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Extra-curricular activity

Apart from education recreation and entertainments are an important part of student life. As the proverb says, "all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy". There are a lot of amateur activities for the students with artistic inclinations. Very popular are musical and theatrical groups. Some students make dancing a hobby. A good many students like reciting poetry and public reading. Amateur art concerts are a regular feature at our Academy. On Red Letters Days and anniversaries variety concert programmes are arranged in the Assembly Hall. They draw a full house and a great success with undergraduates. It's a great fun to recognize your fellow-students among the performers of different turns: singing, dancing, playing different musical instruments, showing sketches and so on. The holidays are usually marked by issuing festive wall-newspapers with photographs and witty texts and jokes.

There is also an interesting tradition of initiation parties for the freshers. They are arranged annually by the senior students and are always amusing shows followed-by a discotheque.

Our Academy also has good facilities and equipment for sport. There are sport sections, such as skiing, volleyball, basketball, table tennis and others.

There are two construction teams at the Academy. In summer they go to different parts of our region to build houses, farms and other objects.

The students of the art faculty go a field to draw in the open air and the students of the faculty of chemistry and biology go to the forest to observe plants, birds and animals. They also go-boating to the Tchusovaya river where they come into a close contact with wildlife.

Besides; if you look at a notice board in the lobby, you will find there meeting with persons prominent in art culture: singer, poets, actors and so on. Students also take part in special scientific programmes, inter-college competitions and other events.

Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, выбрав одно из трех слов, подходящее по смыслу.

1. Students get a higher (examination, education, question) at the institutes and universities. 2. Students receive a monthly (profession, scholarship, tradition). 3. After the students (organize, graduate, teach) from the institutes they go to work in all fields of national economy. 4. He did not enter the institute because he (prepared, failed, learned) in mathematics. 5. Students must (return, attend, begin) lectures on different subjects. 6. He is a good student, he will (come, understand, pass) all the examinations well. 7. As the lectures begin at 9 o'clock, you must come some minutes (after, between, before) 9 o'clock. 8. He didn't answer this question because it was very (difficult, different, easy). 9. (Vacation, school year, academic year) runs from the first of September to the end of June. 10. I (steal, spoil, borrow) books from the library). 11. In the fifth year we are to submit a (newspaper, a graduation paper, a wallpaper). 12. This year I (entered, graduated from, was expelled from) the academy. 13. I have to pay for (passing exams, receiving good marks, my studies). 14. 1 don't get (knowledge, marks, state scholarship) at the Academy.

Вставьте подходящие по смыслу слова.

Last year I was a 1) and studied at school. After finishing school I decided to

2) the Institute. I had to take 3) in three subjects. I passed exams well and became 4). Our Institute is a very big building. When you enter our Institute you see two 5) on the first floor, they always ask every student to show 6). We leave our clothes in the 7). We have three or four 8) every day. We have ten-minute 9) between our lessons. When our brake lasts (длиться) twenty minutes we go to our 10) to have dinner. Our group consists of (состоит) twenty three 11). We have a 12). Our monitor brings the 13) of our group to every lesson. The head of our faculty is called the 14). All students from other towns may live in the 15).There is a large library and a reading-room in our Institute. When we have to make 16) we 17) from the library. We study according to (согласно) our 18). We have lectures and 19). The Academic year consists of two 20). At the end of each term we have exams and 21). If a student doesn't pass his exam he may 22) the Institute. Students who don't pay for their studies and study well get 23) every month.

  1. hostel

  2. brakes

  3. scholarship

  4. report

  5. a first-year student

  6. pupil

  7. dean

  8. time-table

  1. students

  2. practical hours

  3. cloak-room

  4. be expelled from

  5. monitor

  6. guards

  7. register

  8. student's pass

  1. double-periods

  2. borrow books

  3. credit tests

  4. canteen

  5. terms

  6. entrance exams

  7. enter

Вставьте подходящие по смыслу слова.

Students' life is not only education but also different kinds of 1). Students all over the world like 2) extra-curricular activities. Every university, college and academy has different traditions. In all Russian universities there is a tradition of 3) for freshers. Initiation parties 4) by senior students. They are full of different 5) and they are always followed by a 6). They 7) with the students. Most 8) are arranged in the 9) of our Academy. It is situated on the first floor. The students of our Academy can see different shows and amateur art concerts on 10). These shows are prepared by the students with 11). They attend 12) groups where they can sing, dance, 13) and then take part in different concerts. The most talented students sometimes go abroad (выезжают заграницу). Students who are good at sport can attend 14) such as: 15), 16), 17), 18), 19), 20). Students' life is very interesting and full of different 21). You can find all necessary information on the 22) in the lobby. Also there are many colorful 23) on the walls of our Academy. They are made by the students who are good at 24) and 25). If you attend one of those groups of interests for two years you can get a certificate and it will be your specialty. It depends only on you whether your life at the Academy will be interesting or not.

to take part in


are arranged

graphic arts





marital arts

artistic inclinations

musical and theatrical

play musical instruments

initiation parties

are very popular

sport sections


Assembly Hall



notice boards

competitions wall-newspapers




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