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17. Расставьте фразы в диалогах в правильном порядке .

  1. — It's on the second floor, to the right of the escalator.

  2. — Try the Household goods department.

  3. Excuse me, where can I buy some enamel saucepans?

  4. — How do I get there?

  1. — Oh, they are really nice.

  2. — Here you are.

  3. — It's 15 pounds.

  4. — I like this apple green one.

  5. — Yes, I'll have it, please.

  6. — I'd like a scarf to match my handbag.

  7. — How much is it?

  8. — Can I help you?

  9. — We have a lovely selection of fine woolen ones.


Сопоставьте слова 1-8 со словами a-h, чтобы получились фразы.

  1. You're

a help you?

  1. I'm sorry,

b have any ...

  1. I can't see

с are these?

  1. How much

d the price.

  1. Here

e else?

  1. Do you

f we don't have any ...

  1. Can I

g you are.

  1. Anything

h welcome.

Вставьте полученные фразы в диалоги между покупателем(customer - C) и продавцом (shop assistant - SA).

1 c: Excuse me! How much is this T-shirt? .

sa: I'll find out for you.

c: Thank you. sa: .

2 Sa: ?

c: Yes, please. ?

sa: They're £7.50.

3 c: blue T-shirts?

sa: No, left. We have some green ones.

c: Green! No, thank you.

4 c: Can I have two of these?

sa: Certainly. .

c: Thank you.

sa: Not at all. ?

c No, thanks.

20. Дополните диалоги фразами:

You're welcome. I can't see a price, can I help you?

Shop assistant: Hello, (1)

Customer: Yes please. How much is this book?


Shop assistant: Just a minute. It's £7.95.

Customer: Thank you.

Shop assistant: (3) .


No, I'm sorry we don't. OK, thanks. Do you have any key rings?

Customer: (4)

Shop assistant: Yes, we do. There are silver ones and these black ones.

Customer: Do you have any with the cathedral on it?

Shop assistant: (5)

Customer: (6)


How much are they? The book and these postcards then, please. Anything else?

Shop assistant: (7) .

Customer: Yes, I'd like some postcards please. Shop assistant: They're over here.

Customer: (8)

Shop assistant: They're four for a pound. Customer: Fine. (9}

21. Заполните пропуски в тексте следующими словами:

departments, sell, shop assistants, window displays, to run, choosing clothes, prices

I dream (1) a shop of my own. It will be-a shop for teenagers. I will name my shop Jacky after the name of my favourite magazine. I will (2) things that teens like. There won't be horrible dresses and skirts that my granny wore when she was young. I will have young (3).They will be able to give professional advice and to help teens in (4). There will be different (5) in my shop. And teens will be able to find everything they like: trendy clothes, computer games, CDs, sweets, books, gifts, toys. There won't be very high (6). Shop (7) will be bright and attractive.

22. Заполните пропуски словами a few or a little.

Fred is at the supermarket now. He is very upset. He put (1) oranges, (2) apples,

(3) milk, (4) ice-cream,(5) eggs into his bag. He also put (6) оnions, (7) bananas, (8) rice,(9) cheese, (10) lemons, (11) fish, and (12) meat. He was going to pay for these foods but couldn't find the money. He left it at home.

No wonder he's upset.

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