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III. Writing a summary

To summarize an essay, article, or book, you should not include your own thoughts on the matter, but describe the essay as objectively as possible, whether you agree with it or not, though you may suggest what you think the author is up to, what their agenda or strategy is, at the conclusion of the summary. Try to use pertinent quotations by the author, working them in gracefully where appropriate. Also, any important or conspicuous words, phrases, or terms should be put in quotation marks.

You can model your summary on the structure of the original, keeping the size of your paragraphs in roughly the same proportion as the paragraphs of the original. But you do not need to follow the author's organization slavishly. You might want to use your own organization based upon what you think the point of the essay is. A good summary of something is a critique of it because it makes explicit what has only been implicit. Understanding an argument is halfway work toward refuting or confirming it, so summary is a crucial first step toward using information, expertise, or opinion. It is essential that you read about paraphrasing, summarizing, and quoting in your handbook before you begin your summary. You must understand the differences between paraphrase, quotation, and plagiarism.

So a summary is intended to highlight objectively the main points of another writer's work. Although written in your own words, the summary does not include your opinions of the piece you are considering. Since the summary eliminates those details that are not needed to convey the major points, it is naturally shorter than the original. In general, a summary is from one fourth to one half the length of the original.

The problem we all face when attempting to summarize a piece of writing is figuring out what to include and what to leave out. Below are some tips on how to choose material to include in your summary.

  • Cross out the less important details.

  • Underline topic sentences and key ideas.

  • Take notes on those key ideas--jot down the information that clarifies the topic sentence, for example.

When you summarize, you might try following these steps:

  • Read the piece for understanding first. Never summarize as you read the article for the first time.

  • Before you begin to write, check the topic sentences and key words (words that are underlined, italicized, or capitalized). These will clue you in on main ideas.

  • Jot down the organization of the original and follow that pattern in your summary.

  • Check your summary to be sure you have been objective. Your opinions are not part of the original

  • Check your summary to be sure that you have properly documented any words or phrases that you have taken from the original.

  • Identify your summary and its source. Some instructors will ask that you do this as part of the title of the piece; others will request a footnote.

Dr. William Greenway

Youngstown State University


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