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Вопросительные, относительные и союзные местоимения (interrogative, relative and conjunctive pronouns)

1 They had brought few books with them ... she hadn’t read.

a) that; b) whom; c) what; d) which

2 You’re one of the few people ... I’d like to know better.

a) that; b) whom; c) what; d) which

3 « ... of the two of them is right?» he asked me.

a) that; b) whom; c) what; d) which

4 I don’t honestly see ... I can do about it.

a) that; b) whom; c) what; d) which

5 That is the worst news ... we’ve ever had from you.

a) that; b) whom; c) what; d) which

6 ... do we call the sea between England and France?

a) that; b) whom; c) what; d) which

7 I told him everything ... was relevant.

a) that; b) whom; c) what; d) which

8 ... I saw was a solid-looking brick house.

a) that; b) whom; c) what; d) which

9 ... pronoun is always written with a capital letter?

a) that; b) whom; c) what; d) which

10 In this room there was a small grate, on the mantelshelf of ... she had arranged two vases of flowers.

a) that; b) whom; c) what; d) which

11 Looking at him she wondered ... sort of small boy he had been.

a) that; b) whom; c) what; d) which

12 ... cost more money, ready-made clothes or tailor-made clothes?

a) that; b) whom; c) what; d) which

13 All ... they would tell me was that Uncle Nick was ill.

a) that; b) whom; c) what; d) which

14 ... did he say?

a) that; b) whom; c) what; d) which

15 There had grown between them an understanding ... required no words.

a) that; b) whom; c) what; d) which

16 ... other things did you buy?

a) that; b) whom; c) what; d) which

17 «I have never been given any of Granny’s things.» « ... about her watch?»

a) that; b) whom; c) what; d) which

18 It is for you to decide ... is to speak to the chief.

a) that; b) who; c) what; d) which

19 They’re a family that would quarrel about ... way a doorknob turns.

a) that; b) whom; c) what; d) which

20 ... quality do you admire in a man?

a) that; b) whom; c) what; d) which

21 He is the man ... car I noticed in the square.

a) that; b) whose; c) what; d) which

22 Take these books to your brother and ask him ... are his.

a) that; b) whom; c) what; d) which

23 If you ask for «the German», every one will know ... you mean.

a) that; b) whom; c) what; d) which

24 I didn’t tell her ... it was all about.

a) that; b) whom; c) what; d) which

25 He examined the official records to find out in ... name the house and plot were registered.

a) that; b) whose; c) what; d) which

26 They explained ... they wanted.

a) that; b) whom; c) what; d) which

27 I was sure that ... he said about the girl was true.

a) that; b) whom; c) what; d) which

28 Later that afternoon Phil went to San Fernando, where he soon found the house in ... the Klement family was said to live.

a) that; b) whom; c) what; d) which

29 They asked a young woman ... the street was called.

a) that; b) whom; c) what; d) which

30 Then they were asked ... company they represented and ... sort of factory they intended to put up in the area.

a) that; b) whom; c) what; d) which

31 Avery Smallwood turned from his work on the verandah to see … was there.

a) that; b) who; c) what; d) which

32 He sighed impatiently. Nothing he had done that morning was worth the time … he had spent on it.

a) that; b) whom; c) what; d) which

33 … could have thought that he would walk out on us like that?

a) that; b) who; c) what; d) which

34 «… time did she go off duty last night?» asked Crome.

a) that; b) whom; c) what; d) which

35 Still it would be better to have some idea … he was going back to.

a) that; b) whom; c) what; d) which