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23. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. Where do you have lunch: at home or at the academy canteen?

2. What do you usually have for lunch?

3. Why is it difficult to gather the whole family for dinner on week days?

4. What does your dinner usually begin with?

5. How many courses does your Sunday dinner usually consist of?

6. What kind of soup do you like best of all?

7. What did you have for the second course yesterday?

8. Why don't you sleep after dinner?

9. Why must supper be a light meal?

10. Is supper a light meal in your family?

11. When do you have supper?

12. What is your supper usually like?

13. Do you usually have a light supper or do you prefer a big one?

14. What do you do after supper?

15. Why don't you go out for a walk after supper?

24. Вставьте слова в текст по смыслу.

recipe menu fast food

take-away eat out waiter

dish snack bill

tip cookery books ingredients

  I’m a terrible cook. I’ve tried hard but it’s no use. I’ve got lots of (a), I choose a (b) I want to cook, I read the (c), I prepare all the necessary (d) and follow the instructions. But the result is terrible, and I just have a sandwich or some other quick (e). So I often (f). I don’t like grand restaurants. It’s not the expense, it’s just that I don’t feel at ease in them. First the (g) gives me a (h) which I can’t understand because it’s complicated and has lots of foreign words. At the end of the meal when I pay the (i) I never know how much to leave as a (j). I prefer (k) places, like hamburger shops where you pay at once and sit down and eat straightaway. And I like (l) where you buy a meal in a special container and take it home.

25. Eating out at a restaurant.

Расставьте предложения от 1 до 11 в правильном порядке.

... The cook prepares your meal.

... The waiter or waitress brings you a menu.

... The waiter or waitress brings your check, and then you pay the bill and leave.

... The host or hostess greets you.

... The waiter or waitress then brings your meal.

... You look through the menu and decide what you want to eat and drink.

... Then he or she takes the order to the kitchen.

... When you are ready to leave, you ask for the check.

... The waiter or waitress writes down your order.

... Someone takes you to a table, and you sit down.

... You eat your meal and then have dessert if you want.

26. Решите кроссворд.

27. Выберите подходящее вопросительное слово.

Joanna and Tommy are grocery shopping.

Joanna: _________is my shopping list? Oh, here it is. _____do you want for

a. Who

a. Where

b. Where

b. How

c. When

c. What

dinner tonight?

Tommy: Let's have spaghetti.

Joanna: That sounds really good. _____don't you go to the bakery and pick up

a. Why

b. How many

c. Who

some French bread? I'll get the spaghetti and sauce.

Tommy: _____________ loaves should I buy?

a. Where

b. How many

c. When

Joanna: Buy two. I love French bread and I know you do, too.

Tommy: When can we eat? I am starved.

Joanna: It will only take about half an hour to prepare the spaghetti and sauce.

________ type of salad should we have?

a. What

b. When

c. Who

Tommy: Green salad is fine. By the way, ______is the breakfast food aisle?

a. how

b. where

c. why

We need cereal.