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Английский язык.Таможня

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Вакцинация против

Vaccination against



Подписавшийся ветеринарный врач подтверждает, что собака, указанная на стр.2 (на фото) настоящего паспорта, была им вакцинирована против бешенства и что перед вакцинацией она была подвергнута клиническому обследованию и признана здоровой.

The undersigned declares herewith that he earned out vaccination against rabies of the Dog described on page 2 and the vaccinated animal was examined clinically prior to inoculation and found to be healthy.


Вид вакцины

Подпись ветеринарного врача и печать


Vaccine used

Signature and stamp of veterinary surgeon

ВЕТЕРИНАРНОЕ УДОСТОВЕРЕНИЕ Собака, указанная на стр.2 настоящего паспорта, в день выдачи этого удостоверения была мной

обследована, и у нее не было установлено ни инфекционного заболевания, ни симптомов инфекционного



На протяжении последних

месяцев перед выдачей настоящего ветеринарного свидетельства не

было сигнализировано ни одного случая заболевания бешенством ни в месте содержания животного, ни в

его окрестностях в радиусе










On the date issue of this certificate of health I examined the Dog described on page 2 and found no signs or symptoms of contagious disease. There have been no certified cases of rabies in the locality of origin or within a

radius of





Официальная печать


Подпись государственного ветеринарного





Official stamp



Signature of State Veterinary Surgeon

Ex. 11 Get ready to speak on the topic.

Ex. 12 Read the text and answer the question:

What problem does the article focus on?

Exotic Animals Abduction on

Missing marmosets, alligators, penguins: thieves are targeting Europe's Zoos and safari parks to supply animal collectors who want to own more exotic species. They are harming animals and adding to flourishing illegal trade in exotic birds and animals.

We live in a designer world and people are not satisfied any more with a canary. The more exotic or endangered the animal, the higher the price. British zoos have suffered a major theft every week for the past seven years involving dozens of animals worth thousands of dollars. For

example, one rare hyacinth macaw is worth $45,000.

Zoo thefts made headlines last when a 3-month-old penguin Toga was stolen from Amazon World Zoo Park. He was never found. His parents Kyala and Oscar mourned the loss for several weeks. The manager of the Park thinks that Toga must have been stolen to order by professionals.

But the problem is that you need to know how to handle and care for them or they may die.

Many zoos are n o w increasing security and some are tagging and chipping their animals.




Ex.1 Translate the sentences using modal verbs.

1.Товар, должно быть, повредили при разгрузке.

2.Не может быть, чтобы он был контрабандистом.

3.Таможеннику не пришлось вызывать владельца груза: капитан смог ответить на все вопросы.

4.Боюсь, вы не можете провезти эту сумку как ручную кладь. Вам придется ее сдать.

5.- Должен ли я декларировать личные вещи? - Нет, не нужно.

6.Нельзя нарушать таможенные правила. Вы можете быть оштрафованы или привлечены к уголовной ответственности.

7.Вам не следует спорить с таможенником. Вы обязаны заплатить пошлину.

8.Ей пришлось изучить много документов, прежде чем она смогла начать работать декларантом.

9.Я не смогла взять с собой собаку, так как ветеринарный сертификат был недействителен.

Ex.2 Translate into English using appropriate verb forms.

1.Ввоз таких товаров подлежит запрету.

2.Если вы не уплатите пошлину сейчас, товар останется на складе на все выходные и праздничные дни.

3.Как давно вы работаете в таможне?

4.В данный момент мы изымаем контрабандные товары.

5.Для чего создаются свободные зоны?

6.При въезде и выезде из страны пассажиры заполняют въездные и выездные декларации.

7.Современные технологии используются в международных аэропортах для контроля пассажиров и их багажа.

8.Если вы не везете запрещенные товары, вы пойдете через зеленый канал.

9.Инспектор проверил паспорт и визу пассажира и задал вопрос о цели его визита.







полезный для здоровья


клетка, контейнер









окружающей среды

(дождь, ветер,

to provide





to own / owner

владеть / владелец


to carry / carrier

перевозить / перевозчик


домашнее животное


to comply with

выполнять требования

to obtain









to require / requirement

требовать /требование




to vaccinate / vaccination

делать прививку / прививка

to undergo

подвергаться, переносить

valid / invalid



veterinary / veterinarian = vet.




ветеринарный / ветеринар


здоровый, пригодный, готовый


инфекционный, заразный

to breed / breed

болезнь, заболевание


to delay / delay

выводить, разводить / порода


задерживать / задержка

in effect



to confirm



to purchase







судебное преследование


Лексико-грамматическая контрольная работа №2 II семестр

(выполняется письменно и сдается преподавателю на проверку)

Task I. Put these questions into reported speech.

Model: "Where do you work?" - They asked me where I worked. "

1 ."What is there inside this bag?"

2."How long are you planning to stay in this country?"

3."Why did you try to misrepresent this article?"

4."Have you declared all your currency?"

5."Can you write in block letters?"

6."Do you know the duty and tax free allowance for the goods being brought into our country?"

Task II. Put the dialogue into reported speech using "Customs officer asked (said)

... " and "Passenger answered ... "

Customs officer: May I have a look at your visa?

Passenger: Here it is.

C: What a nice dog. Is it going with you?

P:Yes, he is the best companion in the world. He never complains, never bothers me, never snores at night.

С: I think it is a sheep-dog and he is about three years old.

P:Yes, you are right. I see that you know a lot about dogs.

C:Well, I'm not a connoisseur of dogs but I have got one myself. Do you have a vet.certificate for your dog?

P:A veterinary certificate?

C:Yes. According to our rules no dog or cat may be allowed entry without a license.

P:Well, I have always thought that customs people deal mostly with smugglers and terrorists, not with dogs. It has never occurred to me that such a nice and clever dog as my little Paul should need any license or whatever you call it.

C:Oh, it is understandable. But such are our rules.

P:Now, what am I to do?

C:Calm down please, madam. Since you say you don't have a veterinary certificate, I'll have to call a vet. He will examine your dog.

P:Don't forget that I'm in a hurry.

C:You don't have to hurry. You can leave your baggage at the left-luggage office. It is open all day.


Task III. Match the following terms with their definitions:

1. Customs duty

a) breaking of customs regulations.


Customs officer

b) the form a passenger must fill in leaving the country.


Customs house

c) premises where the Customs is situated.


Customs violation

d) an official working for the customs.


Exit declaration

e) goods which are not allowed to be brought in or taken


Prohibited goods

out of the country.

f) the country which is going to be the final place of


Country of destination

your trip abroad.

g) duty paid for import / export operations.


X-ray machine

h) equipment used for checking passengers' baggage.

Task IV. Translate these short dialogues from Russian into English:

1.- Чем могу Вам помочь?

-Мне нужно позвонить в авиакомпанию и получить информацию о прибытии самолета из Парижа.

-Пройдите в зал прибытия, пожалуйста. Вы сможете получить там всю необходимую информацию.

2.- Не могли бы вы поставить Ваши вещи в гентгенаппарат.

-Но у меня только эта дорожная сумка и она уже проверена.

-Минуточку, сэр. Вы что-то уронили.

3.- Извините, инспектор, какие документы я должен иметь, чтобы пройти

таможенный контроль?

- Позвольте мне взглянуть, что у Вас есть. Возможно, у Вас есть все необходимые документы.

Task V. Translate the words from Russian into English:

When the passenger enters / leaves the country he must fill in an въездную / выездную декларацию (1) which должна быть представлена (2) to the customs officer. All the points of the declaration form must be answered in полными (3) words in печатными (4) letters. The passenger is to fill in his name, гражданство (5), из какой страны прибыл (6), в какую страну следует (7), цель (8) of his visit. The passenger must also declare all подлежащие обложению пошлиной (9) articles. Предметы личного пользования (10) may be brought in or taken out duty free. Money not declared and таким образом (11) сокрытые (12) from the customs control подлежат (13) to конфискации (14) as smuggling. The нарушение (15) of currency regulations is the уголовное преступление (16).


Task VI. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1. При въезде и выезде из страны пассажир не может покинуть таможенную зону, пока не будут выполнены определенные формальности.

2. Въездная декларация сохраняется пассажиром на протяжении всего пребывания в Российской Федерации и за границей.

3.При утере декларация не возобновляется.

4.Предметы личного пользования ввозятся и вывозятся беспошлинно.

5.Запрещенные или ограниченные к ввозу / вывозу предметы обычно изымаются.

6.Во время прохождения таможенного контроля таможенник посчитал ветеринарный сертификат недействительным, т.к. он был выдан за три недели до отъезда.




One of the main duties of the Customs Service is to prevent the traffic of smuggling. Smuggled goods can enter the country together with passengers,

cargo or with the means of conveyance.

Smuggling is the unlawful bringing in or taking out of the country of prohibited, restricted or dutiable articles. Sometimes the articles are misrepresented or their value is stated false in order to evade paying duties and taxes. Such actions are also considered illegal. Storage or sale of smuggled

articles on the territory of the country is forbidden by law.

There are other customs violations connected with smuggling: money laundering, commercial fraud, corruption, copyright and trademark infringements, etc.

The most common objects of smuggling are: currency, drugs, jewelry, precious metals and stones, antiques, arms and ammunition, exotic animals, counterfeit goods, intellectual property, and people.

Smugglers use different places of concealment, for example, inside pockets, double (false) bottoms and sides of bags, toys, souvenirs, books, shoe heels, belts. Sometimes smugglers swallow prohibited articles and carry them


inside the body. Means of transport also have many hollow places and inaccessible (hard to reach) areas.

Since methods of smuggling are becoming more and more sophisticated the Customs has to develop new effective methods of detecting cases of contraband.

At numerous ports of entry customs officers exercise inspections of passengers, cargo and means of conveyance. In some cases a Personal Search may be carried out. Nowadays they use such high-tech equipment as X-ray screening systems, metal detectors, flexible fiber-scopes, density meters, remote operated cameras, mirror kits etc. Drug-detector dogs are of much help in the fight against the traffic of drugs and explosives. Some countries are known to use biometric scanning technology to check criminal record database.

A person who is found guilty of smuggling may be punished by a fine or taken to court. Smuggled goods are confiscated and turned into Federal

property. In some countries drug trafficking entails death penalty.

There is no class distinction between smugglers. They have included people

of different ages, professions and social positions.

Working on the text

Ex. 1 Read and translate the text

Ex. 2 . Find in the text the English equivalents of the following:

поток контрабанды; незаконный ввоз/вывоз; уплата пошлин и налогов; хранение и продажа; таможенные правонарушения; место сокрытия; интеллектуальная собственность; труднодоступные места; методы обнаружения контрабанды; высокотехнологичное оборудование; собаки, обученные находить наркотики; штраф; федеральная собственность; смертная казнь

Ex. 3 Insert prepositions if necessary.

1) to enter



the country

and taking

2) the unlawful bringing


3) is forbidden




















4) to evade





paying duties


5) to find guilty

















6) to punish





a fine








7) to take






g)to turn


federal property

9) to entail



death penalty

Ю) to fight





Ex. 4 Match the verbs to their definitions:

to restrict, to smuggle, to swallow, to prevent, to evade, to confiscate, to punish,

to conceal, to misrepresent, to prohibit

1)to stop something from happening or to stop someone from doing something

2)not to pay money that you must pay

3)to limit something

4)to describe something in the wrong way or to give false information about something

5)to do something unpleasant to someone because they have done something illegal or wrong

6)when someone in authority take your things away from you

7)to make food or drink go down your throat and into your stomach

8)when people in authority do not allow it

9)to secretly bring something or someone into a country when it is illegal to do it

10)to hide something

Ex. 5 Match to make word combinations. Use them to complete the sentences.




























1)He has been found guilty of

2)Drug dealers may face ...

3)A lot of money was spent on the ... of the new checkpoint.

Ex. 6 Fill in the gaps with proper words and expressions

1. One of the main

of the Customs service is

the traffic of




can enter the country together with passengers, cargo or with

3. Smuggling is the


of the country of






Sometimes the articles are

or their

is stated


in order












5. Such actions are also considered










of smuggled articles on the territory of the country is

by law.

7. There are other

connected with smuggling:






8. The most common







metals and



, arms and




exotic animals,

property, etc.





9. Smugglers use different places of

, for example, inside pockets,



bottoms and sides of bags, toys, souvenirs, books, shoes, etc.





10. Methods of smuggling are becoming more and more





11. Customs officers


of passengers, cargo and means of conveyance at

the ....

of entry.











12. Nowadays they use such


equipment as

systems, metal

, flexible







mirror kits, etc.






13. A person who is


of smuggling may be

by a


or taken to

14. Smuggled goods are


and turned into federal property .





Ex. 7 Read the texts and complete the chart below.

a) Heroin Confiscated

Russian border guards and customs officers at Sheremetyevo airport seized more than 2kg of heroin from a Pakistany tourist. The man's documents aroused the suspicions of passport control officers. Customs officers searched his baggage and found the heroin between double sides of his suitcase. The amount is worth $200,000 on the black market.

b) Hippy Chick

A German woman was arrested at Waterloo International Terminal with a kilo of cocaine worth £130,000 strapped to her hips. She was stopped by officers on her arrival and later she was jailed for two and a half years.

c) Icon Smuggler Arrested

A Latvian man was arrested after Russian customs officers discovered 65 ancient icons hidden in his car as he tried to cross the border. Experts are trying to determine the age and value of the icons.

e) Ivory Seized From Korean

Customs officials at Moscow international airport seized 537 kg of ivory (elephant tusks) found in the luggage which belonged to the wife of North Korean diplomat. Most countries forbid the export or import of ivory.

f) Customs Catch

Moscow customs officials have confiscated more than $70,000 from a US citizen after she tried to smuggle the currency into Ukraine. The money was carried in the inside pockets of her coat. The woman has been detained and a criminal case has been filed.

g) Cat Dodgers' Fine .. .£ 1,500

Tree French students, who smuggled two cats into Britain in their car. were each fined £500 under the anti-rabies laws. But the tourists had only £102 on them when they were arrested. Now they face thirty days in jail unless the French Consul agrees to pay the balance of the fine.

d) Spaniard's Full Tank

A Spanish motorist has been jailed for eight months after customs officers found 7 kg of 100% pure cocaine hidden in a fuel tank of his car. His smuggling bid was stopped by drug detector dog Josh who gave a positive identification after which officers searched the car.

h) Human Trafficking Charges

Moscow prosecutors charged 7 men with a scheme to smuggle people into Europe where they were forced into prostitution. Up to 20 people were involved into criminal group, which was headed by an army officer.



object of

place of






















Ex. 8 Say what you can remember about:



1)one of the main duties of the customs

2)the ways smuggled goods can enter the country

3)the actions that are regarded as smuggling

4)customs violations connected with smuggling

5)the most common objects of smuggling

6)the most common places of concealment

7)methods of detecting cases of contraband

8)high-tech equipment that customs officers use

9)the way people are punished for smuggling

Ex.9 Translate the sentences from Russian into English:

1. Контрабанда может доставляться в страну пассажирами, а также посредством грузов и транспортных средств.

2.Хранение и продажа контрабанды должны быть запрещены законом.

3.Ты можешь не указывать в декларации личные вещи.

4.Существуют различные таможенные правонарушения, связанные с контрабандой: отмывание денег, коррупция, нарушение прав интеллектуальной собственности и др.

5.При проведении таможенного досмотра используются различные виды оборудования : сканеры, металлоискатели, видеокамеры на гибких штативах, камеры с дистанционным управлением, наборы зеркал и др.

6.В транспортных средствах есть зоны, недоступные для визуального осмотра.

7.Контрабандисты могут использовать различные места сокрытия.

8.Незаконный ввоз и вывоз в страну запрещенных, ограниченных к вывозу и ввозу или облагаемых пошлиной предметов, называется контрабандой.

9.Одной из основных задач таможенников должно быть предотвращение провоза контрабанды.

10.Лицо, признанное виновным в провозе контрабанды, может быть подвергнуто штрафу или привлечено к уголовной ответственности.

Ex. 10 Get ready to speak on the topic.