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Н.А. Новик Обучающе-контролирующие тесты.doc
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Test 20 Subjunctive Mood

I. Use the verb in the brackets in the right form

  1. I wish you (to be) more attentive at that time.

  2. Do you wish you (to Iive) in a country? •

  3. - I wish my son (to go) to the recreation camp in summer?

  4. We wish he (to can) swim well.

  5. We wish we (to see) the film before.

  6. I wish I (to ask) the teacher how to fulfill the exercise.

  7. - Do you wish (to see) your friend yesterday?

  8. He wished he (to send) his friend a letter.

  9. It's time the train (to start).

  10. It's about time he (to join) us.

II. Complete the following sentences

  1. If I were you I (to go) to the concert without any doubt.

  2. If I could have come in time I (not to miss) the last train.

  3. I (to call) on him again if it were not so late.

  4. If he were not so tired he (to join) you.

  5. If I were in your place I (not to act) like that.

  6. If she asked me to help her I (to do it) with pleasure.

  7. If it were not so urgent I (not to bother) you at such a late hour.

  8. If he were an honest man he (not to behave) like that yesterday.

  9. If it were not so late now I (to wait) for him.

  10. If you knew her address, you (to go and visit) her now.

III. Translate into English

  1. Жаль, что я не пошел с вами на концерт.

  2. Если бы я был учителем!

  3. Хотелось бы мне, чтобы ты лучше учился.

  4. Жаль, что вы не послушались моего совета.

  5. Какая досада, что ты оставил книгу дома.

  6. Пожалуйста, проветрите комнату, здесь так душно.

  7. Как жаль, что я не взял зонтик, идет дождь.

  8. Пожалуйста, не разговаривайте так громко: ребенок спит.

  9. Если бы фильм был интересным, я бы пошел и посмотрел его.

  10. Если бы я поехал на автобусе, я бы не опоздал.

  11. Если бы он встал пораньше, он бы позавтракал.

  12. Давно пора установить это оборудование.

Test 21 Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous, Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect

I. Open the brackets using the necessary tense forms

  1. My sister (to leave) school 2 years ago and (to begin) to read up for the entrance exams to the University. She (to pass) all the exams with good and excellent marks and (to become) a student. In fact, she (to be good) at mathematics since her studies at school.

  2. He looks very proud. He (to pass) his English exam with an excellent mark. On the whole he (to be) a very hard-working student. He usually (to spend) a lot of time doing his homework;

  3. The other day we (to write) a test. To tell the truth, it (to be) a very difficult one. But I (to make) no mistakes in it and the teacher (to give) me a five.

  4. My friend (to go) in for swimming since he went to school.

  5. - Where (to be) you during your winter holidays?

-I (to go) to the Crimea to see my grandparents. They (to live) there since last year.

  1. The teacher said that our group (to make good progress) in English lately.

  2. While Ivanov (to write) exercise 20 on the blackboard, the other students (to describe) pictures.

  3. -Where you (to be)? We (to look for) you everywhere. -I (to work) at the reading-room since morning.

  4. When I (to come) home yesterday evening my parents already (to have supper), my younger sister (to sleep). She always {to go) to bed at 9 o'clock.

II. Change from Direct into Indirect Speech

  1. Jane asked me:" Don't be angry with me for my long silence".

  2. I asked the students:" What helps you to get rid of your mistakes?"

  3. The teacher asked him:" Do you find it interesting to study English?"

  1. I said to Nick:" Join our dancing club, will you?"

  2. She said to us:" It's getting dark. It's high time to switch on the light".

  3. They asked:" What must we do to make good progress in English?"

  4. Mrs. Black said to Ann." I'm quite sure that you are good at history, because you've done a lot of reading this term".

  5. Jane said to Bob:" You behaved very badly yesterday".

  6. She said to her mother:" I've been doing a lot of revision since you left".

  7. Tony said to me:" I shan't bother you until you've done your exercises".

III. Turn the following sentences into Direct Speech

  1. Tom told Mary that he had left home before the lecture began.

  2. Ann asked me not to tell anybody what had happened.

  3. She replied that they had written the essay at the previous lesson.

IV. Correct all possible mistakes

  1. She said to me that she have got no money and wants to lend 5 pounds.

  2. I said that I want to go home, but nobody listened me.

  3. I wondered why was my mother driving so fastly.

  4. A bus-driver asked did I want to go at the town centre.

  5. She said me that she would late.

  6. I told to the others what I can't persuade Jim to follow my advices.

V. Translate into English

  1. Преподаватель сказал, что моё произношение улучшилось с тех пор, как я

стал регулярно работать в зале прослушивания.

  1. Когда я пришла в читальный зал, студенты нашей группы выполняли

домашние упражнения. Мне тоже нужно было описать картинку и поставить

вопросы к уроку 14 письменно. Я села за стол, открыла учебник на странице

154 и начала заниматься.

  1. - Интересно, с какого времени ты готовишься к экзаменами?

  2. - Говорят, Николай провалил экзамен по английскому языку?

- Неудивительно, он пропускал занятия, не работал в лаборатории, не выполнял домашние задания.

  1. - Занимаешься ли ты спортом?

-Да. Я увлекаюсь плаванием.

-А каким видом спорта ты занимался в школе?

-Тоже плаванием. Я занимаюсь плаванием уже 5 лет.

6. - Тебе пришлось долго ждать меня вчера, не так ли?

  1. Я поинтересовался, как Алисе удалось сдать экзамен. Она мне всегда говорила, что никогда не делает дополнительные задачи.