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IPhone Touch Screen

Electronic devices can use lots of different methods to detect a person's input on a touch screen. Most of them use sensors and circuitry to monitor changes in a particular state. Many, including the iPhone, monitor changes in electrical current. Others monitor changes in the reflection of waves. These can be sound waves or beams of near-infrared light. A few systems use transducers to measure changes in vibration caused when your finger hits the screen's surface or cameras to monitor changes in light and shadow.

The basic idea is pretty simple - when you place your finger or a stylus on the screen, it changes the state that the device is monitoring. In screens that rely on sound or light waves, your finger physically blocks or reflects some of the waves. Capacitive touch screens use a layer of capacitive material to hold an electrical charge; touching the screen changes the amount of charge at a specific point of contact. In resistive screens, the pressure from your finger causes conductive and resistive layers of circuitry to touch each other, changing the circuits' resistance.

Задание 32. Прочитайте текст и выберите заглавие к нему.

1. Area of IT

2. Predictions


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Electronic money will be very secure but much more versatile than physical alternatives. E-cash can be completely global and could be used as a de facto standard. It does not have to be linked to any national currency, so can be independent of local currency fluctuations. Its growing use on the Net will lead to its acceptance in the street and we may hold a large proportion of our total funds in this global electronic cash. People will increasingly buy direct from customized manufacturers. Shops will be places where people try on clothes, not buy them. Their exact measurements can be sent instantly to the manufacturer as soon as they have chosen an outfit. The shops may be paid by the manufacturer instead.


1. Дополните предложения, выбрав правильный вариант:

а) on b) for c) to d) in

1) The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has extended the licenses … 26 plants around the country.

2) We went through a difficult period … the middle of April.

3) Some problems are generic … all nuclear plants as they age.

4) The whole suite of services will be based … voice processing.

2. Выберите правильный вариант:

5) We studied … of the major PC producers. … of them has some advantages.

a) all b) any c) each d) every

6) … student knows how to use computers.

a) some b) a few c) any d) no

7) We had … time to discuss all the details.

a) any b) some c)many d) no

8) I know … people here but not many.

a) few b)a little c) a few d) little

3. Определите, какие из выделенных слов являются субъектом или объектом.

9) a) These boilers heat the water.

b) She doesn’t like heat very much.

10) a) Sorry, but I don’t like fresh water fish.

b) They always fish in this lake when on holiday.

11) a) The rapid increase in digitization and broadband networking has changed television broadcasting recently.

b) Inflation increases steadily this year.

12) a) World oil prices rise every year.

b) We have seen the impact of off-shoring and the rise of Iudia as the world centre of software development.

4. Прочитайте предложения. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа.

13) Monolithic Ics are by far … but there are other kinds.

a) common; b) more common; c) the most common; d) much more common

14) The conductivity of metals is … than that of non-metals.

a) better; b) good; c) best; d) the best

15) Some general-purpose computers are as … as pocket radios.

a) smaller; b) the smallest; c) small; d) much smaller

16) The … the amplitude of the radio wave, the … the sound that radiates from the radio speaker.

a) greater … louder; b) greatest … loudest; c) great … loud; d) greater … loud

Контрольная работа

Прочтите текст и выберите заглавие, которое подходит лучше всего:

1. Area of IT

2. Predictions


Текст переведите письменно.

By around 2030, we may have the technology to directly link our brain to the ultra-smart computers that will be around then, giving us so much extra brainpower that we deserve a new name, Homo Cyberneticus. In much the same time frame, geneticists may have created the first biologically optimised humans, Homo Optimus. It would make sense to combine this expertise with information technology wizardry to make something like the Borg, Homo Hybridus, with the body of an Olympic athlete and a brain literally the size of the planet, the whole global superhighway and every machine connected to it. Over time, this new form may converge with the machine world, as more and more of his thoughts occur in cyberspace. With a complete backup on the network, Homo Hybridus would be completely immortal. Ordinary biological humans would eventually accept the transition and plain old Homo Sapiens could become voluntarily extinct, perhaps as early as 2200.

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