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январь 2012 unit 9c Perfect Tense Forms.doc
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Present perfect progressive

При помощи Present Perfect Progressive

мы описываем процессы, продолжающиеся

вплоть до настоящего момента.

Ive been waiting for you since morning.

Have you been sleeping all the time?!

1. Say how long this action has lasted, usingfor, since, etc.

Model: You’ve been smoking too much.

You’ve been smoking too much recently.

All my life, always, never, already, just, recently, lately, this week, this year, today, this morning, so far, up to now, for ages, for a month, for some time, for a while, the last week, the last month, the last year

1. I’ve been thinking about dinner. 2. We’ve been daydreaming. 3. The world has been changing. 4. I’ve been driving. 5. Our boss has been smoking Marlboro. 6. My younger sister has been washing up. 7. I’ve been trying to find the key. 8. I’ve been playing with this team. 9. It has been raining. 10. The girl has been writing this essay.

2. Complete, using Present Perfect Progressive.

Model: Father has been smoking a lot lately.

1. My hair … 2. My parents … 3. My boyfriend and I … 4. My dog … 5. Our football team … 6. All students of this group … 7. The lecturer … 8. The flowers in my room … 9. Our TV set … 10. The old woman next door … 11. The teacher

3. Translate.

1. Мы здесь живем с 1958 года. 2. Как давно вы здесь живете? 3. Они ссорятся с утра. 4. Кто ссорится с утра? 5. Я учу английский уже очень давно. 6. Ты учишься здесь два года, да? 7. Мама работает в школе несколько лет. 8. Дождь идет целую вечность! 9. Ты много куришь в последнее время. 10. Кто-то на этой неделе все время слушает громкую музыку.



1. Mum was angry because

anybody had cooked the dinner.

2. I was afraid that

she hadn’t had any rest for years.

3. Dad asked whether

I hadn’t washed up.

4. Mum complained that

he hadn’t earned much money that month.

5. Dad apologized because

nobody had bought any bread.

2. Complete, using Past Perfect.

Model: I said a minute ago that I had never told a lie.

1. My mother said this morning ____ 2. My father asked me yesterday ____ 3. My teacher told me just now ____ 4. The ticket collector was sure ____ 5. The policeman was wondering ____ 6. The cockroach wanted to know ____ 7. My friends explained to me ____ 8. The Dean announced not long ago ____ 9. The President declared recently ____ 10. I told the teacher last time ____ 11. My friend assured me ____ 12. My younger sister complained yesterday ____

*3. Ask your friend how he/she had lived before the event.

Model: I bought a car last year. – How had you got to college before?

1. My boyfriend and I married last week. 2. I entered college last summer. 3. I won a million in a lottery a month ago. 4. My parents had my room redecorated not long ago. 5. Our cat and dog had a fight yesterday. 6. I froze on my way home and caught a cold. 7. I lost 10 pounds in a week. 8. My parrot called me “a fool”. 9. I saw the president on TV for the first time yesterday. 10. We bought a flat 2 months ago.

*4. Restore the sentences:

1. flies/ lately 2. wondered/ yet 3. nothing/ so far 4. already/ a lot 5. assured/ by the next day 6. asked/ before 7. warned/ recently 8. tell/ the last week 9. complained/ for ages 10. truth/ up to now