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Oxford University

Oxford University was founded in the 12th century as an aristocratic university and has remained so to the present day. The University consists of 32 colleges – 27 colleges for men and 5 colleges for women. There are 16 faculties there. Each college is a completely autonomous body, governed by its own laws. A large college has about 500 students, a small one – about a hundred.

The term of studies lasts for 10 weeks. There are three terms in the Oxford academic year.

Within the first week the freshman meets his tutor who tells the student about his plans, the lectures which he must take, about the requirements for the examination which he will take, about the course of reading for him. Attendance at lectures is not compulsory. Once every week each undergraduate goes to his tutor to read out an essay which he has written and discuss this essay with the tutor.

At the beginning or end of each term the progress of the students is tested by the college examinations.

They pay great attention to athletics at the University. The students are engaged in different kinds of sports, take part in competitions between Oxford and Cambridge Universities.

This is how a student spends his day. His working hours are from 9 a.m. to 1p.m. At 9 o`clock he sees his tutor or goes to the library, or attends lectures. From 2p.m. to 5p.m. he is engaged in sports. From 5p.m. to 7p.m. he works in the library or laboratory. At 7 o`clock they have dinner-time. After dinner the students have club activities.

By 10 o`clock the students must be in the college, as most of the students live in the college, only some of them live in lodgings in the town.

The doors of Oxford University are not open to all. The majority of the students are graduates of private schools, so Oxford University remains an aristocratic university to the present day.


  1. college– высшее учебное заведение, в котором учатся 3 года и получают специальное образование (техническое, гуманитарное, медицинское и др.) Колледж может существовать как самостоятельная единица, а также может входить в состав университета.

  2. university– вуз, состоящий из колледжей различных специальностей (срок обучения 3 года). Выпускник получает степень бакалавра.

  3. remain– оставаться

  4. consist(of) – состоять(из)

  5. autonomousbody– самостоятельное заведение (орган)

  6. govern– управлять

  7. termof studies – курс обучения

term – семестр

  1. within – в течение

  2. freshman– первокурсникundergraduate– студент, учащийся вуза (университета или университетского колледжа)

  3. tutor– в английских университетах – это преподаватель, ведущий практические занятия; он следит за учебой и дисциплиной студентов

  4. requirements –требования

  5. attendance at lectures is not compulsory – посещение лекций необязательно

  6. essay– эссе (отчет студента о проделанной работе)

  7. the progress is tested – успехи проверяются

  8. pay attention to –уделять внимание

  9. beengagedin– быть занятым чем-либо

  10. takepert(in) – принимать участие (в)

  11. takeclubactivities– участвовать в работе кружка

  12. live in lodgings –снимать комнату

  13. majority of –большинство

Выберите правильный вариант, прочтите и переведите предложение:

1. Oxford University was founded (in the 11th century; in the 12th century).

2. The University consists of (32; 27) colleges.

3. The Oxford academic year consists of (3; 2) terms.

4. The tutor tells the freshman about (the requirements for the examinations which he will take; the undergraduates of the University).

5. (Once a term; twice a term) the undergraduates take examinations.

6. Attendance at lectures is (compulsory; not compulsory).

7. (At the end of the term; once every week) each student reads out his essay to his tutor and discusses it with him.

8. During the working day from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. a student (meets his tutor, works in the library or in the laboratory; has club activities, debating societies).

9. The majority of the students of Oxford University are (children of the working people; children of the wealthy).

Упр. 3. Прочитайте текст и подготовьте сообщение об учебе в Московском финансово-юридическом университете.