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контр.англ.раб.экон., мен-1, 2 (2014).doc
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38.03.01. «Экономика», 38.03.02. «Менеджмент»

Составители: доцент Орлова А.Е.

Вариант I.

I. Перепишите текст и переведите его письменно.

General Conditions of Sale.

The General Conditions of Sale are very often printed on the reverse side of the Contract and form an integral part of it.

There are some of the items usually given in the General Conditions of Sale:

  1. Delivery. The date of the Bill of Lading shall be considered the date of delivery. Prior delivery partial shipment and transshipment shall be allowed.

  2. Quality. The quality of the goods supplied under this Contract shall conform to the world-wide standards or to the technical conditions of the Manufacturing Works or by the Sellers.

  3. Taking Delivery. The goods are to be regarded as delivered by the Sellers and accepted by the Buyers: in respect of quality – in accordance with the Quality Certificate, and in respect of quantity and weight-in accordance with the Bill of Lading.

  4. Inspection and Test. The Buyers shall be entitled to inspect and check the quality of the material used and the parts of the machinery both during manufacture and when completed. Inspection tests will be carried out, unless otherwise agreed, at the Sellers’ Works in the presence of the Buyers’ inspector and during normal working hours.

The Sellers undertake to monthly notify the Buyers of the progress of the order and at least 10 days beforehand of the readiness of the manufactured goods for final inspection. If the Buyers’ inspector waives the inspection of the goods at the Sellers’ Works, he shall supply the Sellers with the certificate stating that the goods are released for shipment without inspection.

II. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

  1. Where are the general conditions of sale printed on?

  2. What date is to be regarded as the date of delivery?

  3. Are partial shipments and transshipments allowed?

  4. What document confirms the quantity and the weight of the goods?

  5. What are the Buyers entitled to do during the manufacture of the equipment they have ordered?

  6. Where will acceptance tests be carried out?

  7. Why do the Buyers ask the Sellers to keep them informed of the progress of the order?

  8. When are the Sellers to send to the Buyers the notification of the readiness of the goods for final inspection?

  9. What happens if the Buyers’ inspector waives the inspection of the goods?

III. Переведите на английский язык:

1) производить частичную поставку; 2) произвести испытания на заводе-изготовителе; 3) частичное исполнение заказа; 4) относительно количества и качества товара; 5) поставляемые продавцом и принимаемые покупателем; 6) проверять качество используемого материала; 7) сообщать о ходе заказа; 8) осуществлять окончательную проверку.

IV. Заполните пропуски соответствующими предлогами:

  1. The machine was released……shipment……the basis……the test carried out……the works of the Sellers.

  2. The goods must be free……any defects……design and workmanship.

  3. All alterations and amendments……the contract shall be made……writing.

  4. The exchange permit was obtained……the appropriate authorities.

  5. We want the test and inspection to be carried…… ……the presence……our engineers.

V. Выпишите из текста «Общие условия продажи» все предложения в страдательном залоге.

VI. Выпишите из текста предложения, в которых глаголы-сказуемые употребляются в будущем времени.

VII. Сделайте следующее предложение вопросительным и отрицательным:

The parties came to terms about the alterations to the Contract.