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5. The Wireless.doc
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5.2 Notes to the Text

As was often the case – как это часто бывало

died an early death – рано умер

5.3 Words and word combinations to be remembered

To assemble – собирать

audible – слышимый

communication – связь

contemporary (adj) – современный; (n) – современник

to declare – заявлять

detection – обнаружение, распознавание

to elapse – протекать, проходить

initial – начальный

to install – устанавливать

location – обнаружение, местонахождение

microwave – микроволновый

to overcome (overcame, overcome) – преодолевать

to overestimate – переоценивать

propagation – распространение

radio set – радиоприёмник

reflection – отражение

to sail – плавать (о корабле)

scanning – сканирование, поиск

sea – море, морской

to transmit – передавать

to undergo (underwent, undergone) – подвергать (ся)

on the contrary – напротив

to hold a meeting – устраивать собрание

threekilometresapart– находящиеся в трех километрах друг от друга

5.4 Exercises

5.4.1 Give Russian equivalents to the following words without using a dictionary

antenna pulse

apparatus radio engineering

electro–magnetic sort

gram telegram

patent telegraph

5.4.2 Read and translate the text

5.4.3 Answer the following questions on the text

1. When did A.S.Popov live? 2. Were the contemporary theories of electricity known to Popov? 3. What kind of apparatus did Popov succed in constructing? 4. What did Popov do to increase the range of operation of his receiver? 5. Where was Popov allowed to demonstrate his device? 6. How was Popov going to perfect his device? 7. What did he attach to his apparatus to transmit signals? 8. When was Popov's new apparatus tested? 9. What did the test prove? 10. What was the new apparatus used for? 11. Where did Popov expect the wireless apparatuses to be used? 12. Was it important to install wireless telegraph apparatuses on ocean–going ships? 13. Were wireless telegraph apparatuses a reliable means of communication? 14. Who assisted Popov in constructing an apparatus capable of receiving audible signals? 15. How was the usefulness of radio telegraph proved? 16. What was Admiral Makarov's opinion about the usefulness of the radio telegraph for the Navy? 17. What was Popov offered by foreign commercial companies? 18. Why did Popov decline this offer? 19. When did A.S.Popov die? 20. What does the word "radar" mean? 21. What are the basic principles of radar?

5.4.4 Translate the following sentences Analyse the forms and functions of the infinitive

1. We know Popov to have demonstrated his device at a meeting held at St.Petersburg University in 1895. 2. He expected the audience to realize the advantages of his device as an apparatus for transmitting signals. 3. Scienists and military men present at the sitting believed the new device to be efficient. 4. They suggested Popov to perfect it by increasing the range of its action. 5. Having explained the principle of operation of his device, Popov asked them to watch its operation attentively. 6. He wanted them to get an idea of how rapid electric oscillations could be used for transmitting signals. 7. Popov made his new device serve two purposes: to send signals and record the received signals. 8. We suppose Popov to have been working very hard at the problem of radio communication. 9. When the apparatus was tested on battleships, the observers could hear and see the device successfully perform both functions, namely, sending and receiving audible signals. 10. Thus Popov made the Naval authorities believe in the necessity of equipping all battleships with wireless apparatuses. 11. Several times specialists watched Popov manipulate his device and heard him explain the principle of its operation. 12. On many occasions did the members of the commession see him send and receive signals, the impression produced by the demonstration being so great that each time they made him repeat the interesting experiment over and over againg.