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Падалко Н.М. English for Students Majoring in Hospitality Industry.doc
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Read and Translate Text 3 utell international

Utell International is the travel industry's partner, working with hotels and travel agents in every corner of the globe. With a choice of over 6,500 hotels offering a choice of over 1.25 mil­lion rooms in over 170 countries, Utell International offers travel agents and all their clients, the most comprehensive hotel reservation system in the world.

As part of the internationally recog­nized Reed Travel Group, Utell International was established more than 60 years ago. Through this association and its long experience in the travel industry, Utell is a rich and valuable source of information and advice to travel agents around the world.

Travel agents globally can rely on Utell International for all their booking requirements at literally thousands of business and leisure properties, cover­ing everything from tourist to deluxe accommodation, from small indepen­dent hotels with twenty rooms to interna­tional chains with hundreds of rooms. Whether agents want to book one night in New York, two weeks in Mombassa, or a tour of business centres in the far east, Utell International can solve all agents' accommodation needs at once.

State-of-the-art technology, sophisti­cated links with the world's most advanced travel agency and airline booking systems, a database constantly updated and containing full details of the facilities offered by all of Utell's hotels, combine to offer agents unparal­leled service and information.

As would be expected from a compa­ny that handles such a huge volume of business, its own office network spans the entire world with three regional headquarters in London, Singapore and Omaha; additionally, travel agents have access to expert local knowledge and support through Utell's extensive net­work of sales and marketing staff in 48 reservation sales and marketing offices in major cities world-wide.

Many Utell hotels are also connected to Utell Link a dedicated system which ensures the information is up-to-date and enables written details of the reser­vation to be transmitted directly to the hotel.

As well as offering the industry's most sophisticated voice reservations network, Utell’s unique information and booking service is also available through all of the world's major distrib­ution systems being connected to Amadeus / System One, Galilieo, Apollo, Sabre, Fantasia, Worldspan and Abacus. Agents simply access UI in every case. Utell is also connected to every other major national airline and electronic reservation system and pro­vides a network of GDS helpdesks to assist in the resolution of queries. At the forefront of technology, Utell is actively developing enhanced, more productive reservation systems for the future as well as investing in new distri­bution channels.

No matter where in the world, agents clients may want to stay, no other hotel reservation system offers so much choice through so many different chan­nels of communication.

Utell International extends far beyond a comprehensive reservation system, it offers a variety of products and services tailor-made to respond to agents' needs world-wide: it promotes its hotels elec­tronically by GDS promotions and elec­tronic directory advertising, as well as by print promotions: some examples include the DESTINATION promo­tions, aimed to increase leisure business at hotels. Each 'Destination promotion features a selected number of hotels offering special packages and exclusive rates designed to attract the leisure trav­eller; Destinations range form a city like New York, to a region like California to an entire country like Brazil. Full colour Destinations flyers in local lan­guage are mailed to selected travel agents.


choice – выбор

comprehensive hotel reservation system – универсальная система бронирования

internationally recognized –всеобще признанная

experience – опыт, знания

valuable source – ценный источник

rely on – полагаться на

literally – буквально

at once – сразу, незамедлительно

state-of-the-art – сверх современный

sophisticated – передовой

database – база данных

updated – улучшенный, усовершенствованный

unparalleled –, не имеющий себе равного, беспримерный

huge – огромный

span – охватывать, распространяться

expert - зд. квалифицированный

dedicated system – узкоспециализированная, специальная

enable – давать возможность

transmit directly to – отправлять непосредственно к-л

query – запрос (информации)

enhanced – улучшенный, усовершенствованный

channels of communication – каналы коммуникации

extend – распространяться

tailor-made – сделанный по индивидуальному заказу

respond to – реагировать

destination – страна, регион, пункт назначения

flyer – рекламная листовка

Self-Check Test


  1. Выберите правильный термин к данному определению.

__________________ provides the consumer with an avenue to locate a hotel of choice in a certain location.

a) global distribution system c) direct guest contact

b) central reservation system d) direct travel agent contact