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8. Укажете, капе вредложеввв соответствуют содержанию текста. Под­твердите стен ответы фактами вэ текста.

I.It should be noted that the demands for goods and services are limited.

244 Unit 10

  1. Every economic system must answer three fundamental economic questions.

  2. Socio-economic goals include full employment and growth.

  3. As a rule, land, labour and capital are considered active resources and are not mentioned in the text.

  4. The text gives some information on macroeconomics as well as on microeconomics.

  5. It is common to speak of only the three principal types of economic systems — market, centrally-directed and mixed eco­ nomies.

  6. All modern economies are free-market.

  7. Scarce resources can be allocated among users without markets.

  8. Вы прослушали лекцию о некоторых основных принципах экономиче­ ской системы. В конце лекции профессор решил побеседовать с группой. От­ ветьте на его вопросы. Используйте выражения: /я ту opinion. I think. I suppose. In fact. As Is known.

l.Why is scarcity considered to be the basic principle of economics?

  1. Can you name the main types of economic systems and explain how they differ?

  2. Why are modern economies a mixture?

  3. What are the fundamental economic questions and what does each of the questions mean?

  4. Can you remember the definition of economics? What is it?

  5. Is efficiency the only economic goal?

  6. What is meant by economic resources?

S.You know that economics operates on two levels. What are these levels called and what do they deal with?

9. What definitions can you give to?

10. Найдите в правой колонке определения к следующим словам:

1. consumption a) Limited resources for production

relative to the wants for goods and services.

2. inflation b) A place where potential sellers of a

good or services make contact with potential buyers.

3. market c) The use of resources to meet

current needs and desires.

4. saving d) A general increase in the level of


5. Scarcity e) Income that is not spent.

Unit 10


  1. Найдите в тексте А и переведите предложения, в которых употребля­ ются: 1) сложноподчиненные предложения (дополнительные, определительные, обстоятельственные с союзами и без союзов); 2) причастные обороты; 3) гла­ голы-сказуемые в страдательном залоге.

  2. Закончите предложения подходящими по смыслу словами из текста.

  1. Generally speaking, the most basic problem economics is concerned with is .... It means that ....

  2. The three fundamental economic questions every economic system must answer are ... .

  3. At the same time it is necessary to take into account the main types of economic systems. They are ....

  4. It should be stressed that there are four primary economic goals that a society aims to achieve. They are ....

  5. Economic resources are means of producing an output of goods and services. They include ....

  1. Economics operates on two levels, ... and ... .

  1. In free-market economies all decisions about resource allocation are made by ... .

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