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Recreation: american style

A "hobby" is usually something that a person does alone. But American (and British) families sometimes like to do things together, too. Some American families have quite a lot of money to spend on their recreation. They can all enjoy their holiday home or their boat somewhere in the country away from home.

Americans love to get out of town into the wild, and many go for holidays or long weekends into the thirty-five fabulous national parks. These magnificent areas of countryside include tropical forests, high mountains, dry deserts, long sandy coasts, grassy prairies and wooded mountains full of wild animals.

The idea of these parks, which cover 1% of the whole area of the USA, is to make "a great breathing place for the national lungs" and to keep different parts of the land as they were before man arrived. There are camping places in the national parks as well as museums, boat trips and evening campfire meetings.

Americans really enjoy new "gadgets", especially new ways of travelling. In the winter, the woods are full of "snowmobiles" (cars with skis in the front). In the summer they ride their "dune buggies" across the sands or take to the sky in hang-gliders.

But Americans do not only spend their free time having fun. They are interested in culture, too. Millions take part-time courses in writing, painting and music and at the weekends the museums, art galleries and concert halls are full.


1. Discuss with your partner what Americans have in common with the people of your country and how they differ.

  1. Have a conversation between a bored teenager and his elder brother (sister) who is trying to interest him (her) in someworthwhile hobby.

  2. Exchange instructions with your friend on how to do your favourite hobby.

  3. Discuss in a group what hobbies now you regret not taking up when you were younger. Speak about the hobbies that you gave up too soon.

  4. It appears that boys and girls from early childhood take up different hobbies.

  5. Is there any reason why both girls and boys shouldn't be actively interested in the same pastimes?

  6. "It is the busiest man who has time to spare". Say how the proverb deals with the problem of private time. Discuss the proverb with your partner. Give examples of something you have read or experienced that shows the truth of this proverb.

  7. Discuss in a group what activities you will encourage your children to enjoy. Are there any you will discourage them from? If yes, why?

2. Everyone has something to enjoy in his life. Many people are experts at some spare time interests. Read a conversation about life’s simple pleasures. Which ones do you find strange? Why?

Life’s simple pleasures








Do you have any simple pleasures that you enjoy?

Oh, for me, one of the simplest and most pleasurable activities is making bread. Because I love the slowness of it, and I love the feeling of the dough. And I love the fact that you have to wait. The bread takes its own time. And I love the smell.

What about you?

Well, there is nothing quite like building a brick wall.

Oh, you’re a builder!

No, I’m not. But it is very simple. It’s very straight- forward. When you build a wall and it’s straight, it’s one of the greatest pleasures on earth, I think.

Well, my simple pleasure is waking up at 8 o’clock and knowing that I don’t actually have to get up until 9.30 and going back to sleep. That’s a joy!

3. Work in groups. Try to interview as many people as possible about what they see as their pleasures in life.

Project Work

Prepare a profile of yourself. First make notes about the subject you are taking at University, your language skills, other skills, work experience, interests, hobbies and what you plan to do in the future.

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