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Introduction to Economics Иванова О.В. Кирильчик Т.К..doc
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remarkable feature -отличительная черта

be firmly grounded - твердо основываться на чем-либо

acknowledged -подтверждать, признавать

attach - прикреплять, прилагать

struggling to survive - борьба за существование

controversial - противоречивый

simultaneously - одновременно

subsequent - последующий

disaggregate economic pheno­mena – расчленять(нить) экономические явления

1. Answer the following questions.

1. What is the most remarkable feature of the neoclassical economics?

2. When did neoclassical economics begin?

3. How does the author refer to the neoclassical economics and neoclassical economists?

4.What subschools and names are mentioned in the text?

5. What economists worked in: a) England b) France c) Austria

2. Which of the following statements are true/false?

1. Neoclassical economists simplified many broad categories of market phenomena.

2. Neoclassical economics began when Adam Smith died.

3. Neoclassical economics is not a school of thought.

4. Marshall's appointment to the chair of political economy at Oxford University was the beginning of neoclassical economics.

5. A.C.Pigou, D.H. Robertson and Ralph Hawtrey were the followers of Alfred Marshall.

6. Vilfredo Pareto took root in Lausanne, in France.

7. “Principles of economics” was written in 1871 by Carl Menger.

8. Ideas of Sir Walras were promoted in England by H A.L. Bowley.

3.Questions for discussion.

  1. Do you agree with the author that “the most remarkable feature of neoclassical economics is that it reduces many broad categories of market phenomena to considerations of individual choice”? Why yes and why not?

  2. Do you think that neoclassical economics is a “loose amalgam of subschools of thought”?

3.Whose works are of the most importance for the development of economics?

Reference Literature

1. English for Business. A Functional Approach. DP Publications LTD, 1995.

2. Horner, D. Words at Work / D. Horner, P. Strutt. CUP, 1998.

3. Jones, L. International Business English / L. Jones, R. Alexander. CUP, 1994.

4. Mac Kenzie, I. English for Business Studies / I. Mac Kenzie. Cambridge University Press, 2000.

5. MacConner, C. Macroeconomics / C. MacConnel, S. Brue. McGraw-Hill, Inc, 1990.

6. Mankiw, N. Rssentials of Economics / N. Gregory Mankiew. Harcourt College Publishers, 2001.

7. Market Leader. Intermediate Business English Course. David Cotton, David Falvey, Simon Kent, Oxford University Press, 2003.


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