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  1. non-state – негосударственный

  2. accredited –аккредитованный

  3. higher education establishment –учреждение высшего образования

  4. branch –филиал

  5. representation –представительство

  6. beenrolled– числиться в списках студентов

  7. both…and… - как … так и …

  8. admission –прием

  9. Federal Certificate Exams (FCE) –ЕГЭ

  10. admission test –вступительные испытания

  11. department –отделение

  12. day (full-time) department – дневное отделение

  13. correspondence courses –заочное отделение

  14. gymnasium (gym) –спортивный зал

  15. training –обучение (подготовка)

  16. reasonable –доступный, приемлемый

  17. pay attention to –уделять внимание

  18. to hold (held) –проводить

  19. contest –конкурс

  20. charity actions –благотворительные акции

  21. quick-wits club –КВН

  22. solid background –качественное образование

  23. opportunity –возможность

  24. promising –перспективный

  25. well-paidjob– хорошо оплачиваемая работа

Упр. 4. Ответьте на вопросы по содержанию текста.

  1. When was your University founded?

  2. How many branches are there at the University?

  3. How many students are enrolled?

  4. What is its address?

  5. How are students admitted to the University?

  6. How many faculties are there at the University?

  7. What is the term of studies?

  8. How many terms are there in the academic year?

  9. What subjects do the students learn?

  10. How is the progress of the students tested?

  11. What are the facilities (материальная база) of the University?

  12. What opportunities does the University give to its graduates?

Unit 3. Buisness matters

Ex. 1. Read the text and answer the questions.

What is Business?

Business is not an easy thing. It’s rather a difficult kind of human activity. It has many important elements such as money, taxes, customers, transport, banks and others. There are two general types of business: small business and big business.

Why do people do business? Why do they like small business? People do business by producing goods or providing services. They bay and sell goods. They do business for a profit. If you ask me “What business is good?” , my answer will be: “All business are good”.

Production of goods is very profitable; provision of different services is profitable too. Communications are a good business too, for example, telephone, telegraph and mail services. Financial services, for example, banking and insurance work very well, too.

So, people do different types of business for a profit. Doing business has become very popular everywhere. For example, the whole families in America run small business now. At present it is very popular to be a businessman or a businesswoman. It should be noted that women, like man, successfully run a firm or a company, they prove to be good bank managers or shop keepers.

Briefly speaking, doing business is a comparatively new and perspective tendency in modern life.

There are three main types of business: a sole trader (you alone have responsibility for the business and you take all profits after paying income tax on them); a partnership (a group of between 2 or twenty people trade, as one firm, and share responsibility for debts, decision-making and the profits); a limited company (a company formed by two or more shareholders who put money into the business in return for a share of the profits).