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  1. Study the vocabulary:

  1. income доход

  2. distribution распределение

  3. in turn в свою очередь

  4. affect влиять, воздействовать

  5. household consumption расходы семьи

  6. appliances (бытовые) приборы

  7. appropriate level соответствующий уровень

  8. domestic домашний, внутренний

  9. propose предлагать, предполагать

  10. water requirements потребности в воде

  11. food preparation приготовление пищи

  12. below that level ниже того уровня

  13. drastically решительно, значительно

  14. average figure среднее число

  15. reflect отражать

  16. backlog задолженность, невыполнение

  17. mask маскировать, скрывать

  18. consumption потребление

  19. better-off богатый

  20. acute deprivation острая нехватка, лишение

Reading for Speaking and Discussing

  1. Read the text and answer the question:

  • How much water do we need?


Economic activity and development affect income, income distribution and lifestyles. These in turn affect the demand for water through changes in the level and composition of household consumption in areas such as diet, the use of household appliances and standards of sanitation.

How much water is needed for one more person? Although climate and culture influence what constitutes an appropriate level of domestic water consumption, several international agencies and experts have proposed 50 litres per person per day (or just over 18.25 m3 a year) as an amount that covers basic human water requirements for drinking, sanitation, bathing and food preparation. In 1990 over a billion people were below that level.

On the other hand, households in developed countries and better-off households in developing cities use from 4 to 14 times the threshold of 50 liters per person a day.

Drastically lower average figures for domestic consumption in developing countries reflect not only different life styles and lower incomes, but also a huge backlog of unsatisfied demand. The lower average also masks extremely high consumption among better–off urban households and acute deprivation among rural and urban poor.

  1. Find in the text the equivalents to the following word combinations:

экономическая активность и развитие

влиять на распределение доходов

санитарные нормы

культурное влияние

международные эксперты

основные человеческие потребности в воде

с другой стороны

развитые страны

развивающиеся страны

богатые семьи

разный образ жизни

острая нехватка

  1. Answer the questions:

1. What does the demand of water depend on?

2. What amount of water covers the basic human requirements in water?

3. How much water do households use in developed countries?

  1. What can you say about domestic consumption of water in developing countries?



  • What is the main water consumer in this country? (agriculture, industry, municipal or domestic users)

  1. Learn to recognize the following international words:

Analyst, agriculture, industry, municipal, domestic, reservoirs, trend, regional, management, potential, production, central, ecosystem, accelerate, degradation, priority.

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