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1.8. Choose the right variant. (Темы 3-4, 6)

1. Translating technical books he mastered his professional knowledge.

a) Делающий перевод b) Делая перевод c) Сделав перевод

2. Having been repaired the engine began to operate well.

a) После того как отремонтировали b) Отремонтировав c) Ремонтируя

3. Having done the work the engineer wrote down some new conclusions.

a) Выполненный b) Выполнив c) Выполняя

4. The new method of making such engines has been approved of by the committee.

a) производить b) производя c) производства

5. Yesterday the professor told us about his experiments being carried out at his laboratory.

a) которые проводятся b) проводя c) проводив

6. Reading literature on speciality is necessary for an engineer.

a) Читая b) Чтение c) Прочитав

7. Metals being used in industry in the form of alloys have better properties than pure metals.

a) использовав b) использованные c) которые используются

8. Describing the experiment he gives every detail of the process.

a) Описывая b) Описываемый c) Описав

9. Physical parts making up a computer system are hardware.

a) составляя b) составив c) составляющие

10. Having completed his research he published two papers.

a) Закончив b) Заканчивая c) Законченный

1.9. Choose the Russian equivalents of the words in bold. (Темы 1, 3-5)

1. Testing the engine they found serious defects.

a. проверка

2. Testing engines is being carried out by engineers in our laboratory.

b. проверять

3. Having tested the engine we started another job.

c. проверяя

4. To test engines is a very difficult task.

d. в проверке

5. The mechanic was testing the engine for a few hours.

e. проверив

6. The designers were interested in testing the engine in various conditions.

f. проверял

1.10. Choose the English equivalents of the words in bold. (Темы 2, 3-5)

1. The test (только что выполнен) by a group of students.

a. performing

2. The test (выполненный) is very complex.

b. performed

3. The group of students (выполняющая) the test is in the laboratory.

c. having performed

4. (При выполнении, выполняя) the text he made a lot of mistakes.

d. when performing

5. (Выполнив) the test the students went home.

e. has been performed