельство о происхождении




to submit


представлять, передавать

to define


давать определение, устанавливать

the Goods Nomenclature

Товарная номенклатура

tariff preferences

льготный тариф

tax privileges

льготное налогообложение

customs valuation

таможенная стоимость

to record

/ record

регистрировать, протоколировать /



запись, протокол, сведения

to defer


откладывать, отсрочивать

to guarantee

гарантировать, обеспечивать

to process


обрабатывать, оформлять

to verify


проверять, подтверждать

personal identification number

личный идентификационный номер



партия груза / отправка



въезд / ввоз

to authorize

разрешать, санкционировать

to attach



a Refusal Note

Уведомление об отказе

to deny /


отрицать, отказывать(ся) / отказ

to release

/ release

освобождать, выпускать /



освобождение, выпуск

risk assessment

оценка риска

to target /


намечать, целиться / цель, мишень


in bad or damaged condition

в плохом или поврежденном



deficient in quantity

в недостаточном количестве






International carriage of cargo by road vehicles involves crossing the borders of one or more countries and passing through customs clearance and control.

To simplify the formalities and to minimize delays at the borders the TIR Convention was signed in 1975 and came into force in 1978.

TIR is the abbreviation for Customs Convention on the International Transportation of Goods. The TIR system allows to replace expensive physical inspection in the countries of transit for checking seals and the external conditions of the vehicle. It contains four main requirements:

(1) With regard to security it requires that goods must be carried in such road vehicles or compartments of containers that no goods can be removed from or introduced into the sealed part of the vehicle without breaking

customs seal.

(2) The second principle is the guarantee system. The system ensures that customs duties and taxes during transit operations are paid at any moment by a

National Guaranteeing Association, if the transport operator cannot be held


(3) The third principle is the TIR Carnet. The goods must be accompanied by an internationally accepted document - Carnet, issued at the check point within the country of departure and serving as a control document at the borders in the countries of departure, transit and destination.

(4) The last principle is the international recognition of customs control measures: when goods are transported under this transit regime, the Customs


office of departure checks the goods, seals the vehicle, reports it in the TIR

Carnet and the cargo is transported without further unloading and inspection in

the countries of departure, transit and destination.

When the cargo arrives at the Customs office of destination, they become responsible for the goods to be transferred to another Customs procedure.

Nowadays the Convention has been signed by more than 50 Contracting Parties. It covers the European Union, North Africa, Near and Middle East, the USA, Canada, Chile and Uruguay. A number of countries in Western and Central Africa and Latin America are also considering the establishment of the TIR system.

Since 1978 the Convention has proved that it is one of the most successful transit systems because it contains provisions for a multi-modal transit regime

in line with modern techniques and requirements and offers transport operators and Customs authorities a simple, cost-effective and safe regime for the international transportation of goods across frontiers.

Working on the text

Ex.l Read and translate the text.

Ex.2 Find in the text the English equivalents of the following:

международные перевозки; автотранспортное средство; задержки на границе; внешнее состояние; основные требования; безопасность; таможенная пломба; система гарантий; международный документ; страна отправления, транзита, назначения; меры таможенного контроля; разгрузка; таможенный режим; стороны, подписавшие конвенцию; перевозчики

Ex. 3 a)Mark the stress in the Russian words and compare it with the English words. Tick the pairs of words with different stressed syllables.

physical физический transit транзит condition кондиция container контейнер guarantee гарантия principle принцип system система


b) Read the English words again.




Ex. 4 Insert prepositions.









1) to carry cargo




road vehicles




2) to come





checking seals


3) to replace inspection












or introduce


the sealed part of vehicle

4) to remove something




5) the duties are paid

a National Guaranteeing Association

6) it serves












a control document




7) to transport goods


transit customs regime


8) the goods must be accompanied


a Carnet


9) the cargo is transported







10) to be responsible


the clearance of goods




















Ex. 5 Make word combinations with the words from the text and the following verbs:

a) to simplify

g) to guarantee

b) to minimize

h) to issue

c) to sign


to check

d) to replace


to establish

e) to contain

k) to offer

f) to break



Ex. 6 Answer the questions:

1)What does TIR stand for?

2)Why was the Convention signed?

3)What is the main advantage of the system?

4)Are there any special requirements in respect of security?


What if transport operator cannot pay the duties during the transit operation?


What document must accompany the cargo while it is transported under the TIR


7) Are the goods checked by the Customs in the countries of transit?

8)Are there many contracting parties to the TIR Convention?

9)Why is the TIR Convention so successful?

Ex.7 Translate the sentences from Russian into English:

1) Главная цель транзитных таможенных систем - обеспечить международные перевозки грузов и обеспечить надежность таможенного контроля.

2) Грузы перевозятся в таких транспортных средствах или контейнерах, которые полностью исключают возможность доступа к перевозимому грузу без видимого нарушения пломб и печатей.


3)Груз должен сопровождать международный карнет TIR, выданный в стране отправления и действительный в качестве контрольного документа в странах транзита и назначения.

4)Таможенные органы могут обращаться в Национальное гарантийное объединение в случае каких-либо нарушений.

5)Меры таможенного контроля, предпринятые в стране отправления, признаются в странах транзита и назначения.

6)К транспортным документам должны прилагаться фотографии транспортного средства с изображением регистрационного номера и пломбы.

7)Информация в карнете TIR представлена на английском и французском языках.

8)Система TIR позволяет увеличить скорость доставки и значительно сократить транспортные расходы, и, таким образом , способствует развитию международной торговли.

Ex.8 Get ready to speak on the topic.

Ex 9. Render the newspaper article.

Customs Officers Seize $1 Million of Cocaine

U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers at the San Luis port of entry stopped almost $1 million in cocaine from being smuggled into the country. СВР officers questioned a 22-year- old man from Mexico driving a 2003 Dodge 2500 truck. During the routine questioning, officers became suspicious of his behavior and answers and decided to thoroughly inspect the vehicle.

During the inspection а СВР narcotics detector dog alerted the odor of narcotics coming from the vehicle, which

led the officers to a compartment built into the dashboard. Officers opened the compartment and discovered 14 packages of cocaine, weighing 16kg. Estimated street value of the narcotics is $924,000.

The driver, a Mexican citizen from Rio Colorado, was immediately arrested and turned over to Immigration and Enforcement agents. The vehicle and narcotics were seized.


Complex Object.

Ex. 1 Complete the sentences using Complex Object.

1.The TIR Convention allows the Customs ...

2.The TIR Convention guarantees the Customs duties ...

3.The customs officials of different countries consider the TIR Convention ...

4. In the countries of departure, transit and destination they consider Carnet...

5. They expect the cargo ...


Ex. 2 Translate the sentences with Complex Object into Russian.

1.The TIR Convention is expected to be signed by some more countries.

2.Transporters of goods want border formalities to be simplified.

3.They saw the violator break the customs seal.

4.The official ordered the documents for the cargo to be checked thoroughly.

5.What made you break the customs regulations?

6.The court declared the person to be guilty of money laundering.


to carry / carriage to simplify

to delay / delay convention

to come into force to replace external condition

to require / requirement compartment

to remove to introduce

to seal / sealed / seal

to break the seal

to guarantee / guarantee association

transport operator country of departure

transit destination

to recognize / recognition to take measures

to transfer customs procedure contracting party to cover cost-effective frontier

перевозить / перевозка упрощать, облегчать задерживать / задержка конвенция вступить в силу заменить внешнее состояние

требовать / требование отделение, помещение, отсек зд. извлекать, перемещать, удалять зд. помещать, вкладывать

опечатывать / опечатанный / печать пломба срывать печать / пломбу


ассоциация компания-перевозчик страна отправления


назначения признавать / признание

принимать меры


перемешать, переводить


таможенный режим


сторона, заключившая договор


зд. охватывать








Лексико-грамматическая контрольная работа №3 III семестр

Свыполняется письменно и сдается преподавателю на проверку)

Task I. Complete the sentences using the Participle of the verb in brackets:

1.(Arrive) from abroad the vehicle is subject to customs control.

2.The documents (check) by the customs officer were in order.

3.The cargo (find) in damaged condition was put apart for examination in the presence of the owner of the goods.

4.(Examine) the cargo the officer-in-charge gave a permit to unloading.

5.No person can remove or alter any seal (place) upon any goods.

6.(Look) through the documents the customs officer noticed some violations.

Task II. Translate the words from Russian into English:

Тариф (1) is a tax взимаемый (2) by a national правительство (3) on goods that are ввозятся (4) or less often exported across the граница (5) of a country or that of a group of countries that have formed а таможенный союз (6). Протекционистские тарифы (7) are designed to protect domestic производство

(8) from foreign конкуренция (9) by raising the цена (10) of the imported товар (11) and restricting imports. Фискальные тарифы (12) are designed to obtain revenue, i.e. to provide a major источник дохода (13) for federal government.

Task III. Open the brackets using Participle II of the verb:

1. The passenger presented the exit permit (to give) by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

2. You should declare the painting (to buy) at the antique shop. 3. Free prices will be used for a (to limit) number of goods.

4. The suitcase (to examine) by the customs officer contained some things liable to duty.

5. Duty (to charge) by weight is calculated of the net weight of the article. 6. Tariffs (design) to obtain revenue are called revenue tariffs.

Task IV. Translate the sentences into English using Complex Object.

1. Капитан корабля полагал, что таможенный контроль будет проведен через несколько минут.

2.Она наблюдала, как мужчина срывал пломбы без разрешения руководства.

3.Таможенникам хотелось, чтобы несопровождаемый груз был отправлен как можно скорее.

4.Я не хочу, чтобы моя компания несла потери.

5.Когда я поднялся на борт корабля, я увидел, как таможенник проверяет личные вещи пассажира.