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    1. Safety activities during the working process

During the testing of students and other people on the PC is prohibited:

a. Touching the back of the system unit (CPU) when it switches on.

b. Switching interface cable peripherals when the power

c. Preventing ingress of moisture on the surface of the system unit (CPU), monitor, keyboard work surface, disk drives, printers, and other devices;

d. Producing an independent autopsy and repair of equipment;

e. Working on your computer when hood is removed;

f. Disconnect the equipment from the electrical outlet and pull out the mains plug, holding the cord.

It is necessary to do regular time intervals to reduce nervous and emotional stress, fatigue, visual analyzer, eliminating the influence of physical inactivity and hyperkinesias, prevent the development of motor fatigue perform complex exercises.

5.4 Safety activities during emergency situations

In all cases, broken wires power ground fault or other damage, the appearance of burning,

Unplug it immediately and notify emergency managers

Do not start work before troubleshooting.

Upon receipt of injury or sudden illness immediately notify their supervisor, to organize first aid or medical emergencies.

Safety requirements at the end of work:

  • Turn off the computer's power

  • Clean worksplace.

  • Perform exercises for eyes and fingers relaxation

    1. Confirmation of safe working conditions using calculation.

Noise protection

It is necessary to choose factor that has great impact on working process. In our case it is noise. Noise is one of the most important problems and that is why we have to calculate limit of it. In general, Noise level in the workplace where information is processed in computers, must not exceed 65dB.In order to decrease noise level, walls and ceiling of the room where computers are located can be covered with sound-absorbing materials.

Vibration level in the rooms can be decreased by setting the devices in the vibro-isolators.

To decrease the noise level following actions can be taken:

  • walls and ceiling of the room where computers are located can be covered with sound-absorbing materials (reduces the noise to 6-8 dB);

  • screening the workplace (using baffles, diaphragms);

  • to set the devices which provide minimum noise in the computer rooms;

  • rational layout of the room;

In order to deal with the noise problems in the computer room it’s necessary to know the noise level at the workplace (table 5.1).

Noise level that is appeared as a result of numerous non-coherent sources that work simultaneously is calculated by the principle energetic summation of separate sources:


where Li – degree of sound pressure of i-s noise source

n – Amount of noise sources.

Obtained results of calculation are compared to the allowable noise level for given workplace. If the results exceed the allowable noise level, previously mentioned actions must be taken. Level of sound pressure of sources that impact on the user in his workplace is given in table 5.2.

Table 5.2

Level of sound pressure of different sources



Hard disc












Usually, the workplace of the user is equipped with the devices: coolers, monitor, keyboard, printer and scanner.

Putting the values of sound pressure level for each device in the formula (5.1), we get:

L=10·lg(104+104,5+101,7+101+104,5+104,2)=49,5 dB

Obtained result does not exceed the allowable noise level for the workplace which is 65 dB. And also if we consider the fact that scanners and printers are not used simultaneously sometimes, this number would be even smaller. Besides, printer does not need the control of the user as it has the mechanism of automatic paper supply.

Fire protection

Before starting to solve safety problems, it is necessary to identify the category of space. Fire protection includes keeping places from damage and provides them with normal strength under high temperatures during fire condition. The building, as well as in classroom, should have 1 or 2 degree of fire resistance.

In construction of classroom were used brick, concrete, glass, metal, etc. Wood should be limited and in the case of use necessary to impregnate flame retardants. It is also necessary to provide fire barriers in the form of partition of non-combustible materials placed in the rooms of our institution. Considering that our building contains engineering equipment such as computers, printers, etc. and the space is "C" class of possible fire used indoors extinguishers OP-5 based on carbon dioxide or dry powder. According to NPB 110-03 building is equipped with automatic fire extinguishing.

Also escape routes should ensure the evacuation of all people in the room during the required period of time. In our building there are 3 emergency exits, the distance between them is less than 50 meters distance sanitary requirements from the most remote locations to the nearest evacuation moves fully compliant.


  1. Трудовой кодекс Республики Казахстан (с изменениями и дополнениями по состоянию на 17.01.2014 г.). Астана, Акорда, 15 мая 2007 года № 251-III ЗРК (признать утратившим силу с момента введения в действие Трудового кодекса Республики Казахстан Закон Республики Казахстан «О безопасности и охране труда» от 28 февраля 2004 года N 528).

  2. Санитарные правила «Санитарно-эпидемиологические требования к эксплуатации и персональных компьютеров, видеотерминалов и условиям работы с ними», утвержденные приказом Министра здравоохранения Республики Казахстан от 25 апреля 2011 года № 217.

  3. Санитарные правила «Санитарно-эпидемиологические требования к условиям работы с источниками физических факторов (компьютеры и видеотерминалы), оказывающие воздействие на человека», утвержденные приказом Министра здравоохранения Республики Казахстан от 1 декабря 2011 года № 1430.

  4. Санитарные правила «Санитарно-эпидемиологические требования к обеспечению радиационной безопасности», утвержденные Правительством Республики Казахстан от 3 февраля 2012 года № 202.

  5. Закон Республики Казахстан «О пожарной безопасности» от 22 ноября 1996 года № 48-I

(с изменениями и дополнениями по состоянию на 13.01.2014 г.)