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АНГЛІЙСЬКА_Навчальний посібник Сімкова - копия.doc
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In this unit we continue review of Inversion and start review of Emphasis, for more information see Reference 10

Task 13. There seem to be no limits to what the Ivy League Universities will do to enjoy more popularity. Five of the following are facts and three are hoaxes. Find out which facts are and which hoaxes are? Mark them F or H. Check your answers in the end of this unit.

a Dartmouth College can justifiably be considered the cradle of business education furthermore it was the first that gave their graduates MBA.

b Harvard University is negotiating with the city of New York to replace Statue of Liberty with a similar-sized statute of John Harvard for 18 weeks.

c In 2007 Princeton University joined the scandal Google project that promised to digitize a million books (from Princeton repository), but only those the copyright for which has expired.

d On February 2014 Yale University invited Nina Davaluri (Miss America 2014) shared her goal of spreading cross-cultural understanding and combating ignorance before their students and teachers.

e Columbia University celebrated its 250 year anniversary by painting an entire street in the UK bright pink – houses, cars, trees, even dogs.

f The authorities of Brown University have included the sex-change surgery in the insurance program for students.

g In 2012 The Pennsylvania State University agreed to pay victims of sexual abuse (defendant is football coach Gerald Sandusky) $ 60 million.

h Scientists from the University of Cornwall are proposing to decorate the twin Petronas Towers in Kuala Lumpur with the emblem of this University.

Task 14. We can make –ing/-ed adjectives and adverbs from verbs e.g.

bore bored / boring. How many –ing/-ed adjectives can you find in the paragraph 5 in the text you have read? What are the verbs?

Complete these questions with the correct adjectives. Then ask and answer the questions with a partner.

  1. What is the most __________thing you have ever done at University? (excite)

  2. Is there anything that you are_________by? (fascinate)

  3. What is the most__________thing that has happened to you at University? (embarrass)

  4. When did you last feel__________ at University? (surprise)

  5. What is the most___________thing you have known at class? (amaze)

Task 15. Rewrite the sentences, beginning with the words in bold.

1. Mastering the subject is certainly most important.

Example: Certainly most important is mastering the subject.

2. The most teachers come from middle-class backgrounds.

3. The university day meets the requirements of organizational effi­ciency.

4. Students are required to do in higher school many of the things.

5. Time at university is precise and arbitrary.

6. The democratic idea of equality thus came to be defined as equality of achievement.

Task 16. Rephrase the following sentences in as many ways as possible, as in the example.

1. Students in a competitive university system soon learn to work for higher grades.


…It is students who soon learn to work for higher grades in a competitive university system. (emphasis on the subject = students)

… It is a competitive university system where students soon learn to work for higher grades. (emphasis on the adverbial phrase = in a competitive university system)

…It is higher grades for which students soon learn to work in a competitive university system. (emphasis on the object = higher grades)

2. James S. Coleman published his book in 1960.

3. The girls were generally bet­ter students than the boys in this higher school.

4. To Coleman these results suggested that the values of the adolescent subculture were a deterrent to academic success.

5. Teachers also teach students values and attitudes that are not in the school's formal curriculum.

6. One of the first things a student learns in higher school is to be on time.

Task 17. Delete the extra word in these sentences. Then translate them into Ukrainian.

1. Selection is a traditional function of education, by which do candidates are selected for various occupational roles.

2. Only when did I talked to him in person was the matter settled.

3. It was Coleman who he told me about hidden curriculum.

4. Marion likes students who conform to her own ethnic and so does like her sister.

5. Only by you entering the college will you be able to find a good job.

Task 18. Complete the asterisked gaps in the chart below with words from the paragraphs indicated. Then fill in the other gaps.





§ 1



§ 2



§ 3





§ 4



§ 5



Task 19. Study the table then agree or disagree with the following statements.



to agree with the affirmative statements



to agree with the negative statements

1. "I did not estimate that students".

"Nor ___________We have problems with grades".

2. “I can appreciate the potentialities in this field".

“So ____________________ it's easy".

3. “We are not going to that seminar".

"Neither ______________. We can't afford it".

4. “I will cope with those difficulties at University".

“So_________________. I will go there tomorrow”.

5. “I've got some good news!”

“So _____________. I've received the highest grades”.

Task 20. Find at least three examples of Emphasis in the text you have read.


Task 21. Translate the following paragraph about obedience into Ukrainian.

Task 22. Choose the best option to translate the sentences.

1. Learning to line up quietly, for example, does not help the first grader learn to read, but it does make running the classroom easier for the teacher.

A. Наприклад, вміння стояти струнко, не допомагає першокласникам навчитися читати, однак саме це допомагає викладачеві працювати з класом.

В. Наприклад, вміння стояти струнко, не допомагає першому в колоні навчитися читати, однак саме це допомагає викладачеві працювати з класом.

С. Наприклад, вміння поводитися тихо, не допомагає першокласникам навчитися читати, однак саме це допомагає викладачеві працювати з класом.

2. It is exactly this composition that will do for our purpose.

A. Це саме цей склад підійде для нашої мети.

В. Саме цей склад підійде для нашої мети.

С. Саме цю композицію ми замовляли.

3. It is precisely this opinion that makes a person defend this approach.

A. Саме така точка зору змушує особу захищати цей метод.

В. Це саме така точка зору змушує персону захищати цей метод.

C. Це саме така точка зору, що змушує персону захищати цей метод.

4. Цей критерій, хоча й є зручним, повинен використовуватися обережно.

А. The figure of merit, useful criterion as it is, must be used with reserve.

В. The figure of merit, useful criterion as it is, must be used with reservation.

С. This figure useful criterion as it is, must be used with reserve.

5. Нам не вдалося розрахувати змінну величину, ми також не знаємо як оцінити характеристики цієї системи.

A. We did failed to estimate the variables, nor did we know how to evaluate the performance of system.

B. We failed to estimate the variables, nor did we know how to evaluate the performance of system.

C. We did not fail to estimate the variables, nor did we know how to evaluate the performance of system.

6. Саме про цю проблему вони говорили і писали.

A. It was that problem that they spoke and wrote about.

B. It was of this problem which they spoke of and wrote by.

C. It was of this problem that they spoke and wrote about.


Task 23. Think about the influence of hidden curriculum on adolescents. Does it exist in your class? Write five sentences. Then find out about your partner.

Task 24. Read the paragraph about the competition in class and analyze it.

  1. Underline the topic sentence. Is it the first or second sentence?


  1. Is the first sentence indented?


  1. How many supporting sentences are there? Which are they?


  1. Circle the concluding sentence or clause.

Task 25. Write a small summary of the text Capitalism and Socialism for about 10 sentences.