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How to learn vocabulary

Students are under enormous …… to learn huge amounts of vocabulary but they are rarely given …… as to how to go about it. They have a …… to try and learn long lists by heart, but this is hardly the most …… approach to the problem. The golden rule is to do lots of …… at regular intervals. Secondly, students should concentrate on words with the highest ……, particularly everyday words which also improve the students’ spoken …… . They should also take every …… to use the words in communication—there is considerable …… evidence that learners who like using the foreign language improve their oral …… and their overall …… of the language much more rapidly than students who are …… to practice the language in real situations.












5. Choose a orthein the following passage, in some placesneitheris possible:

A/the professor is not a/the teacher in a/the secondary school, but has a/the highest academic position in a/the university. A/the lecturer is a/the university teacher. Lecturers and professors give a/the lectures. Students usually have a/the tutor who gives them a/the advice and teaches students in small groups. You graduate from university with a/the degree. If you do a/the postgraduate work, you will have a/the supervisor to help and advise you.

6. Fill in the missing prepositions where it is necessary.

1) Belarusian system … higher education includes educational, research and governing institutions.

2) Educational system supplies the national economy … highly qualified personnel.

3) The main part … full-time students belongs… the age group … the pupils graduated … school … appropriate time.

4) Study … public institutions is free … charge as a rule.

5) The second level … scientific degree named Doctor … Science … the field … a concrete discipline could be awarded … a person who has a candidate degree already.

6) Classical universities are mostly oriented … basic science and humanities.

7) Institutes mainly execute a limited number … programs … narrow field … disciplines.

    1. The right … access … higher education is among the major rights … Belarusian citizens.

    2. Admission … Belarusian high educational institutions is conducted … competitive examinations.

    3. Participation … students … research is considered as a very important component … their training.


1. Discuss the following question:

1) What to teach and how to teach in modern universities?

2) What improvements should be made to our country’s education system?

3) Prepare short presentations about the founding fathers of the educational system in Belarus (F. Skorina, Simon Budny, Vassil Tyapinski ,etc.).

4) What proverbs or sayings can prove that education is very important and necessary thing?

2. Comment on the following quotations and discuss them with your partner(s):

  1. Nothing in education is so astonishing as the amount of ignorance it accumulates in the form of inert facts (H. Adams).

  2. Education has for its object the formation of character (H. Spencer).

  3. Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught (O. Wilde).

  4. Knowledge is the antidote of fear (R. Emerson).

  5. Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers (A. Tennyson).

3. Explain the following proverbs:

a) Live and learn. Век живи, век учись.

  1. It’s never too late to learn. Учиться никогда не поздно.

  2. Knowledge is power. Знание—сила.

  3. Knowledge is wealth. Знание—богатство.

e) Knowledge is light. Знание—свет.

4. Using the USEFUL VOCABULARY at the beginning of Part A prepare a talk for a foreign audience on the system of education in your country. Present it and answer the questions that may arise.


Agreement and Disagreement

1. Study the expressions useful to get someone’s opinions about the subject being discussed.

Agreeing with someone

Agreeing to something



I fully/totally agree….

I completely/absolutely agree with you about/on....

I'm in total agreement with you

Yes, definitely.




I agree with ...

You're right there

I think you are right


I totally accept that...

I fully agree to that...

I'm all in favour of ...

Yes, definitely




I support...

I agree to ...

That's true/right

2. Partial agreement

I agree with you up to a point/to a certain extent but...

I'd agree with you, but....

You may have something there, but …

You could/may be right, but ...

I suppose you are right but ....

Maybe, but...

I agree to that up to a point/to a certain extent.... I'd accept that, but...

That could/may be so, but.... That may/might be right, but

I see your point but ...

3. Disagreement


I completely/absolutely disagree with you ...

On the contrary ...

Of course not.


(I'm afraid) I can't agree with you....

I don't agree/disagree...

I think you are wrong....


I fully/totally disagree to that That's out of the question. That's ridiculous.


(I'm afraid) I can't accept that ...

I don't accept that...

That's not how I see it.

I wouldn't say that.

2. Here are some people's opinions. Make notes on what you'd say in response to them, using the phrases given below. If you disagree, explain your reasons for disagreeing.

1) “If you want to go to university, you usually apply during your last year at school, when you are 17.”

2) “University students usually live away from home.”

3) “tudents get a grant or a loan from the government to study.”

4) ’Some students don’t want to go straight from school to university, so they take a year out to work’.

5) ’The commercials on TV are usually more entertaining than the programmes.’

6) ’Shops should all be open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.’

7) ’There's no point in buying expensive clothes. It's a waste of money.’

8)’Clothes in bright colours like red and yellow are becoming fashionable.’

9)’People spend too much money buying things they don't really need.’

10)’Everything is cheaper in a supermarket than in a street market.’

That's true. And I also think that . . .