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Kazakh customs and traditions


The matchmaking. It's an obligatory, remembered, existed since ancient times tradition of Kazakh nation.

A boy's father with close relatives goes to seek the hand of a girl (matchmakers may go without the boy's father). The procedure of matchmaking was rather complicated and entertaining. The arrival of matchmakers is called 'kudatuser'.

A girl's father, advised on matchmakers' visit beforehand, next notifies his relatives and friends. Matchmakers are received solemnly. After the girl's father gives his consent, the both parties give each other presents required by the tradition: kudaattanar, kudatartu, at bailar, kuiryk-bauyr, etc. The head representative of the matchmakers is called 'bas kuda' (bas means head, leading), and the fiance's and fiancee's fathers are called bauyzdaukuda, i.e. the closest.

Bas kuda (the head matchmaker) traditionally takes care of a girl after the wedding too. She will call him agateke (uncle), and he will be always responsible for her. His daughter-in-law respects him ah of her life.

Kudatusu is a mostly honored and significant toi (feast, holiday), bearing the specific color of this national tradition.


Kelintusiru (kelin — daughter-in-law, tusiru — here, to welcome) is the bride's arrival to her bridegroom's home. For Kazakh people the cherished dream, the biggest joy and the greatest toi is 'kelintusiru'. Whole aul gets ready for this celebration. The bride must not be brought straight to the threshold of the house. Traditionahy, she is left with her 'zhenge' at the considerable distance from aul. Girls and newly-made wives meet the bride and, disguising her face, bring her into the house and seat her behind 'shymyldyk' (curtain, portiere) together with other girls. The threshold must be stepped over by the right foot. The receiving party strews everybody with shashuand congratulate them. The bride is accompanied with her mother, sisters, and zhenges. All her parents and friends are invited to aul; the feast with foods and various kinds of entertainment (singers' competitions, games, etc.) is organized. But everybody is very anxious to see the future 'kelin' (daughter-in-law). Once all the guests are gathered, the bride is solemnly brought out in her rich wedding outfit, her face covered with the veil (shawl), and a singer, master of improvisations, begins to sing 'betashar'.


'Shanyrakkoteru' (shanyrak means the grate of yurta's dome center, koteru means to lift up). Shanyrak is a family relic — the keeper of hearth, symbol of new generations. The lifting-up of the new family's shanyrak, while separating from the father's hearth is one more beautiful custom. The writer-ethnographer AkhmetZhunusov wrote about this tradition: "...Kazakh's young family's 'shanyrak' may lift up only the old son-in-law, having many children". To fulfil this custom, the son-in-law is brought specially. For a big yurta (otau) the son-in-law sitting on horse's back lifts shanyrak up with the pole. He is the respected man, and the older he is the dearer and the more authoritative he is to his wife's relatives. The old son's-in-law arrival is a joy for all aul citizens, both adults and children, men and women may kid around with him.


The temporary upbringing of the child. According to the custom, grandparents or very close relatives take the first baby to foster it. They don't adopt it, and have a close contact with his parents. This temporary upbringing is called 'baurynasalu'. Both real parents and step-parents take equal care of the child. Usuahy grandparents pay the great attention to the child for him to become a worthy person, to absorb the folk wisdom and national traditions. Having grown up, the child can stay with his step­parents or return to his father's home.


'Karashanyrak' is yurta or a house. The house is the heritage passing on to next generations. It is believed to be sacred and honorable. It is treated with respect. Its heir is usually the youngest of the sons. The elder sons leave the father's hearth, and the youngest should stay in 'karashanyrak'. The duty of the heir is to follow ah the customs and traditions both when parents are alive and then dead. If 'karashanyrak' belongs to some batyr, bii, mullah, or other respected person, people before leaving for faraway trips, journeys, pilgrimage, or those who came from distant places, visit this respected home in order to get the farewell blessing or show their respect, to say hello or goodbye. 'Karashanyrak' of famous people is remembered for centuries.


'Toibastar' — is the beginning of the wedding. Toi always begins with the leading song called 'toibastar' and performed by akyn. The host must obligatory thank akyn for this first song and give him a present. The wedding of sultan Baimagambet with the belle Akylkanykei was begun with the wonderful song performed by a great akynSherniyaz. In our literature you may find the remarkable examples of 'toibastar*.


'Bata' is the blessing. It's a peculiar kind of prayer, when he who speaks asks God's blessing for those who are present. The blessing is uttered usually by the oldest aksakals. There are different kinds of 'bata':

  • The blessing before the long-distance trip, or before big trials. In his time KoshkarulyZhanibek was blessed by KarakereiSokyrAbyz.

  • In the region of Torgai (nowadays Kostanai oblast) in Amangeldy district, in Kabyrga village, in the family of Ainagul and SaktapbergenKenzheakhmetovs there was born a boy who was named Seiit. In 1994, when he went to school, his parents invited the writer SeiitKenzheakhmetov (the author of these lines) and asked for his 'bata' for the child.

  • 'Dastarkhanbata' is the thankfulness for food and hospitality.

  • 'Algysbata' is given for charity and kind-heartedness. 'Bata' breeds kindness, benevolence, and humanity. Verses and songs were composed specially for this. The words of blessing are spoken with palms up, then one strokes his face with his hands. 'Bata' is always given by respected and honored aksakals.

  • 'Zhanaaidynbatasy' is the blessing to a new month. That is not a religious creed, it's the nature's worship. Our ancestors could make a weather forecast by stars and moon position.

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