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English for Economists

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В прошлом Банк Англии устанавливал банковскую ставку – специальную учетную ставку для первоклассных заемщиков. В настоящее время эта ставка отменена.


Student Banking

Julian Amey gives a talk to first-year international University students in America about the best ways of opening an account with one of the major banks for the period of their studies.

Ex. 1. Think and answer.

1.What kind of account do students usually have? How do they use it?

2.Do students in Belarus have any advantages with banking? What are they?

3.What do students need to open a current account in a bank?

Ex. 2. Make sure that you understand the following words and wordcombinations:

a handout;

to be eligible for sth;

to provide evidence;

a certificate of enrolment;

a concession.

Ex. 3. While listening to the text the first time complete the notes. Write no more than three words for each answer.


Student Banking

Recommended Banks


National Westminster

Realty Square


Example Preston Park


City Plaza


(1) .............................


May not be allowed all facilities given to resident students.



Must provide (2)...............................................................

I can support myself.

Services will depend on personal circumstances and discretion of Bank Manager.


Opening an account


Take with me: (3)...........................................................

and letter of enrolment.

Recommended account: (4) ............................................................................….

Bank supplies: (5) ..........................

and cheque card which guarantees cheques.

Other services


Cash card: (you can (6) ...........................................................

cash at any time.)

Switch/Delta cards: (take the money (7) ...........................…….....the account.)


Must have (8) ......................................................................................…………

Sometimes must pay interest.

Opening times


Most banks open until (9) .........................................................

during the week.

Some open for a limited lime on Saturdays.


Ex. 4. After listening to the text the second time answer the questions.

1.What is the safest way of keeping money according to the speaker?

2.What banks does the speaker recommend students?

3.Are international students eligible to all the facilities offered to resident students?

4.Under what conditions can international students open a current account?

5.What concessions can a bank provide them with?

6.What is the advantage with the card called Switch or Della?

Ex. 5. Act as a student who had been listening to the speaker and share the information with the students who had missed the meeting. Put down some notes of a plan before you speak.


A. The polite formula:

If you expect the other person to do what you ask (A), or to know the information (I) that you want, use:

Could you (A)

I’d like you to (A)

I wonder if you could (A)

Could you tell me (I)

I’d like to know (I)

I wonder if you could tell me (I)


If you are not sure whether the other person will do what you ask (A), or knows the information you want (I), use:

Do you think you could (A)

Do you know (I)

I wonder if you could (A)

Do you happen to know (I)

Would you mind (A)


Ex. 1. Act as a customer who visits a bank and asks a series of questions about the bank services. Use different forms of polite requesting information.

Model. The account has been credited with the dividend.

Can you tell me whether my account has been credited with the dividend?

1)the kinds of current account available;

2)the normal bank charges on overdrawn account;

3)the frequency of sending statements ( How often…);

4)interest rate on deposit account;

5)current level of interest they charge on loans;

6)getting an appointment to discuss the cash flow problemwith a loan officer;

7)checking whether the cheque paid in last Monday has been cleared.

Ex. 2. Read the short conversations in a bank. Pay attention to the formula of expressing request. Practice the conversations with your partner.

1.A. I want to change some English money into euro (Belarusian roubles/ dollars; ..). Can you help me?

B.Certainly, sir. The exchange rate today is …euros to the pound (Belarusian roubles to the dollar; ..). How much do you want to exchange?

2.A. I’d like to transfer some money to my account in London, please.

B.You have an account here, madam? How urgent is it? Would you like us to send it by mail transfer?

3.A. I’d like to know how long it takes for a cheque to clear. I paid the cheque into the account on Friday.

B.Unless it’s a local cheque it will take a full five working days to clear. That means we should be able to treat it as paid by this time next week.

Ex. 3. Make a dialogue with your partner. Use these phrases in the conversation.



pay this into my current/deposit ac-

show me your cheque card/pass-



withdraw from my…

sign it /initial it


cash this cheque/travellers’ cheques put the name of the payee/ the date transfer money to…

Dialogue 1

Read the dialogue and do the tasks that follow.


I’d like to know who really owns the bank?


The stockholders own it. In the beginning, they put up the neces-


sary capital and were granted a charter from the government.

Am I right to say that all the members of the board of directors are



Oh, yes. They are chosen by the other stockholders to operate the



And the board hires the president and the vice-president to manage it?


That’s right. Along with the cashier, the tellers and the clerical



I guess most of your work has to do with checking and savings ac-


counts and making loans.

Yes. But we invest money too. Planning the bank’s investment is


also very important.

I wonder if you divide all the profits among the stockholders.


Not all of them. The stockholders receive regular dividends. But


some of our earnings are held in reserve accounts.

I suppose that would be necessary.


Here is a copy of our last published statement. You see, the re-


serves are shown here as surplus and undivided profits.

Ex. 1. The dialogue deals with the structure and functions of an American bank. You should keep in mind that there are some differences in American and British terminology. Give the American terms corresponding to the British ones given below.

British terms

American terms

to run a bank


current account

deposit account

managing director





Ex. 2. Work with your partner. Make up a dialogue using different forms of requesting information and the following questions.


What is discussed in the dialogue?

Could you tell me what is discussed in the dialogue.

1.Who owns the bank?

2.How does a bank start?

3.Who chooses the board?

4.What’s the board’s task?

5.Who hires the employees?

6.What are the bank’s main activities?

7.How are the profits distributed?

8.How are the stockholders kept informed?

Dialogue 2

Read the dialogue and do the tasks that follow.


Application for Credit


Our discount committee is still discussing your application


for credit. I wonder if you’d mind giving us some more in-


formation about certain items shown on your balance sheet.

Not at all.


Is the mortgage on your fixed assets being amortized?


Yes. We’re making semi-annual payments on this obligation.


Your balance sheet shows some indebtedness. Are any of


your asserts pledged as security?

No. That’s just an open note.


Would your company be willing to pledge part of its current


assets as collateral security to our loan?

We wouldn’t object to that. Part of this money will be used to


retire present debts and part to expand our operations. Then


we can immediately begin to liquidate this new liability.

I think we’d better prefer that arrangement.

Ex. 1. Role-play the dialogue.


Ex. 2. Apply to the bank for a loan to support your studies/your trip abroad/renting a flat.


Role Play

Three different groups of inexperienced young business people in a small town require capital for their businesses. They all apply to the local branch of Megabank.

The tree groups of would-be borrowers must develop financial arguments that they think will convince the bankers. The group prepareing the role of the bankers has to think of questions about the viability of the future businesses: will they be successful, and why? Or why might they not be successful?

The roles are:

1.A junior manager (and assistants) at the bank, responsible for new local small businesses. To lend or not to lend, that is the question.

2.A group of young people who want to open a small specialist record shop seilling CDs of dance music.

3.A group of young people who want to buy an existing take-away business (the lease on the premises, the kitchens, the delivery scooters, and so on). The business is profitable, and well-known in the town, with loyal customers. The new owners can keep the same telephone number, and either keep or change the name.

4.A group of students who already operate a part-time computing consultancy service, advising small business on what hardware and software to buy, and how to set up a website. They want to borrow money to buy more computers for themselves, on which to try out elaborate new software programs.

Your teacher will give you further details about the roles. You have to prepare your questions or arquments in a group, after which one or two members of the groups of borrowers will be chosen to negotiate with the bankers.


Discuss the following issues.

1.Whom is an overdraft mostly used by and what are the advantages with it? Can students in your country make use of it?

2.What are the commodities that a bank trades in your country?

3.What changes have there been in personal banking recently? What further changes do you foresee in future?


4.If you possess a large sum of money, what are the pros and cons for the following: – putting it into a stock; – buying a bundle of lottery tickets; – taking it to (local) Las Vegas; – buying gold; – investing in real estate; – buying shares; – putting it in a bank?

5.How would you comment on the saying: “When America sneezes, the whole world catches a cold”?

6.What are the basic financial institutions in your country?

7.How can you get a loan from a bank in your country?

8.What large projects are being financed, or have recently been financed by foreign banks in your country? Find the information to make short reports in the class.


account n – счёт

current(Br)/checking(Am) ~ – текущий/расчётный счёт deposit(Br)/time(Am) ~ – депозитный/срочный вклад overdrawn ~ счет с отрицательным балансом bankruptcy n – банкротство

blue chip n – голубая фишка (акции крупных, пользующихся уважением компаний)

bond n – облигация, ценная бумага borrowing n – заем, кредит

broke adj – бедный, без гроша to go ~ – разориться

cancel v,n – аннулировать, отменять cater v – ориентироваться, обслуживать

charge v, n – назначать цену, относить на счет; плата cheque (GB)/check(US) n – счет

to clear a ~/syn. to stop a ~ – оплатить счет circulation n – обращение, кругооборот collateral n – обеспечение кредита, залог credit n – кредит, доверие

to be in~ syn.to be in the black – быть кредитоспособным, иметь деньги на счету

extension of ~ – предоставление кредита currency n – валюта, деньги

custody n – опека, попечение in safe ~ – на сохранении

deposit v – депонировать, положить на хранение


deposit n – вклад, депозит, взнос demand(BrE)/checking(AmE)~ – вклад до востребования savings(Br)/time(Am) ~ – срочный, накопительный вклад depositor n – вкладчик

deregulation n – децентрализация insurance n – страхование intermediary n – посредник

lend v – давать взаем, предоставлять кредит loan n – кредит, заем

maturity n – срок платежа, погашения merger n – слияние

mortgage n – ссуда на покупку жилья, ипотека

overdraft n – овердрафт; сумма, выдаваемая банком клиенту сверх остатка на его текущем счёте

offset v – возмещать, компенсировать

paid-in-capitalоплаченная часть акционерного капитала pledge v – отдавать залог, закладывать

portfolio n – перечень ценных бумаг price n – цена

futures ~ – фьючерская цена (цена на покупку или продажу товара с доставкой в будущем)

spot ~ цена на наличный товар, «спотовая цена» rate n – ставка, уровень

base/discount ~ – учетная процентная ставка центробанка interest ~ – процентная ставка

required reserve (ratio) – предписываемые законом резервы reserve requirements – резервные требования

quote v – назначать цену, котировать savings n – сбережения, накопления share n – акция

shift v – перемещать, переводить

spread n (syn. margin) – спрэд (разница между предполагаемыми ценами покупки и продажи)

short notice – краткосрочное уведомление standing order – постоянное поручение statement n – отчёт, баланс

takeover n – поглощение trustee n – попечитель, опекун value n – ценность, стоимость

face/nominal ~номинальная стоимость


valuables n pl – ценности, драгоценности

underwrite v – гарнтировать размещение, подписывать withdraw v – отзывать обратно, снимать со счета

yield n – доход по ценным бумагам с фиксированным процентом


·Discount rate – The interest rate a central bank charges on loans of reserves to banks.

·Exchange rate – The number of units of one nation’s currency that equals one unit of another nation’s currency.

·Federal Reserve System –the twelve central banks in the USA that service banks and other financial institutions within each of the Federal Reserve districts, popularly called the Fed.

·Nominal interest rate – the annual percentage amount of money that is earned on a sum loaned or deposited in a bank.

·Open market operations – the buying and selling of government securities by a central bank.

·Required reserve ratio – the percentage of deposits that a central bank requires a bank to hold in vault cash or on deposit with it.

·Required reserves – the minimum balance that a central bank requires a bank to hold in vault cash or on deposit with it.




1.What do you know from the history of money?

2.Can you give any examples of things that were used as money in the previous societies?

3.Do you see any advantages of a barter system?

4.What functions does money serve in modern societies?

5.What body is responsible for monetary policy in the country?


Text 1

As you read the text, focus on the types and functions of money.

Money and its Functions

Historically, many commodities, ranging from precious metals to cigarettes, have been used as money. In prisoner-of-war camps, cigarettes served as money. In the nineteenth century money was mainly gold and silver coins. These are examples of commodity money, ordinary goods with industrial uses (gold) and consumption uses (cigarettes) which also serve as a medium of exchange. In most modern societies, however, commodities are rarely used as money because they are expensive. Instead, they use fiat money, that is mainly paper currency issued by governments and deposits in checking accounts that are accepted as a means of payments for goods and services. Fiat money is sometimes called token money. By collectively agreeing to use fiat money, society economizes on the scarce resources required to produce money as a medium of exchange. The essential condition for the survival of fiat money is the restriction of the right to supply it. Private production is illegal.

Society enforces the use of fiat money by making it legal tender. The law says it must be accepted as a means of payment.

In modern economies, fiat money is supplemented by IOU (I owe you) money. IOU money is a medium of exchange based on the debt of a private firm or individual. A bank deposit is IOU money because it is a debt of the bank. When you have a bank deposit the bank owes you money. Bank deposits are a medium of exchange because they are generally accepted as payment.

Although the crucial feature of money is its acceptance as the means of payment or medium of exchange, money has three other functions. It serves as a unit of account, as a store of value, and as a standard of deferred


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