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The Open University

A university that calls itself ‘The Open University’ suggests that all other universities are closed. And this is true, because they are closed to everyone who does not have the time, the opportunity or the qualifications to study there. For these people, who missed the chance of going to a conventional university, ‘The Open University’ was set up in 1967.

Most of its students work at home or in full-time jobs and can study only in their free time. They need to study about ten hours a week. As the university is truly “open”, there are no formal entry requirements (none of the usual “A” Level examinations are asked for), and students are accepted on a “first come, first served” basis. This is one of the more revolutionary aspects of the university.

Вариант 4

I. Переведите на русский язык любой текст по юридичсекой специальности из газеты или журнала на английском языке, объемом 3000 печатных знаков, сделайте ксерокопию переведенного текста для проверки преподавателю. Подчеркните в данном тексте все неправильные (нестандартные) глаголы.

II. Выпишите нестандартные глаголы, дайте их в трех формах, и переведите, выучите их с переводом на русский язык.

Образец: sell-sold-sold-продавать

III. Заполните пропуски местоимениями: some, any, no или производными от них.

  1. I have … free time now, I shall go … tonight.

  2. My doctor knows … diseases about my health.

  3. Does he read … magazines concerning our success in sports.

  4. We often meet … in that house which belongs to famous actors.

  5. I need … money for my project.

  6. Is there … at such late time?

  7. There are … visitors on the market early in the morning.

IV. Переведите следующие предложения, употребляя Passive Voice.

  1. Книги куплены в супермаркете.

  2. Ребенку разрешили пойти в школу после небольшого перерыва.

  3. Деньги были получены во время.

  4. Юристы были обучены в ЯГСХА, и имеют хорошие знания.

  5. Эта картина написана знаменитым художником.

  6. Тексты переводятся студентами дома.

  7. Спортсмены были подготовлены современных спортивных площадках.

V. Перепишите текст, переведите на русский язык. Выпишите глаголы будущего времени.

A year has passed since I left school. What has changed since then? Last August I entered the Institute of Foreign Languages. In five years I shall be a teacher of the English language. By the time I graduate from the Institute I shall have been already learning it for 10 years. It’s long enough, isn’t it? I have been already studying at the Institute for some months. All this time we work mush at the language. Of course, I had been learning the language for 5 years at school but it was only the beginning. In a few days I am finishing the first year. Now I am taking my exams. I have already passed two exams in English and History. We shall take our last exam on Friday. It’s good that we shall have passed it by the end of the week, as I am going to my friend to Grodno. Now Kate studies at the University. Two years ago left school in Minsk. She lived next door to me. But then her parents moved to Grodno. Kate is a second-year student of the Philological Faculty.

VI. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык и сделайте предложения отрицательными:

Модель: This commercial bank had already stopped to exist when the war started.

This commercial bank hadn’t stopped to exist yet when the war started.

  1. He had already changed currency when I rang him up yesterday.

  2. They had already chartered the commercial bank when I organized my private cafe.

  3. He had looked over the financial statement by five o’clock yesterday.

  4. My brother had made a career in banking when he was 26.

  5. He had put all his money on his saving account before the money reform was introduced.

VII. Напишите 7 многосложных прилагательных в 3-х степенях. Модель: important - more important – the most important.