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Herbert Chen - Success in Academic Surgery - 2012.pdf
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Chapter 13. Setting Up a “Lab” 209

Describe the job and the work atmosphere you want to create.

Ask open-ended questions.

Ask questions which require descriptive answers that are neither right nor wrong.

Sample questions include

What was their greatest contribution during their time in the laboratory?

Why is this person leaving?

Is he or she reliable?

Would you rehire this person?

What are this person’s strengths and weaknesses?

What are you most disappointed in with respect to this person?


Conduct a Structured Interview

According to the book Making the Right Moves: A Practical Guide to Scientific Management for Postdocs and New Faculty one should watch out for the following red flags during the interview process.

Unwillingness to accept responsibility for a poor outcome

Complaining about previous supervisor, peer, or subordinate

Demanding privileges not given to others

Delaying answering questions, challenging your questions, or avoiding answering them all together (Humor and sarcasm can be tools to avoid answering questions)

Anger or frustration during the interview

Incongruence between what you hear and what you see (e.g., downcast eyes and slouching are not signs of an eager, assertive candidate)

Trying to control the interview and otherwise behaving inappropriately

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