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Вариант 4

1. Изучите темы: активный залог- формы Simple , Continuous, Perfect ( Present, Past, Future); пассивный залог- формы Simple ( Present, Past, Future).

Выполните тест. Письменно переведите предложения.

1. The novel “War and Peace “ ... by Tolstoy.

a) writing

b) was written

c) is writing

2. The agreement ... at the next meeting.

a) will be discussed

b) are discussed

c) was discussed

3. He ... away for a month.

a) has been

b) was

c) is

4. The family ... a party when the post arrived.

a) was having

b) is having

c) had

5. He rose to fame after he ... the novel “Pickwick Papers”.

a) has written

b) writes

c) had written

  1. . Изучите тему : простые неличные формы глагола- Participle I, Participle II.

Выполните тест. Письменно переведите предложения.

1. The doctor looked ...

a) worried

b) worring

2. He did not even glance at the ... man.

a) murded

b) murdering

3. He answered through the ... door.

a) locked

b) locking

4. We stood on the bridge in the fog ... for a taxi.

a) waiting

b) waited

5. He lay on his bed ... a cigarette.

a) smoked

b) smoking

3. Изучите тему: модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты.

Выполните тест .Письменно переведите предложения.

1. I have a thorn in my finger. I ... remove it.

a) can’t

b) needn’t

c) may

2. They were so tired that they ... stand on their feet.

a) might not

b) couldn’t

c) mustn’t

3. I have not finished writing my paper, so I’ll ... do it next term.

a) have to

b) be allowed to

c) could

4. On his way he ... cross a narrow wooden bridge over a stream.

a) was allowed to

b) had to

c) could

5. They were told that they ... continue the research work.

a) were to

b) could

c) may

4.Прочитайте и устно переведите текст.


Australia is lying south- east of Asia, between the Pacific and Indian oceans. It’s the world’s smallest continent which is completely surrounded by ocean expances. Its total area is 7,682,300 sq. km.

The continent Australia is divided into four regions: a low , sandy eastern coastal plain , the eastern highland, the central plain , and the western plateau. Although Australia has a wide diversity of climatic conditions , the climate of Australia is generally warm and dry , with no extreme cold and little frost. It changes from comfortably mild in the sourth to hot in the central part and north.

The total population is about 17 mln people with the average density of about 2 persons per sq. km. Most Australians are of British or Irish ancestry as the country was the British colony. More than 99% of the population speak English.

The capital of Australia is Canberra. Australia has a federal Parliamentary government. The Australian federation was formed from six former British colonies which then became states. The Australian constitution combines the traditions of British parliamentary monarchy with important elements of the US federal system.

Australia is the world’s largest wool producer and one of the world’s largest wheat exporters. The main sources of foreighn earnings are wool, food and minerals ( such as iron , copper , zinc , plumbum ) which also provide raw materials for home processing industry.

5. Выпишите и письменно переведите правильные высказывания.

1. Australia is lying between the Atlantic and Indian oceans.

2. Australia is the world’s smallest continent which is completely surrounded by ocean expances.

3.The continent is divided into four regions : a low, sandy eastern coastal plain , the eastern highland , the central plain and the western plateau.

4.Australia has a wide diversity of climatic conditions , the climate of Australia is generally warm and dry , with no extreme cold and little frost.

5.The total population is about 20 mln people

6. Most Australians are of British or Irish ancestry as the country was the British colony.

7.The capital of Australia is Canberra.

8. The Australian federation was formed from French colonies.

9. The Australian constitution combines the traditions of British parliamentary monarchy with important elements of the US federal system.

10. Australia is the world’s largest wool producer and one of the world’s largest wheat exporters.

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