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9.2 Translate the sentences about Bashkortostan and the usa:

  1. Природные богатства США включают нефть, природный газ и железную руду.

  2. Много национальностей населяют Америку.

  3. Что касается сельского хозяйства, Башкортостан один из лидеров среди сельскохозяйственных регионов России.

  4. В республике Башкортостан нефтепереработка и химическая промышленность хорошо развиты.

  5. Столица США это город Вашингтон, а самый большой город это Нью-Йорк.

  6. Уфа это большой промышленный город, оживленный и днем и ночью.

  7. Улицы Уфы имеют имена знаменитых людей.

  8. США занимают обширную территорию и омываются двумя океанами.

  9. Фермеры Башкортостана не выращивают табак и хлопок.

  10. Во фруктовых садах штата Вирджиния фермеры выращивают яблоки, груши, сливу и вишню.

  11. Улицы Вашингтона обозначены номерами и буквами.

  12. Природа Башкортостана красивая и привлекает людей со всей страны.

9.3 Dialogues

  • Could you do me a favour?

  • Yes, what is it?

  • I must make a small report, just a few sentences, about the capital of the USA. It will be tomorrow.

  • Let’s start then. The capital was named after the first president of the USA George Washington. He himself selected the place for the town.

  • Why are there always the letters D.C. after the name of the city?

  • The city isn’t in any state. It is in its own district. A hundred square miles were taken from the states of Maryland and Virginia. It was called the district of Columbia (D.C.)

  • Is the city well planned?

  • Yes, it is. The city is divided into four sections: NW(north-west), NE(north-east), SW(south-west), and SE(south-east).Numbered streets run north to south: First Street, Second Street. Lettered streets such as A-street, B-street run east to west.

  • Great! I have never heard of it. And what’s the heart of Washington?

  • The Capitol. All tourists begin sightseeing in Washington from the Capitol. It consists of two chambers: the Senate and the House of Representatives.

  • What about monuments?

  • The Washington Monument which is 555 feet tall is called “Pencil” because of its shape. There is an elevator which carries tourists to 500 foot level observation windows. There are some other monuments to presidents of the USA: Lincoln memorial, Jefferson memorial.

  • I think this information will be enough. You were so helpful. Thanks a lot.

  • Don’t mention it. You are welcome any time.

* * *

  • Before we began to study America at our English lessons, I always thought that the capital of the USA is New York. Это один из самых больших городов мира.

  • Нью Йорк очень важен для страны. It has been the gateway to the United States for many immigrants. Do you know its nickname?

  • A monster?

  • Да, очень большие города иногда называют монстрами. But I meant “The Big Apple”. The Big Apple has become a symbol for America’s largest city.

  • Our teacher said, that New York is also called “the city that never sleeps” because it is alive at all hour of the day and night.

  • Ты знаешь, каково население этого города?

  • Да. Около десяти миллионов человек. И он состоит из пяти частей или районов: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx and Staten Island. И он расположен на реке Hudson.

  • You are clever. You know much.

  • Thank you. We both are very clever.