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III. Замените подчеркнутое в предложении слово, используя один из

предложенных вариантов (A, B, C, D), который, на ваш взгляд,

наиболее точно передает значение всего предложения.

1. The post of Mayor is filled by the vote of the whole council for only

one year.

A. is made full

B. is written

C. is occupied

D. is informed

Text B


I. Опираясь на информацию текста, найдите ответы на следующие


1.Why do local government officials need to gain public understanding and

support? Mention at least three reasons.

a. ______________________________________________________

b. ______________________________________________________

c. ______________________________________________________

2. What are the five major functions of the public relations office within a

local government agency ?

a. ______________________________________________________

b. ______________________________________________________

c. ______________________________________________________

d. ______________________________________________________

e. ______________________________________________________

  1. What are the most effective ways to present local government news?

Cover at least two of them.

  1. _____________________________________________________

  2. _____________________________________________________

II. Письменно своими словами изложите основное содержание

текста на русском языке.

III. Задайте к тексту 6 – 7 вопросов разного типа.

Organizing for public relations

In local governments

(1) It is a hard job for a local government official (whether elected or appointed) to gain public understanding of his views and enough support to act on those views. A well-organized public relations program can help encourage public trust by identifying local government policies, procedures and concerns. As a representative of the local government a public executive needs to understand public opinion and attitudes to make sound and effective decisions. Adequate feedback from all parts of the community and its citizens can also help look at the future of the community focusing on different issues, such as recreation, education, social services, economic development and housing..

(2) An elected government officer may designate the person in charge of dealing with news media or there may be a full-time or part-time public relations position, depending on the size of the local government. This manager typically has ultimate responsibility for public relations and his job includes motivating employees and using budgeting resources to collect and share information about the ongoing activities. The role of a local government officer is to encourage his PR manager or department to use effective public and press relations techniques to publish informative, well - designed materials. The staff role in public relations overseen by the PR manager is to facilitate the information sharing and gathering. But it is the duty of an elected official himself to directly convey news to the public through the media, and to make announcements about major decisions.

(3)The major functions of the public relations office within the local agency are:

  • Counseling local officials on public opinions and on the support or opposition to various services and programs being provided or considered by the local government.

  • Responding directly to citizen enquiries and complaints.

  • Helping the various departments to plan coordinated efforts to gather and share information with the public.

  • Conducting information campaigns to get support for major programs.

  • Handling media relations.

  • Preparing speeches and advising officials on their public presentations.

(4) There are some very effective ways to cover local government news and to present facts, for example, local radio and television. Local TV talk shows provide an

opportunity to explain local government programs or issues in detail and to respond

the questions from the audience. Local television channels are most often used by local governments to cover the proceedings of boards, councils, and committees, and to broadcast information on local events, policies and activities.

(5) Newspapers are the primarily media for most communities. So, local governments need to establish close working relationships with the reporters who regularly cover them. The PR director wants to see stories that will encourage public support and effective use of available public services and programs. The news reporters consider themselves protectors of the public interest and look for the stories that will sell papers. As a result, a newspaper’s vision of a story may sometimes seem inappropriate and even frustrating to the public officials. Both parties want to inform the public, but for the different reasons. So, PR manager should learn the rules to communicate with the reporters effectively. Here are some tips to deal with reporters:

  • Keep the members of the press aware of the progress – what’s happening between decisions – so that they understand the results.

  • When a “no comment” response is absolutely necessary, explain why an answer would be inappropriate and say when information will be made available.

  • Know the deadline of reporters you work with regularly and try to provide them with information in time to meet their deadlines. Don’t play favourites; distribute news releases fairly to all reporters.

  • Treat reporters with respect. Ensure that reporters get access to the staff and information needed to write a complete story. Point out big errors in their stories, but don’t nit-pick over small mistakes. If you are pleased with the coverage of the story, let the reporter (and his boss) know about it.

(6) A number of local governments find it easier to provide frequently requested information by preparing pamphlets and booklets. Some of them contain information with recent local government newsletter, a summary of community history , a street map, and an information on who to contact for various services and when.

(7) But no amount of booklets, press releases, and news stories will influence a citizen better than excellent communication skills of the local government office employees - answering the telephone quickly and politely, writing clear and short letters, listening well so as to understand the problem or question. A public executive should check to see whether employees have complete and timely information on hand about basic government services and policies and whether they are informed of changes in policies. Regular meetings with the public relations director as well as with all employees will help develop knowledgeable, enthusiastic employees.

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