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Sports in society.

  1. Read the text and say what the author suggests doing to be fit.

Even if sports are not very important for you, you sure think of how to stay in good health as long as possible, how to have a high energy level, enthusiasm and zest for living. If you are going to say that it is not your obsession, I wouldn’t believe you.

So, what do you do to keep fit? Do you go to a fitness club? They are very popular in the USA. Lots of people of different ages go to these clubs to workout.

What is workout?

- A workout is 25 percent of perspiration and 75 percent of determination. Stated another way, it is one part physical exertion and three parts self-discipline. Doing it is easy once you get started.

- A workout makes you better today than you were yesterday. It strengthens the body, relaxes the mind, and toughens the spirit. When you workout regularly, your problems diminish, and your confidence grows.

- A workout is a personal triumph over laziness and procrastination.

- A workout is a wise use of time. It is a way of preparing for life challenges.

- A workout is a key that helps unlock the door to opportunity and success. Hidden within each of us is an extraordinary force. Physical and mental fitness are the triggers that can release it.

- A workout is a form of rebirth. When you finish a good workout you don’t simply feel better, you feel better about yourself!

If you just do your morning exercises, you know how they work. They help you to wake up and set you into a cheerful working mood. Some students like to exercise in the evening. They go to the gym for aerobics, weight lifting, playing basketball, volleyball, or tennis. Some young people prefer jogging, or swimming. Whatever sport you play be sure you do it in a proper way. If you like to run, wear proper running shoes and dress for the weather conditions. If you prefer to ride your bicycle, ride with a helmet and wear bright clothing. Always keep safety in mind.

It’s great if you exercise every day or three times a week. Remember to warm up and cool down when exercising. Rushing into any vigorous activity without first warming up is asking for trouble. A proper warm up increases the blood flow to your muscles, making your body parts more pliable and less likely to be injured.


  • zest – то что придает вкус, «изюминка»

  • perspiration – испарина, потение

  • determination - решимость

  • exertion – проявление (силы воли, терпения)

  • procrastination - промедление

  1. Find the word or phrase in the text, which means the same as the following

  • to be healthy

  • training session

  • it is a one quarter of hard work and three quarters of will

  • a win over your bad habits

  • difficulties in life

  • incredible power

  • high spirits

  • thoroughly

  • you must remember about safety

  • warming up period

  1. Answer the questions

1. What is your favorite sport to play?

2. Can you tell the names of top athletes who play your favorite sport?

3. Do you know how much money (approximately) the top professional athletes in your favorite sport make annually?

4. Is your favorite sport violent (hockey, football...) or not violent (tennis, golf...)?

5. Is participation in your favorite sport completely open to women as well as to men?

6. Do you wear clothing and accessories (caps, footwear...) that are associated with sports?

7. What kind of exercises do you enjoy?

8. Do you want to carve out a career in sport?