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Exercise 2. Use the appropriate form of the possessive pronoun.

1. She put out __ hand and took out __ (her, hers; my, mine). (Hemingway) 2. "Let me see your passports," I gave him __ and Catherine got __ out of __ handbag (my, mine; her, hers; her, hers). (Hemingway) 3. Mind __ own business and I'll mind __ (your, yours; my, mine). (Lindsay) 4. Diitcher put his hand gently on _ — to calm her (her, hers). (/. Shaw) 5. The next voice to speak up was not the Lieutenant's but __ (my, mine). (Salinger) 6. That, at least, is my opinion of him; and I see it is not very far removed from __ (your, yours). (Dickens) 7. __ was not a marriage that could last (their, theirs). (Bellow) 8. __ nerves are as bad as __ (your, yours; my, mine). (Greene) 9. His eyes were as bright as __ (her, hers). (Snow) 10. After all, this is __ home just as much as __ (your, yours; my, mine). (Maugham) 11. "Go with Lucy," said Mrs. Bretton. "I would rather keep __ seat." Willingly would I have kept __ also, but Graham's desire must take precedence of my own; I accompanied him (my, mine; my, mine). (Ch. Bronte) 12. His own hand shook as he accepted a rose or two from — and thanked her (her, hers). (Dickens)

Exercise 3. Point out the reflexive pronouns and define their function.

1. Much more than most politicians Gave knew himself. (Snow) 2. Meanwhile, he paraded himself gloriously before this young man. (Priestley) 3. Of course, I myself used to be very wealthy... (Clark) 4. He was not doubting the logic, he realized suddenly; what he was doubting was himself. (Jones) 5. Still, he must be thankful that she had been too young to do anything in that war itself. (Galsworthy) 6. Simon calmed himself with an effort. (Sheckley) 7. But you might remember that one respects oneself more afterwards -if one pays one's way. (Galsworthy) 8. Miss Adele Gerry opened the door herself. (I. Shaw) 9. He sunned himself in Chanton's admiring gaze. (Priestley) 10. What was the use even of loving, if love itself had to yield to death? (Galsworthy) 11. This is where we wash ourselves, Eliza, and where I am going to wash you. (Shaw) 12. Gevaert cleared his throat and addressed himself to me. (Clark) 13. They blamed themselves for this unlucky marriage. (Hardy) 14. The theatre manager himself... came to shake hands with them. (Priestley) 15. I have made myself perfectly pleasant here. (Shaw) 16. Several times he reminded himself that he had not rung up Shuckleworth yet. (Priestley) 17. He could talk races with Hurstwood, tell interesting incidents concerning himself. (Dreiser) 18. I want to be kept in constant touch with his progress myself. (Clark) 19. Anne's terror of being discovered in London or its neighbourhood, whenever they ventured to walk out, had gradually communicated itself to Mrs. Clements. (Collins) 20. Soames added: "Well, I hope, you'll both enjoy yourselves" (Galsworthy) 21. Cave might have concealed from others, but not from himself, that he profoundly envied Roger. (Snow)

Exercise 4. Supply some or any.

1. She had __ children of her own family in her house, and : __ children of other people. (Dickens) 2. I don't want __ money. (Hemingway) 3. He sat there, like __ 1 unhappy little animal. (Galsworthy) 4. A few had gone beyond the gate. __ were shouting hoarsely, and waving. (Heym) 5. "Do you want __ water?" "No, I don't want __ water." (Maltz) 6. The wounded were coming into the post, __ were carried on stretchers, __ were walking and __ were brought on the backs of men that came across the field. (Hemingway) 7. In the town there were... __ new hospitals. (Hemingway) 8. Well, if you want to know, I have no money and never had __. (Shaw) 9. "Couldn't you find tomato sauce, Barto?" — "There wasn't __," Aymo said. (Hemingway) 10. Don't let us have __ nonsense about this job. (Shaw)

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