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english ПідручникДизайн 2012.docx
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III Make up a plan of the text.

IV Translate the paragraphs in italics in a written form.

V Render the text in brief in a written form.

VI Work in pairs. Discuss the questions:

1. What is Loewy’s impact on industrial design?

2. How do you understand his principle – ‘Most Advanced Yet Acceptable’?

3. How did Raymond Loewy realize design?

4. What are the most famous products Raymond Loewy designed?

5. What is a secret of his success? Give your reasons.

VII Practise reading the dialogue with your partner:

Jack: Hi, Max! How are you?

Max: So-so.

Jack: What’s wrong?

Max: I haven’t passed my exam in graphic design.

Jack: I see. What were your questions?

Max: The first question was about principles of design.

Jack: Oh, I know that! There are balance,rhythm,emphasisandunity. Am I right?

Max: I’m not sure because I haven’t answered this question.

Jack: And what about the second one?

Max: It was about Raymond Loewy.

Jack: What is he? I’ve never heard about him.

Max: Shame on you! He is a design legend and is still very famous. Loewy is considered to be the father of industrial design. He created the Shell logo, the Coca Cola bottle, the Exxon and BP symbols. His designs were not just beautiful but functional and simple.

Jack: Really? You know if I were a teacher I would give you a good mark.

Max: Thanks, Jack. But unfortunately you are not my teacher.

VIII Give the main idea of the dialogue in your own words.

IX Make up your own dialogues using the key words and expressions from the unit.


I Mind the following words and word-combinations:

1. distinguishing feature характерна риса

2. specifics особливості

3. to perceive помічати; відчувати

4. to distinguish розрізняти

5. meanwhile між іншим

6. to rescale змінювати масштаб

II Listen to the text. Decide if the statements are true or false:

1. Navigation system is the only feature that unites different layouts.

2. One part of human brains is humanitarian, the other one – technical.

3. It doesn’t matter where to place objects on a website.

4. Most buttons on a website are located at the upper left part.

5. The website window can be rescaled.

III Listen to the text again and be ready to answer the questions:

1. How does website layout differ from other layouts?

2. What is the visual concept?


I Revise the vocabulary minimum of Unit 12 to be checked up.

II Match the words:

1 rinse a) перука

2 tint b) стригти

3 hairstyle c) фарбування

4 to comb out d) об’єм

5 hairdressing e) нестійка фарба

6 wig f) перукарська справа

7 colouring g) фарба, тон

8 bulk h) зачіска

9 waving i) причісуватися

10 to cut j) завивка

III Match the words in the left column with their definitions:

1 permanent wave a) person whose occupation is to cut or style hairin order to change or maintain a person’s image

2 easy-to-manage b) process or art of dyeing or tinting one’s hair

3 hair colouring c) not difficult, not requiring great effort

4 adornment d) hairstyle produced by treatment with heat, chemicals which give long-lasting waves

5 hairdresser e) the action of decorating yourself with something colourful and interesting




I Read and remember the words and their translation:

  1. authoringавторська розробка

  2. to retain зберігати

  3. attractiveness привабливість

  4. observational спостережливий

  5. quantitative кількісний

  6. rendering передача даних

  7. augmented збільшений, перевантажений

  8. continuity безперервність

  9. inward всередину

  10. promotion просування

II Read and remember the following phrases:

  1. web applications – застосування веб, мережеві підведення

  2. search engine optimization – оптимізація пошуку

  3. navigation tools – навігаційні інструменти

  4. directional aspect – аспект спрямування

  5. typography – типографіка, графічне оформлення друкованого тексту

III Read and translate the following text:

Principles and Elements of Web Design

Web design is a kind of graphic design intended for development and styling of objects of the Internet's information environment to provide them with high-end consumer features and aesthetic qualities.

The main task of web design is perhaps the creation of a website or a web page.

The process of designing web pages,web sites,web applicationsormultimediafor the Web is very complicated one and may utilize multiple disciplines, such asanimation,authoring,communication design,corporate identity,graphic design,human-computer interaction,information architecture,interaction design,marketing,photography,search engine optimizationandtypography.

Websites vary greatly in content, style, focus and a number of other aspects. A successful website, evidently, is the one that is capable of attracting quality visitors and retain them. The core of this attractiveness is its content. However, only content is not enough – just as a good product needs good packaging a successful site needs elegant presentation and promotion.

When creating a website or web page, the 5 golden principles of design: balance, rhythm, proportion, dominance, and unity should always be kept in mind.

The primary tool for web design is the creative mind. Critical, observational, quantitative and analytic thinking is required for designing page layout and rendering. The eye and the hand are often augmented with the use of external traditional or digital image editing tools. The selection of the appropriate one to the communication problem at hand is also a key skill in web design work, and a defining factor of the rendering style.

A web designer's work could be viewed by thousands of people every day. Web designers create the pages, layout, and graphics for web pages, and play a key role in the development of a website. Web designers have the task of creating the look and feel of a website by choosing the style, and by designing attractive graphics, images, and other visual elements, and adapting them for the website’s pages. The graphics and lay-out of the site contribute to that first impression and overall image. Web designers also design and develop the navigation tools of a site. Web designers may make decisions regarding what content is included on a web page, where things are placed, and how the aesthetic and continuity is maintained from one screen to the next. Site quality content must be balanced with good graphics at all times. Any graphic image which has a directional aspect should be placed to point towards the most important section of the page. If you have a picture of a bird on the top left corner of your page, make sure it is facing inward and that its beak is leading the eye to the centre of the page, not away from it. The same applies to all graphics. Faces should 'look' to the centre of the page. Cars should be 'parked' facing towards the centre of the page. Roads, neck ties etc. should all be placed to lead the eye across from left to right, or down from top to bottom.

Any web design must be stylish, using original illustrations, not downloaded ones. The overall effect should be that of exclusivity.

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