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история Казахстана.docx
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The control questions

1. Who was a leader of new policy in USSR?

2. What did mean Perestroika?

3. How many periods of Perestroika you know?

4. Characterize every of periods.

5. What happened in August 1991?

6. What were results of Perestroika and coup-de-etat?

7. Who authors’ national coat-of-arms of RK are?

8 In 1993 president Nazarbayev signed the Lisbon protocol about what?

9. Protocol about formation of CIS (Confederation of Independent States) 1991, December 21 was signed by republics ex-USSR except what of counties?

10. Symbol and guarantee of unification of people and state’s power Republic of Kazakhstan are what?

11. When Kazakh SSR renamed into Republic of Kazakhstan in?

12. When the first all-people elections of President of Kazakhstan were conducted?

13. Who had the exclusive right to speak in the name of whole nation (people), according Constitution of RK 1993?

14. The key’s words of President in Message to people (2030) are…

15. When decision of transformation capital of RK to Akmola was adopted?

16 When the last election in Kazakhstan was?

27-28. The plan of the thirtinth practical work:

The main priorities of development Kazakhstan

Foreign policy of Kazakhstan.

Political development of Kazakhstan.

29-30. The plan of the fourteenth practical work:

Internal and foreign policy of Kazakhstan today. Problems of national security of Kazakhstan.

1. President RK according Constitution of RK 1995 (addition of 1998) elect to how amny years

2. How calls body of local executive power according Constitution RK?

3. What Parliament of RK included? (Palates)

4. When decree liberalization of price adopted?

5. What does de-nationalization and transformation of property mean?

6. The main points of program “Kazakhstan-2030”

Internal and foreign policy of Kazakhstan today

7. Foreign investigations 1994-1995 used in what?

8. National currency –tenge – was introduced in… (year)

9. Republic of Kazakhstan became full-right member of United Nation Organization in..

10. Who Author of Flag RK is … (name)

11. To what of countries Kazakhstan makes preference in correlations with foreign connections in 1990ies?

The Topics of the Essays on the Course

  1. Paleolithic sites on the territory of Kazakhstan.

  2. Material culture of Bronze age in Kazakhstan.

3. Ancient culture and art of Sakas in Kazakhstan.

4. Culture of upper Bronze in Central Kazakhstan (Begazy and Dandybay).

5. Political history of Huns.

6. Social-economic history of Uisuns.

7. Military-political organization of Kangles.

8. Caravan trade and Great Silk Road.

9. Monuments of Talass writing and their historical-cultural significance.

10. Culture of Kazakhstan in IX-XIII c.

11. Mongolian invasions to Kazakhstan.

12. Feudal states in Kazakhstan.

13. Administrative, state and social arrangement of medieval states of Kazakhstan.

14. Russian-Kazakh relationships in XVI-XVII cc.

15. Foundation of Kazakh Zhuzes.

16. Origination of the ethnonim “kazakh”.

17. Social structure of Kazakh society in XVI-XVIII cc.

18. Historical significance of “Zhety-Zhargy”.

19. Kazakh-Zhungarian wars: causes and consequences.

20. Internal policy of Kazakhstan in the eve of joining to Russia.

21. External policy of Kazakhstan in the eve of joining to Russia.

22. Military Cossack colonization in Kazakhstan.

23. Abulkhair-khan and his role in the history of Kazakh nationality.

24. Ablay-khan – as a military and political leader.

25. Administrative reforms of Russian government in 20-s of the XIX c.

26. Political reforms of 60-s of XIX c.

27. Foundation of the first industrial enterprises in Kazakhstan.

28. Russian intellegence in Kazakhstan (second half of XIX c.).

29. Ch.Valikhanov and his scientific heritage.

30. Development of school education in Kazakhstan in the second half of XIX c.

31. Abay Kunanbayev: life and creation.

32. National-liberation movement under the leading of Kenessary Kassymov.

33. Stolypin agrarian reform in Kazakhstan.

34. National-liberation movement under the leading Isatay Taimanov and Makhambet


36. strengthening of migration processes to Kazakhstan in the end of XIX beg. XX c.

37. Kazakh writer-democrats (beg. of XX c.).

38. Amangeldy Imanov and uprising of 1916.

39. Foundation of “Alash” party and government “Alash-Orda”.

40. “Ush-Zhuz” party activity.Civil war and foreign intervention to Kazakhstan.

Policy of “military communism” in Kazakhstan.

41. NEP and it’s essence.

42. Policy of “Small October” in Kazakhstan it’s essence.

43. Repression against national intelligence.

44. Deportation to Kazakhstan in 30-40-s XX c.

45. Transformation of Kaz.ASSR to Union Republic.

46. Collectivization in Kazakhstan: peculiarities and consequences.

47. Political repression in 30-s XX c.

48. Nazarbayev N.A. - first President of RK: life and activity.

49. Social-political and cultural life of Kazakhstan (1945-1960).

50. Development of antinuclear life in Kazakhstan.

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