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Celebrity Spy

When five super celebs offered to open the doors to their luxury homes to GLAMOUR, we couldn’t wait to snoop inside.

Juliette Lewis in her bedroom

Hollywood actress and now bonafide rock chick Juliette Lewis, 33, is no stranger to the UK, having toured here with her band Juliette & The Licks. Fresh from her acclaimed West End debut in the play Fool For Love, she's been living in her London crash pad for the past three months.

- So, Juliette, London’s become something of a second home for you? - "I feel completely at home. You have so much culture here, it's so rich and diverse in terms of art - and your music scene is the best. My band's had some of its best audiences in Manchester, Liverpool and Wales. The UK's given The Licks a lot of love! We're about to go on a European tour, so I won't be back in California for at least another four months."

- How did you find your London home? - "The producers of the play found it for me but I'm easy to please because all I ever look for is space. I've managed to make it look a lot like my place in Los Angeles, especially the bedroom. I have all of my suitcases scattered around the floor and pictures tacked to the wall and my calendar where I've been crossing off the days until I start the tour. I've never graduated to that adult interior designer stage. My place still looks like a teenager's."

- What do you like about this room? - "The big bed, even though I've had no company in it the entire time I've lived here! I like to spread my stuff all over my bed and then I have my space where I actually sleep."

- Which items make you feel at home? - "As long as I have my music, I'm fine. I was given an iPod for my birthday but I haven't had time to download anything yet. I still have a CD player from about ten years ago. Normally all my gadgets break but so far this one's survived. It looks like an antique."

- Do you need your beauty sleep? - "I need it but I haven't been getting any. I've been suffering a little from insomnia lately, so I email friends back home."

John Legend in his kitchen

Soul superstar John Legend, 27, has sold millions of records, bagged himself three Grammys and sung at Ashley and Cheryl Cole's wedding. He's been in his bachelor pad in Manhattan's East Village for seven months.

-What attracted you to this apartment? - "I really love this neighborhood - the nightlife is great with a lot of cool bars and restaurants. Also this area's going to improve a lot, so I figured it would be an investment."

-What’s so special about the kitchen? - "I had it completely redone when I moved in and now it's one of my favorite rooms. It's got a big stove, which I love. But overall, it's a typical bachelor pad with tasteful earthy tones. Nothing flashy."

- So, what would you cook for a date? - "There are a few dishes I'm particularly good at. My specialty is macaroni and cheese. Not the processed packaged stuff but the real thing made from scratch. I'm not the type who sneakily reheats from the local takeaway! The secret ingredient is garlic. I serve it with fried chicken. It might not sound that romantic but it's soul food, the best comfort food ever. Believe me, the ladies love it!"

-This room would be great for a party… - "Well, my house is open plan so it's a very social space. I haven't had any big house parties because it isn't huge but I've had some dinner and cocktail parties. I've been saying I'm going to have a house-warming party since I moved in, so I need to work on that."

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