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XI. Напишите аннотацию к тексту текст c social services and the church

As Russia undergoes a period of lost ideals and spiritual degradation, one of the way to revive the community’s spiritual life can be found in a closer cooperation between the Church and social pedagogues and workers.

The project can also benefit from the public’s growing religious awareness, a process which is likely to continue in future. The Church's social activities have more and more influence on various aspects of our social life. That is why there is a great amount of practical and academic interest in what we can learn from traditions created by a national institution which has many centuries of experience in social activities, i.e. the Church. For over a thousand years, the Church has been an influence on every day life and released social tensions by words of wisdom and charity. By helping those in grief, the Church helps the community to live in peace and harmony. After seventy years of administrative purges and bans, the Church is now free to exert its influence over various spheres: education, culture, politics, economy and charity.

All this makes all important the program «Religion as a Factor of Harmonizing Social Relations». Under the program, the Church is to play an important role in social life. However, Russia a country of various religions, the program takes into account the influence exercised by other religions. The program focuses on extensive studies of the practice of social activities performed by religious organizations, and their present typical features. It is also aimed at developing theoretical and practical recommendations and models of cooperation between social services and spiritual arms in various regions.

The research project is to help establish more extensive ties with church institutions and religious communities in the country. As a result, it will give an additional impetus to such contacts between social pedagogues and scientists, on the one hand, and the clergy and religious people, on the other, enriching them with new concepts and forms of cooperation.

XII. Подготовьте устное высказывание об истории социальной работы (10-15 предложений). Unit 3 social services

I. Прочитайте и выучите новые термины и терминологические сочетания

allowance – необлагаемый налогом минимум пособия, выплачиваемый на детей и иждивенцев

children’s allowance – государственное пособие многодетным семьям

cost-of-living allowance – индексация заработной платы в связи с изменением прожиточного минимума

exclusion allowance – часть пособия, не облагаемая налогом

family allowance – государственное пособие многодетным семьям

housing allowance – пособие, выделяемое на оплату жилья

prenatal allowance – пособие по беременности и родам

retirement allowance – пенсия (по выходу в отставку)

benefit – пенсия, пособие

cash benefit – денежное пособие

disability benefit – пособие по инвалидности

inkind benefit – пособие в натуральной форме

insurance benefit – страховое пособие

maternity benefit – пособие, выделяемое в связи с рождением ребёнка

medical benefit – пособие по болезни

public assistance benefit – пособие по государственному социальному обеспечению

sick benefit – пособие по болезни

social benefits – пособия по социальному обеспечению

social security benefits – пособия по социальному обеспечению

social service benefits – пособия по социальному обеспечению

social welfare benefits – пособия по социальному обеспечению

survivors’ benefit – пособие в связи с потерей кормильца

unemployment benefit – пособие по безработице

unemployment-compensation benefit – пособие по безработице

insurance – страхование

insurance scheme – схема страхования

payments – выплаты

insurance payments – страховые выплаты

unemployment – безработица

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