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8. A. Read the text. Choose the most suitable title:

1. A Spymaster on the Net

2. E-Blaster

3. “Spy” Software in Industry

Parents who worry about what their children are being exposed to on the Internet are turning to E-Blaster for help. E-Blaster is ‘spy’ software that allows you to monitor what is being done on your PC, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, by sending a detailed report to your e-mail address as often as every 30 minutes.

Once you have installed E-Blaster, you can check which web sites your children have visited, who they have talked to online and even what they have ‘said’. Monitoring the keystrokes typed by your child is similar to being able to read their mail or listen in on their phone conversations. You can even program E-Blaster to look for keywords such as swear words or other inappropriate language.

Because E-Blaster can be hidden from the PC user, it is also popular with employers, who are not always there to monitor what their employees are doing on their PCs at work.

Concerned parents and employers might get piece of mind from E-Blaster but, if the PC user isn’t informed that they are being ‘spied’ on, it could be considered an invasion of privacy. Personally, I feel that it is a sad reflection on our society today that we feel the need to replace trust and honest communication with ‘spy’ software.

B. Answer the following questions:

        1. What is E-Blaster?

        2. Who prefers using E-Blaster?

        3. What can people do with the help of E-Blaster?

        4. How can it be possible that a PC user doesn’t know he is being spied on.

        5. Why is using E-Blaster considered as an invasion of privacy?

        6. What is the author’s opinion of E-Blaster?

C. What do you, personally, think about using “spy” software? When is it necessary? When can it be dishonest towards PC users?

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