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He said that

Он сказал, что

the jurors conducted their deliberations in that room.

присяжные совещаются в той комнате.

the jurors were conducting their deliberation then.

присяжные совещаются в той комнате сейчас.

the jurors had conducted their deliberation in that room.

присяжные уже провели совещание в той комнате.

the jurors would conduct their deliberations in that room.

присяжные проведут совещание в той комнате.

Задание 34. Переведите на русский язык

  1. My friend said that he had finished his scientific research the day before.

  2. The teacher asked us when Byron was born. We said that Byron was born on January 22, 1788.

  3. They said that they were going to take their exam in history the next week.

  4. I was asked if I knew about our meeting. I answered that I should be there at 10 o’clock.

  5. His sister told me that she would study medicine at the Institute.

  6. The students said that the story for home reading was very interesting. They also said that they liked detective stories.

  7. He said that he had served in the Far East two years before.

  8. We were told that we could go in for different sports at our school.

  9. They asked when the seminar in Administrative Law would take place.

  10. My friend said that he was very busy that week with his report.

  11. She said that she would speak to them if she saw them next day.

  12. They asked me when I was leaving for Omsk.

  13. They told us to take part in the sport competitions on Saturday.

  14. We didn’t know if our friend was married.

  15. The students said that they would study many new subjects the next year.

§20. Infinitive






1. To detect the criminal is very often not an easy task.

Разыскивать преступника – очень нелёгкая задача.

2. The main duty of militia officers is to fight crime.

Главная обязанность сотрудника милиции – бороться с преступностью.

3. At our College we are also taught to find evidence.

В институте нас также учат находить улики.

4. He had no intention to commit a criminal act.

У него не было намерения совершать преступное деяние.

5. I entered the Law Institute to become a good lawyer.

Я поступил в юридический институт, чтобы стать хорошим юристом.

to be + Ved, Vз

To be elected is the right of every citizen.

Быть избранным – право каждого человека.


to be + Ving.

He couldn’t be studying at such a late hour.

Не может быть, чтобы он занимался в такой поздний час.



to have + Ved, Vз.

I’m sorry to have interrupted you.

Извините, что я прервал вас

to have been + Ved, Vз

He is happy to have been invited there.

Он счастлив, что его пригласили туда.

Perfect Continuous

to have been + Ving.

He is known to have been working on this problem for many years.

Известно, что он работал над этой проблемой в течении многих лет.


The Functions of Infinitive