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Words and word combinations to be remembered

ability – способность, возможность, умение

considerable – значительный

expose to light – подвергать воздействию света

compound – структура, строение

poor condition – плохое состояние


sample – образец, проба, экземпляр

inquisitive – любознательный, пытливый

investigate – изучать, исследовать

deflection – отклонение, преломление

rare – редкий

penetrate – проникать

beam – луч, испускаемое излучение

a recognized fact – признанный факт

unaffected – неизменённый, немодифицированный, непоражённый

emerge – появляться, всплывать

intrinsic – присущий, свойственный, важный, значительный

rule out – исключать, вычёркивать

Ex.1. Form adverbs from the following adjectives and translate them into Russian:

Pure, comparative, rapid, equal, ordinary, certain, accidental, radioactive, previous, rare, heavy.

Ex. 2. Translate into English:

Как это происходит со многими другими открытиями, чисто случайное, интересоваться, видимый свет, в течение значительного периода времени, проявить пластины, были в таком же плохом состоянии, причина этой неудачи, могло ли это быть связанным с, быть популярным, проникающая радиация, светонепроницаемые материалы, на излучение совершенно не влияет, без малейшего влияния, эти факты исключали возможность, причина, должно быть, кроется, внутреннее строение атома, короткие электромагнитные волны.

Ex. 3. Fill in the blanks with the proper word using the words in brackets:

  1. (purified, purely, purification)

1. The process of … is rather complicated. 2. It is a … theoretical problem. 3. How is the material … in this case? 4. The discovery of the phenomenon of radioactivity was … accidental.

  1. (excited, excitation)

1. The radiation was flowing without any external … from the piece of uranium ore. 2. The highly … atoms are often called Rydberg atoms. 3. Both the ion and target atom undergo electronic … during the collision.

3. (exposed, exposure)

1. The technique is based on the use of long … to record an object’s motion. 2. The plates were badly fogged as if previously … to light. 3. Several of the animals which were … to radiation have died since.

Ex. 4. Answer the following questions:

  1. Who was the phenomenon of natural radioactivity discovered by? 2. Was this discovery made quite accidentally? 3. What problem did Becquerel study at that time? 4. What did he keep minerals for in one of the drawers of his desk? 5. What did he see when he developed the photographic plates? 6. Why did he begin checking all the boxes with plates? 7. Under what conditions were the boxes kept? 8. What was the cause of this mishap? 9. Was Becquerel greatly surprised to discover the radiation? 10. Who were the first investigators of the phenomenon of radioactivity discovered by Becquerel? 11. What conclusion did the first investigators come to? 12. What substances is the radiation emitted from?

Ex. 5. Say a few words about:

  1. The history of the discovery of natural radioactivity.

  2. Radioactive elements and three kinds of radioactive rays.

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