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never – ніколи (заперечення) this year (цього року)

3.Make up questions.

Exampe: A.Have you discussed the terms of the summer session with your dean yet?

B.We have already discussed the terms of the summer session with our dean, but we have not discussed the terms of our clinical practice yet.

1.to read new English and Latin textbooks

2.to receive letters from foreign pen-friend

3.to make contracts with English and German firms

4.to be to Moscow

5.to receive students from France

6.to translate scientific papers.

4. Make up sentences using Past Perfect Tense.

by five o’clock – до 5 години, by Saturday – до суботи,

by the 15-th of April – до 15 квітня, by the end of the year – до кінця року, by that time – до того часу,

before they sent their letter – до того, як вони надіслали свого листа

Example: He had translated the text by five o’clock.

(to translate the article, to learn to speak Spanish, to finish one’s work, to loose one’s textbook, to fulfill one’s plan, to look through the catalogue).

5. Give the interrogative and negative forms of the following sentences.

1.Preservation of nature has become a serious issue by the end of the 20-th century.

2.Our group had translated the article about preservation of nature by 6 o’clock.

3.Margaret has visited many beautiful countries.

4.All countries have passed laws requiring power stations to install filters that prevent the acid getting into the air.

6. Use the Past Simple, Present Perfect or Past Perfect instead of the infinitives in brackets.

1.The children (do) their homework. Now they can go to the skatingrink.2.Alice (know) them for many years. 3.He (go) to Greece two years ago. 4.His wife is a designer.She (have) her own studio for six months. 5.I


(not/see) Keith for a while. 6.We (be) friends since we were ay university

together. 7.He and his wife (live) next to me since their son, Tom, was

born. 8.The film star (give) a party which cost $10,000. 9.We (not/receive)

any letters from her lately. 10.He (fall asleep) at half past seven.11. We

(discuss) the terms of the summer session with our dean by the end of the

weeek.12. When we arrived at the cinema, the film already (begin).13. I

(buy) the book that the teacher (recommend).

7. Translate the sentences into English.

1.Ми вже закінчили свою роботу, коли він прийшов. 2.Вона сказала нам, що розмовляла з деканом стосовно практики. 3.Він купив новий годинник через те, що загубив свій старий. 4.Він переглядав журнали, які нам прислали наші американські . колеги5.Наш декан

проінформував нас про ,тещо він зафрахтував літак для нашого перельоту до Америки. 6.Він сказав мені, що купив подарунок і відіслав своїй подрузі. 7.Вона пригадала, що обіцяла батькам написати про свій приїзд до Лондона. 8.Ми пізно повернулися до гуртожитку, тому що були на концерті. 9.Анна розповіла нам, що вона подорожувала упродовж місяця, була в різних містах Росії і бачила багато цікавого. 10.Після того, як зайшло сонце, ми вирішили повернутися додому. 11.Я згадав про цю новину, коли вони вже пішли. 12.Наш куратор погодив терміни сесії до того, як ми зустрілися.

8. Make up sentences using conjunctions: which, that, those, who.

1.Our ancestors chopped down the forests, killed animals that lived there and invented machines and instruments .... polluted the water, the air and the soil.

2.For many centuries the people ... lived on our planet before us had been trying to make their life easier and more comfortable.

3.Huge industrial enterprises pollute the air we breathe, the water we drink and the land .... gives us bread, vegetables and fruit.

4.People die younger because of cancer, AIDS and other diseases .... are directly connected with the polluted environment they live in.

5.The government of Germany took very decisive and serious steps punishing ..... responsible for the pollution.

6.But such results can only be achieved if there is a government ....

seriously thinks of its people and of its country.

7.Some countries have passed laws requiring power stations to install filters ..... prevent the acid getting into the air.


9. Fill in the gaps with words derived from the words in brackets.

There are many problems which 1)….. (threat) our natural environment. Acid rain, 2) ….. (globe) warming and air and water 3)….. (pollute) are among the most serious ones. There are several ways to help improve the situation. Firstly, we should encourage 4)……(recycle) because it is the 5)……(produce) of new materials which causes the most damage. We must learn to reuse things like plastic bags and glass jars. Secondly driving an environmentally-friendly car is also 6) ……. (help). Furthermore, joining an 7)…… (organise) which plants trees or cleans up beaches would be 8) ……(prove) that you are really 9)……(concern) about the environment. Lastly, supporting groups such as Greenpeace, which try to prevent many 10) ….. (environment) disasters, would help to ensure that our planet will be clean and safe for future generations.

11) (preserve )of nature has become a serious issue by the end of the 20-th century.

10. Read and translate the following sentences.

1.Global warming is thought by many to be the most serious global environmental issue facing our society.

2.The river Rhine in Germany was known to have been seriously polluted some years ago by industrial plants and sewage water.

3.The life of every living organism, from the simplest bacterium to the largest animal, is known to depend on the structure and physiology of the living organism and also on the kind of the environment it lives in.

4.Many consider this classification to be quite decisive, and some propose these as stable borders for bioregional democracy initiatives.


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