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38. Gram. Agreement and government.

In OE the ties b/n words in the sentence were shown by means of government and agreement, with the help of numerous inflections. Word order was less imp. A-system of correspondences b/n 2 or more words regarding gender, number, case, person. Classes of words which had to agree with the words they modified:possessive & demonstrative pronouns, both participles,v, adj. G-sys. by which 1 word determines the case of the other. Among gov words:chiefly verbs; adj, pronouns & numerals to a lesser extent. Most v required Acc(direct odj). Functions of cases in OE: Nom-subject, predicative, direct address; Gen- possessive & partitive meaning, objective & adverbial; Dat-instrumental, locative, ablative (dative proper).

39. The non-finite forms of the verb in oe and their further development.

In OE there were 2 non-finite forms of the verb: the Infinitive and the Participle. Like finite forms they could take direct objects and be modified by adverbs. The Infinitive: had no verbal grammatical categories. It had a sort of reduced

case-system: 2 forms which corresponded to the Nom. and the Dat. cases of nouns Beran – uninflected Infinitive (“Nom.” case) To berenne – inflected Infinitive (“Dat.” case)

Like the Dat case of nouns the inflected Infinitive with the preposition to could be used to indicate the direction or purpose of an action. The uninflected Infin was used in verb phrases with modal verbs or other verbs of incomplete predication.

The Participle: was a kind of verbal adjective with nominal and certain verbal features. Part. 1 (present Part.) was opposed to Part.2 (past Part.) through voice and tense distinctions: it was active and expressed present processes, while

Part. 2 expressed states from past action and was contrasted to Part.1 as passive to active, if the verb was transitive. Participles were employed predicatively and attributively and shared their grammatical categories: they were declined as weak & strong and agreed with nouns in number, gender and case. Part.1 was formed from the Present tense stem (the Inf. without –an, -ian) + the suffix –ende. Part.2 had a stem of its own – in strong verbs it was marked by a certain grade of

the root-vowel interchange and by the suffix –en; with weak verbs it ended

in –d/-t .part.2 was marked by the prefix - -

40. Forms of negotiation in oe.

One of the distinguished features of OE syntax was multiple negation within a sentence or clause. Most common negation particle was ne, placed before verb, it was often accompanied by other negative words(naht=noht developed into not in ME), which emphasized the meaning of negation. Another feature-ne could be attached to some v( beon, willan, witan), pronouns, adv to form single words(nis-ne+is). Ne gradually fell out of usage.


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