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The Article with parts of the body

Exercise 41, p. 147: Study the patterns.

She has a weak heart.

The heart of the patient needs an operation.

When the heart stops, the man dies.

Don't take the news close to heart.

Exercise 42, p.147-148: Fill in the blanks with the words given in brackets with an appropriate article (where necessary).

1. (i) You can hear — of this announcer every day on the radio. (ii) She speaks in — pleasant — with a slight accent. (voice). 2. (i) The student must always keep a dictionary close at — . (ii) We shook —. ___ she gave me was dry and cold. It was — small — for an athletic-looking person. (hand). 3. (i) — of the woman looks familiar to me. (ii) A boy with — sunburnt — , a rucksack on his back, stood in front of me. (face). 4. (i) The child had big blue eyes and — turned up — . (ii) ___ of the elephant is called the trunk. (nose). 5. (i) He had __ of a thinker (ii). The boy has __ good ___ on his shoulders. (iii) Who is at ___ of the expedition? (head). 6. (i) You don’t have to learn the text by ___, just retell it in your own words. (ii) She has ____ good___ for a woman her age (heart).

Exercise 43, p. 148: Make up sentences of your own on the chart with the nouns 'mouth’, 'eye', 'ear', 'foot'.

Exercise 44, p. 148. Fill in the blanks with the definite article or a possessive pronoun.

1. The old man put — hand on — shoulder of his grandson and they slowly walked away. 2. The doctor took the sick man by — hand and felt ___pulse. 3. Take the child by — hand when crossing the street. 4. I was watching — face of the man, — face was red with anger. 5. The boatman pulled the man out of the water by — hair. 6. — hair is golden, like her mother's. 7. I looked at the man sitting in front of me. __ neck was strong, it was — neck of a boxer. 8. She liked —face; it was — face of a man who knew his mind. 9. He gave the door a hard push with — shoulder. 10. The singer was famous not only for___ voice, he was a fine actor as well. 11. — voice behind the closed door asked us what we wanted. 12. He put — foot in the door and it wouldn't close.

The Article with proper names

Exercise 48, p. 173: Watch the use of the article with proper names. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1.Mr Brown called while you were out. 2. The local museum has a Cezanne and several Van Goghs. 3. There are two Marys in the family, mother and daughter. 4. The Browns are our next-door neighbours now. 5. Who is the Lobachevsky of our times? 6. He is no longer the argumen­tative John he used to be. 7. He drives a Bentley. 8. This writer has the style of a Dickens.

Exercise 49, p. 173: Insert articles.

1. He felt like — Columbus on his way to an unknown land. 2. I don't know anybody who could afford to buy — Repin. 3. The young writer has the humour of — J. K. Jerome. 4. Are you — Anne Bolton whose picture is in today's paper? 5. She is not exactly — Cleopatra, yet a very beautiful girl. 6. He had just enough money to buy — second-hand Ford. 7. I know as much about him as you do; he is — Mr. Kingsley. 8. Now she no longer looks like — Jane you used to go to school with. 9. This promising scientist is — Lomonosov of our times.

Exercise 50, p. 173: Translate the following into English.

1. У них “Волга”. 2. Тебя спрашивал какой-то Иванов. 3. О нем много говорят, как о новом Чайковском. 4. Интересно, сколько сейчас стоит картина Пикассо? 5. Москва сегодня сильно отличается от Москвы, какой она была даже 30 лет тому назад. 6. Мне надо на­вестить Петровых, пока они не уехали на дачу. 7. Вы упомянули какого-то Степанова. Это не тот Степанов, который собирается присоединиться к нашей туристской группе? 8. У него прекрасный стиль, он, можно сказать, современный Тургенев. 9. Кого из наших поэтов вы назовете Маяковским наших дней?

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