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III. Перепишите предложения, выбрав подходящие по смыслу видовременные формы глагола. Переведите предложения на русский язык. Укажите время и залог выбранных форм глаголов.

Example: Their new house hasn’t been finished/ hasn’t finished yet. - Their new house hasn’t been finished yet. (Present Perfect, Passive Voice) – Их новый дом еще не закончен.

1. All his relatives were approved/approved of his decision.

2. When I was young I was looked after/ looked after by my aunt and uncle.

3. By the time Carol arrives/ is arrived we will have finished eating.

4. The land next to our house has already been bought/ has already bought.

IV. Перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на определительные и дополнительные придаточные предложения.

Example: Lomonosov was one of those rare minds whose scientific ideas were scores of years ahead of their time. – Ломоносов был одним из тех редких умов, научные идеи которого намного опережали его время.

1. This fish is not what I ordered.

2. John’s flat, which is in the same block as mine, is much larger.

3. My neighbours, whose three small children make a lot of noise, never apologise.

4. The thought of going home to his family was all that kept him happy while he was working abroad.

V. Прочитайте текст. Постарайтесь понять его содержание. Выполните задания после текста.

The structure of a computer

1. The general-purpose computer is a very powerful device, its power deriving from the fact that it can be turned into a machine for performing any particular specific calculating task. This transformation is effected by providing the computer with a program which is a set of instructions defining precisely the calculation to be performed. The language in which a program is expressed is called a programming language. There are a number of these in existence.

2. A programming language provides a special set of rules and a vocabulary that is related to a computer's operation. If this set of rules and specialized vocabulary is known to both the computer programmer and the computer itself, they can be used to create a computer program.

Early in the computer's evolution, the rules and vocabulary of computer programming were known to only a very few people. But today, programming languages have been developed that are easier to use, and there are now hundreds of different English-like programming languages that can be used to program a computer.

3. Let us look at the broad structure of a computer. It consists of five components (input, store, arithmetic-logic, control, output). The program is held in a part of the store and we assume that it is there initially. The machine is always under the control unit which has a very simple operation: it takes an instruction from the store and causes it to be obeyed; then it takes the next instruction from the store and causes it to be obeyed, and so on.

4. The program is initially in the store and the data is available at input. The question is: how does the program get into the machine? The answer is that it is read by another program which resides in the machine, called a compiler. The compiler not only reads in the program, but also converts it from the so-called source language into the language of the machine.

5. We must, at this point, distinguish carefully the roles of program and data. In real life a program, once written, will be used unchanged on different sets of data perhaps over an extended time. Thus we conceive of the program as the very general component and the data as the component which makes it specific. The program, once properly developed, will reside, like the compiler, within the system and data will be presented at the input whenever the program is to be run. In an environment where programs are being developed, however, we tend to use very simple data and present program and data together to the machine.



прибор, устройство



a set

совокупность, набор


создавать, разрабатывать


устройство ввода


устройство вывода


память (компьютера)







a compiler


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