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Rendering Traveling.doc
55.3 Кб

1. Match the following English equivalents with the underlined expressions from the text:

result of cooperation; statement of purpose; health resort; enter hotel business; skyscraper; single owner; distinctive feature; the gem; jewelry company; participation; fluctuations; premium quality; Chairman of the Board; to be estimated; to undertake; parties; to strengthen the image; chain of hotels; Middle East; joint project; annual turnover.

2. Complete the following sentences:

1) Giorgio Armani and Mohammad Al Ababa are reported to have signed…

2) According to the agreement Armani is going to........

3) The new chain of hotels is targeted at..................

4) Another premium brand Bulgari is planning to...............

5) Armani’s name is a symbol of...........

6) Dubai Armani Hotel is going to provide a lot of facilities, including:......

3. Revise Passive Voice .Translate the following sentences into English:

1) Проект рассчитан на срок от пяти до семи лет.

2) Проект оценивается в $1 млрд.

3) По условиям этого договора до 2012 г. планируется создать семь отелей, первый из которых открывается в Милане этой весной.

4) Имя Armani ассоциируется с элегантностью, современным стилем и, прежде всего с высочайшим качеством.

4. Analyze the text according to the following directons:

1. Formulate the main problem of the article

2. Give an outline of the text

3. Identify the main ideas of each part- the topic sentence(s)

4. Develop these ideas using examples and supporting information

5. Make a summary of the text

6. Express your own opinion on the problem discussed in the article

5. Render the text according to the following plan:

  • Introduction

  • Main body

  • Conclusion

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