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III. Vocabulary







7.интенсивность- intensity i



10.кабель- cable

11.резистор- resistor

12.вакуумные трубки- vacuum tubes

13.эмиттер- emitter

14.вибрация- vibration

15.искажение- distortion

16.экран- screen

17.инженерия- engineering

18.анализ- analysis

19.дисплей- display

20.автоматический перезапуск- automatic restart

21.внешний вход- external entrance

22.емкость- capacity

23.портативные- the portable

24.корпус- case

25.датчик- sensor

IV. Questions

1. Where oscillographs are used?

2. Of what the oscillograph consists?

3. What operates amplitude of the shown signal?

4. The horizontal section than is engaged?

5. Size of modern oscillographs?

6. For what general-purpose instruments are used?

7. When electron beam tubes were applied?

8. How the tube which was known in 1897 is called?

9. Fixed assets of management accurate sections?

10. What entrances represent oscillographs of general purpose?

V. Grammar

1. Find out sentences with modal verb in Passive

a) Non-electrical signals (such as sound or vibration) can be converted to voltages and displayed.

b) The observed waveformcan be analyzed for such properties as amplitude,frequency, rise time, time interval,distortionand others.

c) Modern digital instruments may calculate and display these properties directly.

d) The oscilloscope can be adjusted so that repetitive signals can be observed as a continuous shape on the screen.

e) Special-purpose oscilloscopes may be used for such purposes as analyzing an automotive ignition system or to display the waveform of the heartbeat as an electrocardiogram.

f) The trigger can be set to automatically restart after each sweep or it can be configured to respond to an internal or external event.

j) Laboratory grade oscilloscopes, especially older units which use vacuum tubes, are generally bench-top devices or may be mounted into dedicated carts.

k) Special-purpose oscilloscopes may be rack-mounted or permanently mounted into a custom instrument housing.

2.Find out 7 any word combinations

1.Early cathode

2.Non-electrical signals

3. Stable and reproducible component

4.The observed waveform

5.Modern digital instruments

6. Repetitive signals

7.General-purpose oscilloscopes

VI. Summary

In this text it is told briefly about an oscillograph. Also answers the main issues. The oscillograph which is earlier called an oscillograph and informally known as the volume, CRO (for an electron beam oscillograph), or DSO (for more modern digital oscillograph of storage), is type of the electronic test tool which supervision over constantly variable tension of a signal, usually as two-dimensional plot of one or more signals as function of time allows. Not electric signals (such as a sound or vibration) can be transformed to tension and are shown. Besides, it is possible to learn where oscillographs and what they happen are used.


В этом тексте рассказывается кратко о осциллографе.И отвечает на главные вопросы.Осциллограф, ранее названный осциллографом, и неофициально известный как объем, CRO (для электронно-лучевого осциллографа), или DSO (для более современного цифрового осциллографа хранения), является типом электронного испытательного инструмента, который позволяет наблюдение за постоянно переменными напряжениями сигнала, обычно как двумерный заговор одного или более сигналов как функция времени. Неэлектрические сигналы (такие как звук или вибрация) могут быть преобразованы в напряжения и показаны.Кроме этого,можно узнать где используются осциллографы и какими они бывают.

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