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Uprazhnenia (1).doc
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1. Read and translate the following questions. Answer them.

1. Are you a student? 2. Is he in Almaty now? 3. Have you a family? 4. Were you at the library yesterday? 5.Do you speak English? 6. Did you study English at school? 7. Will you continue learning English? 8. Are you going to bed early tonight? 9. Can you skate well? 10. Could you close the window, please?

2. Put your own yes /no questions.

3. Alternative questions. Read, answer them and make up your questions.

1. Are you in Astana or in New York? 2. Is it red pencil or black one? 3. Is it cold or warm today? 4. Do you have a newspaper or a magazine? 5. Can you answer these questions orally or in the written form? 6. Do you like dancing or singing? 7. Does your friend speak German or French? 8. Did he move to San Francisco or Los Angeles? 9. Will you have a cup of tea or coffee? 10. Are you going to the country or are you staying in the city, this weekend?

4. Tail questions. Read and answer them. Put your own questions.

1. His name is Tom, isn't it? 2. It is not going to rain, is it? 3. You don't know where my umbrella is, do you? 4. He is driving today, isn't he? 5. You made lunch for me, didn't you? 6. I didn't forget to thank you, did I? 7. I'm pretty forgetful aren't I? 8. You are not cold, are you? 9. You can't go shopping with me today, can you? 10. He hasn't seen this movie, has he?

5. Wh-questions. Read and answer these questions.

1. Where do you live? 2. What is your address? 3. How old are you? 4. What is your name? 5. When did you begin to learn English? 6. Where is your next class? 7. Who would like to go to the concert with me? 8. What happened at the party after I left? 9. Why are you smiling? 10. When did they eat dinner?

5. Put the words in the right order to ask a question, and write true answers.

1. from you where are

Where are you from? I’m from Astana.

2. it moment raining at is the

……………………………………………. ?


3. Chinese ever you food eaten have

……………………………………………….. ?


4. are going do you this to what weekend

……………………………………….. ?


5. time up get usually do what you

…………………………………………. ?


6. many you can how languages speak

……………………………………… ?


7. start English when you studying did

……………………………………… ?


6. In each of the following sentences there is one mistake. Find it and correct it


1. What you do? What do you do?

2. Does he have a calculator?

………………………………………………….. ?

3. Have you ever ridden a motorbike?

………………………………………………….. ?

4. What you are doing tonight?

………………………………………………….. ?

5. Where you went last night?

……………………………… ?

6. Your friends they like traveling?

…………………………………… ?

7. Do you can speak English?

…………………………….. ?

8. What are you going to do tomorrow?

…………………………………… ?

7. Write questions and answers.

1. he/ get up – 6.00

What time does he get up?

He gets up at 6.00

2. she/do – architect.

………………………….. ?


3. they/live - Glasgow

…………………………… ?


4. Mark/ study - physics

…………………………….. ?


5. bank/ open – 9.00

………………………. ?


6. her parents/ come from – Ireland.

…………………………………. ?


7. she / speak- Russian and Chinese.

…………………………………. ?


8. Put the words in the correct order to make questions.

1. do/ do what you

What do you do ?

2. are this you do what to evening going

……………………………………… ?

3. you the week conference last at were

……………………………………….. ?

4. year the week conference last at were

………………………………………. ?

5. languages do speak many you how

……………………………………. ?

6. is university studying at Martha what

……………………………………… ?

7. games he does video playing like

…………………………………. ?

9. Each question has a mistake. Find it and correct it.

1. Do you can swim?

Can you swim?

2. Did he go to Spain?

……………………… ?

3. Do you have much money?

……………………………….. ?

4. She was here yesterday?

……………………….. ?

5. Are they like skiing?


6. Does he smoke?

………………. ?

7. Were they going swimming yesterday?

……………………………………. ?

10. Sara and Mark are going to start university next October. Make questions.

1. Where/they/live

Where are they going to live?

2. they/ share/ flat?


3. What / Mark/ study?


4. Sara/ get/part-time job?

……………………… ?

5. Where /they/buy books?


6. Mark/have enough money?

…………………………….. ?

7. they/ visit/ parents?

……………………. ?

Passive Voice





Present Indefinite

I am

He is invited

We are

Am I

Is he invited?

Are we

I am

He is not invited

We are



I was

He was invited

We were

Was I

Was he invited?

Were we

I was

He was not invited

We were

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