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  1. -Ничего, все в порядке.

    - Все в порядке.

    - Сожалею, я на хотел вас


    -- Ничего, у меня есть другая.

    -Ничего страшного.

    - Ничего, не беспокойтесь.

    - - Извините, что я опоздал.

  2. - - Пожалуйста, простите,

я не знал, что вы здесь.

3. - - Мне не нравится, что вы

сказали о моем друге,

4. - - Извините, я потерял вашу


5. - - Я не могу вас встретить.

Ужасно сожалею.

6. - - Сожалею, но не могу

поехать с вами.



Can I, (May I?) Можно (мне)?

Sure (you can). Конечно (можно).

Sure. Why not? Конечно. Почему бы и нет

Of-course, you can. Конечно, можно.

No, you can”t. Нет, нельзя.

I'm afraid, you can”t Боюсь, что нет.

Please don't. Пожалуйста, не нужно.

Exercise 1. Listen and repeat.

- Can I take this pen?

-- Can I take this camera?

. - Can I come to your party? tomorrow?

-- Can I take the dictionary?


Could (would) you...?


(Yes,) of course.

Yes, sure.

With pleasure.

All right (okay).

I'm afraid, I can't.

I'm sorry, I can't.

(No), I can't (won't).

Would you like to...?

Would you mind...(-ing)?

Would you mind my...(-ing)?

Not at all.

I'd like (love) to..

Give me the pen, please.

Here you are.

- Of course, you can.

- I'm afraid you can't. It has no film.

- Sure you can, why not?

-Please don't. I need it.


Не могли бы вы...?

Конечно. Разумеется.

Да, конечно.

С удовольствием.

Ладно, хорошо.

Боюсь, что не смогу.-

Сожалею, но не могу.

(Нет), не могу (не хочу)

Вы не хотели бы...?

Вас не затруднит...?

Вы не против, если я...?

Нисколько (не затруднит), не


С (большим) удовольствием.

(Я хотел бы...)

-Дай мне, пожалуйста, ручку.

- На, возьми.


Exercise 2. Listen and repeat.

  • Yes, certainly. -Yes, of course.

  • Sure.

  • Yes, I'd love to

  • Sure, it's there on the right.

  • (All right) Okay

  • Yes, of course. Here you «rt.

  • I'm afraid, I can't

  • I'm sorry, I can't I'm late

- No, I won't. No, I can't.

- Could you open the window?

- Could you pass me the tea?

- Could you open the door for me?

- Would you go to the ballet with me?

- Could you show me the waw

to the bathroom?

- Could you wait a minute?

  • Pass me the wine, would you?

  • Could you give me his address?

  • Would you wait for me here?

  • Would you tell me your secret?

  • Could you say it in English?

Exercise 3. Listen and repeat.

    • No, I wouldn't

    • Not at all


    -All right.

    • Not at all

    • No, not at alt

    Would you mind closing the door?

  • Would you mind my smoking?

  • Would you, mind telling Mr. Johnson

that I'm waiting for him?

- Would you mind coming to the office

a tittle earlier?

- Would you mind walking to the office? Would you mind not opening the


Exercise 4. Agree to do things for somebody.

* Would you pass me the salt?

♦ Could you repeat your question?

  • Would you get me a taxi?

  • Wouid you ask somebody to wait?

  • Could you help me?

  • Would you send a letter for me? l

Exercise 5. Refuse to do something.

  • Could you come to the office at 5 p.m.?

  • Could you take me with you?

  • Would you give me that book? .

  • Would you have dinner with me tonight? .'

Exercise 6, Make the sentences according to the model.


It's cold. —> close the window- —> Would you mind closing the window?

close the window

open the window

close the door

take a taxi

speak louder

repeat the word

It's cold.

You are hot.

It's noisy.

You are tired. * :

You can't hear well.

You don't understand.

Exercise 7. Suggest.

  1. go to the museum, see a new film, have dinner, visit your place, meet your family, talk to your boss, attend an 'exhibition, buy a matryoshka.

  2. a cup of tea, a glass of wine, some sandwiches, some apples, some cake.


Exercise 8. Complete the dialogues.

I. - Чего бы вы хотели,

чаю или кофе? - Я бы хотел чаю, пожалуйста

-- Мне бы хотелось билеты - Когда вам хотелось бы

на балет(ballet)' посмотреть балет?

-- Is there a ballet tonight? - Yes? There is. How many tickets?

- Мне бы хотелось 2 билета,

Пожалуйста. - Here you are

- Thank you. - You are welcome.

2. - They're going to bring tea in

a moment There we go. - That”s fine, thank you. Пере-

Here's your tea. дайте мне сахар, please.

- Конечно. Here you are. Можно Да, конечно. Here you are.

попросить у вас ложку? Не закроете ли дверь?

I believe you've got two. It”s cold.

-Да, конечно. Ah, that”s better.

- It's almost midnight Time to go to bed. Не скажете ли мне время?

- He могли бы вы уйти из купе

(leave the compartment) for

a few minutes? Да, конечно. Good night.

Exercise9, . Pay attention to the difference between

"I like" and "I'd like".

I like coffee. - I'd like a cup of coffee now. WHAT 00 YOU LIKE? WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE?

to cook to play the piano goort

to eat fruit ':.

to take pictures

cold beer

to swim

to sing


to play chess .

to play tennis


to drive

to speak English

fresh milk

Exercise 10, Listen, repeat and act.

Would you like to have dinner Yes, certainly

with me tonight?

Where would you like to go? Could we go to some quiet little place off Nevsky?

Sure. Why not?

Do you like it here? Yes, I do

- Where would you like to sit? Could we sit there by the window?

- Sure. Would you like some wine Could I have some juice or

with your dinner? mineral water instead? You

see, I don't drink, could I have

just vegetables? I'm vegetarian

• Oh, I see. Do you mind if I smoke? I'm afraid I do. I wonder if we

could ask them to stop that loud music?

  • I'm afraid we can't. - I wonder if we could go home

  • Would you like to go home Yes, I would. Thank you for the evening.


-You're Welcome. And thank you



Why don't you...? t

(If I were you) I'd...

(I think) you should...

(I think) you'd better...

I advise you to...

You must...

(If I were you) I wouldn't...

I don't think you should...

I advise you not to...



Почему бы вам не... ...,.,*,

(На вашем месте) я бы...

(Мне кажется) вам следует..

(Мне кажется) вам лучше.,.

Я вам советую...

Вы должны...

(На вашем месте) я бы не,,,

Думаю, вам не следует...

Не советую вам...

Не нужно...

Exercise 1, Give advice.

Model: I want to see a ballet. (the Kirov Theatre) -+ You should go to the Kirov Theatre

1.1 want to see a ballet. (the Kirov Theater) ■

2.1 want to see the Russian icon». (the Russian Museum)

3.1 want a ticket to Moscow. (the railway station)

  • What dress should I put on?

  • What tie should I wear?

  • What present should I buy?

  • When should I leave the hotel?

  • Should I take a bus?

4.1 want to buy souvenirs. (a supermarket)

(take а taxi) ,.,'

(take a taxi)

(ask a militiaman)

(wait for me) 1

(make a reservation)

Mcxfel: I want to get to the office on time.

-♦ You'd better take a taxi.

1. I -want to get to the office on time. 2.d;don't know how to get to my hotel.

  1. I'm afraid of getting lost.

4. I want to stay at the hotel.

Exercise 2, Give advice net to do something.

Model: I smoke / . smoke -* I don't think you should smoke.

1.I smoke. smoke

2.I'm going to buy a watch buy this watch

3.I want to talk to that man. ! talk to that man 4.I'm afraid to be iate. walk there

eat so much ice-cream

(You may get sick)

You may get sick

Eat so much ice-cream

(You may get sick)

Go there at the weekend

(It's crowded).

Close the window

(It's cold outside).

Model: I want another ice-cream.

—> You'd better not eat so much ice'-Cream.

1. I want another ice-cream.

2. I want to go to a supermarket.

3. I am hot.

Exercise 3. Complete the sentences.

/ am going to a party. It begins at 7 o'clock.

If I...,I... put on your new dress.

If I ..., I ... wear the red tie. "

You'd ... buy a book and some flowers.

I ... you to leave at 6.30.

No, I don't think you ... take a bus. You'd ... take a taxi. It is very far.

Exercise 4. Your friend is going to London. Answer hie question»,

1. How should I travel? 5. What should I see there?

' 2. What should ! wear? 6. Where should I eat?

  1. What should I take with' me? 7. What should I buy? ■

  2. Where should I stay? 8. When should I come toitoW


Мне обязательно...? Необходимо ли мне...?

Должен ли я...?



Не надо

Не обязательно



Do l need to...?

Need I...?

Is it necessary (for me) to...?

Must I...?

Do I have to...?

Yes, you do / have / must.

No, you don't.

You needn't (do that).

No, it isn't (necessary). .

Exercise 5. Listen and repeat.

  • Yes, I think, ou dо. .

  • Yes, please do.

  • Yes, ! think it is.

  • Yes , I think, you must Yes, you do.

No, you don't.

No, I can understand him".

  • Do I need to make reservations for a room at a hotel (for a hotel room)?

  • Should I visit your office on Wednesday?

  • Is it necessary for me to make

reservations for train tickets?

  • Must I wait for your boss?

  • Do I have to get a visa?

» Do I need to go to the airport with you? Do you want me to translate for you?

- No, it isn't.

• Is it necessary for me to check the suitcase?

Exercise 6. Make the dialogues according to the models.

Model 1:- Do I need to fill out the form?

- Yes, you do. You must fill out this form.

  • to fill out the form • to write my пamе

  • to give my address • to sign the form

  • to send a telegram • to meet her


Model 2:... They are waiting for it. ' . – to make a report

- Do we have to make a report? ,i

- Yes, / think you do. You should make it.

They are waiting for it.

  • to get the documents to reserve tickets

    to talk to your boss (about the problem)

    to discuss the situation with him

    The boss wants to see them.

  • It is difficuit to get them.

  • He wants to discuss the problem.

  • He wants to ask you a few questions

Model 3: - Do I have to bring my papers tilth me?

- No, you don't.

    • Sign the documents

    • call the boss (about it)

    • work on Sunday

    bring my papers with me

  • write a letter to London

  • discuss such problems with them

Model 4: - Should I do it now?

That's (not) a bad idea!

You shouldn't do that. What for? v ■.

That's unwise. :

- No, you don't have to. You can do it tomorrow.

You can do it tomorrow. do it now

She can phone you (when she comes) wait for her here

They all understand English. translate the report

You can come later. . be at the office at 10

There is stiIl a lot of time left. work on Sunday



Wonderful! : Замечательно!

Excellent! Превосходно!

Terrific! Великолепно!

Good! Хорошо!

Great! Прекрасно!

What a good idea! Замечательная идея!

Good idea! (a very good, idea!) Хорошая идея! (Очень мысль!)

How wise (of you!) Очень умно (разумно) c вашей стороны)

I think that's wise. Думаю, что разумно. Very smart! Очень разумно! .

Good for you! Молодец!

That's (not) a (very) good idea! Это (не) (очень) хорошая идея

Это неудачная (неплохая)


Этого не стоит делать.


Это не разумно.

Exercise 1. Listen and repeat.

1. - I'm going to America next month. - Wonderful'

  • I've gotten an invitation from Richard. - Excellent'

  • He wants to set up a joint venture. - Terrific! -I'm going to accept his offer. - Good for you! -I've shown the boss the invitation. -- Good'

2- I think we must send Victor. He knows English. -That's a good idea!

  • Why don't you come to the office? We can discuss the possibillittes.

  • Good idea!

  • And then we can have lunch together.

  • Not a bad idea! .

3. - When Victor comes to the States, I'd like to discuss the plans of the

joint venture. .

- Great!

  • Let's first show him the company and then discuss the plans for cooperation.

  • I think that's wise

. 4. - Why don't we send a letter to Mr. Johnson?

  • That's not a very good idea. It'll take too long.

  • Can I say no to their invitation? '

  • I wouldn't if I were you.

5. - I'm going to leave my things at the station and come for them later.

- You shouldn't do that. Take your things to the office with you -What for?

6. - Let's discuss our plans for the near future. -Good!

- We're going to send an invitation to Victor Kuznetsov's office and you send him a private invitation. .

-A very good idea!

  • You can take him to Boston to our branch there and show him around.

  • Excellent!

-Then you'll bring him back to New York and we will arrange a meeting

for him with the board of directors.

.. - Wonderful, but I think we should first discuss all possibilities among ourselves.

- Vic is going to tell us about their plan-j and we are going to tell him

about ours.

-I think that's wise

-And we can tell him about our Chicago project

-Oh, I don't think we should do that. Not until it's ready.

Exercise 2. Read and complete the dialogue.

Ann: What about your plans for the summer, Vera?

Vera: 1 think I'll go to Italy in June.

Ann: , Thafb not a very good idea.

Vera- ' Why?

Ann: It's too hot there in June Why don't you go there in September?

Vera: Because the tour is for June, and I've a chance to go. I've already paid for the ticket.

Ann: That's too bad.

Vera: But I had to pay if I. wanted to go. And I do want to go! -

Ann: - What for?

Vera: To see all the beautiful places I've read about, to meet the

people, to swim in the sea Why not? Ann: One shouldn't swim in the sea if it's polluted.

Vera: Then I'll lie in the sun.

Ann: You shouldn't do that either. The sun is dangerous.

Vera: Okay. Then I'll stay at home, feed the cat and water the flowers

Ann' Wonderful! Then I'll be able to go to India.

Vera: To India! When?

Ann: : In June.

Vera: . But... .

Exercise 3. Listen and repeat.

  • When is Kuznetsov supposed to arrive?

  • He's arriving in New York tomorrow at about 6.00 p.rn, ,

  • Have you reserved a room for him?

  • He's staying at my place. I've done everything so that he'll feel at

home. ,

-That's nice of you. Is his itinerary ready?

  • Yes, here it is.

  • Do you plan to take him to Boston?

  • We're going there on Tuesday.

  • Excellent! When is he going to meet the board?

  • That's not a good idea, I'm afraid. It's just before the weekend. Can't

we make it Thursday or Monday?

  • That's not a bad idea! What's he doing on the weekend?

  • We're going to have a party at my place.

  • That's a good idea!

Exercise 4. Approve or disapprove the following.

  • I'm going to Moscow next week

  • I'm going to take my wife (husband, boyfriend, girlfriend) with me.

  • I'm going to change my job.

  • I've bought a computer.

  • I've written a letter to the newspaper,

  • We've finished my paper already.

  • We've reserved a room at the hotel

  • He's fought a ticket for you.


Могу (вполне, легко) этому поверить.

Конечно, я этому верю.

Не верю / Не могу поверить

Не может быть.

Вы что, серьезно? ;

Вы шутите!

Вы, наверно, шутите!


I can (quite, well, easily) believe it.

(Of Course) I believe It.

I don't (can't) believe it.

That can't be (true).

You aren't serious

You're joking (kidding)!

You must be joking (kidding)!

Exercise 5, Read and act.

1. - I can understand almost every word he says. .

-I believe you

2. I can't believe that I'm going to the States tomorrow, can you? -Of course. ! can (believe it).

3. -I've lost the letter.

- I can't believe it. It can't be true.

4. - They are sending Petroff to America, not me.

- It can't be true!

5. - The Coopers are bringing their children with them.

- You're joking!

6. - You have to spend the weekend at the office, working out the


- You must be kidding!

T. - Where is your neighbour? I haven't seen him for a few days.

  • He's gone to Moscow.

  • You mean to Russia? I can't believe it, can you?

  • Of course. I believe it. His wife told me.

  • Did he go there alone?

  • Yes, I think so.

Exercise 6. Express belief or dlebellef.

  • I've lost my passport.

  • Frank has missed his train.

  • English is an easy language.

  • Vera speaks English beautifully.

  • His wife is thirty.

  • They live on the twelfth floor.

  • Richard is coming to London for two years.

  • Frank has divorced his wife.

Exercise 1. Make the sentences according to the models. Model 1:

Your boss will go to the States next year, (possible)

-fit's possible that my boss will go to the States next year.



Yes,... Да,..

Maybe / Perhaps / Possibly Может быть, возможно, вероятно :

Quite possibly. Вполне возможно.

It's / That's (quite) possible. Это вполне возможно,

That / It could happen Может (так) случится

No,... Нет

That / It's not possible] Это невозможно

It's / That impossible. J Это невозможно

It's / That's unlikely (not likely) Это маловероятно

He is iikely (unlikely) to... Похоже (вряд ли) он


Probably Вероятно.

Very likely Очень возможно (похоже на то)

i think so, /1 expect so. Думаю, да. / Полагаю, что да.

Probably not. Вероятно, нет.

That's not very likely / probable. Это маловероятно

I don't think so. Не думаю

I don't expect so. Полагаю, что нет.

I doubt it. ; Сомневаюсь.

,. • The secretary hasn't reseived your tickets yet. (impossible) —tit's impossible that my secretary hasn't reserved my tickets yet.

  1. Your boss will go to the States next year. (possible)

  2. The secretary hasn't reserved your ticket yet, (impossible)

  3. You will get your vacation in July this year. (possible)

  4. Frank's wife has divorced him. (impossible)

  5. You will get your foreign passport next year. (possible)

  6. Your baggage is lost. (impossible)

  7. They are going to send you to the States next winter, (possible)

Model 2.

  • She ...to buy a new coat. -* She IS LIKELY to buy a new coat

  • He... to begin learning English soon. --» He IS UNLIKELY to begin

learning English soon.

  1. She ... to buy a new coat. 6. He.,. to have free time.

  2. He ...to begin learning English. 7 They ... to be good businessmen.

  3. They... to set up a joint venture. 8.She... to make a good interpreter. 4. Mary... to come to London in May 9. Vera... to go to Italy in summer. 5. Frank...to stay in London for two more years.

(a good secretary) (to get a ticket)

Model 3.

Mary is going to be a secretary,

f Mary IS LIKELY to be a good secretary.

David is going to visit France in June.

(to get a ticket)

(to be a success)

(to be late)

-> He IS UNLIKELY to get a ticket.

  1. David is going to visit France in June •

  2. Jane is going to play at the concert.

  3. Frank is going to come by metro.

(to be back by Monday)

(to get a good, one)

(to come before 9:00)

4 My boss is away.

  1. Her husband is going to buy a new car.

  2. We are wating for Susan.

Exercise 2. Listen and repeat.

-Will you be able to visit New York? -Probably.

-Will they come to meet you at the airport? -Very likely.

- The weather is going to be much warmer in Washington. -I think so.

  • They are going to discuss their future plans with you, aren't they?

- I expect so.

- Probably not. '-•

That's not very likely.

- I don't think so.

- I don't expect so. -I doubt it.

- I don't think so.

- Yes, it's very likely.

- Is Mr. Carter going to bring his wife with him?

- Are they going to send the documents to us?

- Does Mr. Carter's wife speak English?

- Is your boss going to , ,sit the States this yew?

- Did she take you for an American?

- Is Richard going to meet you in New York? He is probably too busy to come to the airport?

- He will probably send somebody to meet you, if he is busy.

- It is not very likely that Richard has forgotten

about my arrival. - i doubt it. He may simply be late.

-- Yes, I think so. There is somebody waving to

you it is probably some friend. - Yes, и must be Frank.

- Yes,.I think so. It's likely that he has come to

meet you. - I doubt it. He is probab-

ly meeting some American friend, not me.

- I don't expect so. He's coming over here.

Where is Mr. Kuznetsov? - He is probably at the post-office. He

may be sending a telegram to his wife.

Has he agreed to visit the factory on Monday? - | expect so.

  • Is it likely that he will sign an agreement there? - I doubt it. He

will probably have to consult his boss.

Exercise 3. Answer the questions.

Model: - Are you going to learn Gerthan? Probably

  • Is it going to rain?

  • Is it likely that you will go abroad?

  • Will you go to England next year?

1 • Are you going to receive any foreign guests

  • A"5 you going to change your job?

  • Will you spend your vacation on the Black Sea?

Exercise 4. Complete the dialogue.

Mr. Cronin: Does Mr. Kuznetsov want to visit our office on the first day of

his stay?

Richard: Возможно.

С: Is he going to bring their proposals to us? R: Полагаю, что да.

С: Is he going to sign the agreement at the beginning of his visit? R: Маловероятно, что он подпишет договор в начале визита. С: Is he going to sign it before he leaves? v '•-"'• "'■

R: Думаю, да. ■■■'""■ .

С: Is he going to visit Chicago? 'r>

R: Сомневаюсь. He will not have the time. ■■/■'■ ', - '




Почему бы нам не...? Как насчёт...? Мы могли бы... Думаю, мы могли бы... Я предлагаю, (чтобы мы)


I don't feel like it. I don't want to. I'd rather not. Do \ have to? Do we have to?




Why don't we...? ■

Why not...?

How about...ing..,.-?"

We could :

I suppose we (might..., could...)

I suggest we...

Ф Exercise 1. Listen and repeat.

- Why don't we get down to business? .

-Yes, okay. . .. ' / .-, ^

-Why not discuss the itinerary first? :.-»■■■■■.

  • Yes, that's a good idea. How about writing down all the proposals? ■

  • i have already prepared ours. We could visit some of the hospitals if want to. ' .... . .

- Yes, that would be very interesting. ■ . ' , : . -We could also seethe labs. ■■ ' ■"..... .'.,'. ...

-Great! • '. ' .;. '., . ../■ '.. t ;.

  • I suppose we could start tomorrow morning. ,.;. . ,, ,. .

  • Yes, why not start tomorrow? ' ^-...'

  • ! suppose we couid go to the hospital right after breakfast. .' :

  • Shall we make it at 10 o'clock9 .,,, ....,

  • I suggest we start at 9:00 so that we ccu'd see more. ■: '■■.■■,

  • it's okay with me. ■ ■

  • What about a cup of coffee? -■ ■ ■ , -.;.-.■

. ■ . • ' -30- :

- That would be great!

Exercise 2. Make the sentences according to the models. Model 1.

She doesn't speak English . (get an interpreter)'

'. —> Why doesn't she get an interpreter?

  • I will be late for the meeting , (take a taxi)

  • I don't know his telephone number (ask Peter)

  • I'm hot. •..-f ■ (take off your coat).

  • She'd like to see the new musical. (ask Richard to get tickets).

Model 2.

a cup of coffee - How (What) about a cup of coffee?

  • a drive to the country • a visit to the movies

  • having lunch in the office canteen • a smoke

  • going to Washington for the weekend.


Мне не хочется.

Не хочу.

Лучше не надо.

Мне(это) обязательно?

(ЭТч) I 'Jf'i С'ОГ|ЗЙ|''?ЛЬНО?

H Exercise 3. Listen and repeat.

  • Are we going to see some more pictures?

  • I guess not, I don't feel like it.

  • Why don't we go to the movies tor.iyhf?

  • No, I don't want to. „■ '

  • I suppose we could visit David in hie office and havi lurM#l; t©8etj)*r.

  • i'd rather not. .-.'..■

Exercise 4. Say it in English.

  1. Давайте споем какую-нибудь английскую песню. - Мне не хочется.

  2. Почему бы нам не искупаг :.я? - Не хочется. Мне и так холодно.

  3. Как насчет партии в шахматы? - Я не хочу.

  4. Спроси у этой девушки, как ее зовут. - Лучше не нужно.

  5. Я думаю, вы могли бы подготовить все бумаги к понедельнику.

-Это обязательно?

6. Я предлагаю сначала пойти в столовую.

- Нам это обязательно?


Не знаю

Извините, не знаю. :>■


I don't know. ■" '•■• j:"'■'■■ ■■ ;L"v

Sorry, I don't know. ■ /'■■.*■;.,

I can't tell you ~| ' : :. ■ ' ■ '

I couldn't say J ' He могу вам сказать ■

I have no idea (I haven't the slightest idea.) He имею понятия.(ни

малейшего понятия) I can't help you. / He могу вам помочь.

ft Exercise 5. Listen and repeat.

1. - Could you, please, tell me where the nearest post-office is?

- I'm afraid I don't know.

2. - How much does a local call cost in New York?

- I'm afraid ! can't tell you.

3. - How do I get to Manhattan from here?

■ : ■' ■■: -32- ' . ■

- ! couldn't say. Ask a policeman. ■

4. -Where could I get change for a dollar bill, please?

- I can't help you. I'm afraid. I'm a foreigner myself.

5. -When do you think Richard will call me?

- I have no idea. (I haven't the slightest idea).

6. -What is the population of Washington?

- I'm sorry, I don't knew.

7. Bill: Mom, what's the population of Peru?

Mother: Of what? Of Peru? I don't know. Ask your father. Bill: Dad, do you know what the population of Peru is? Father: Sorry, I don't know. Ask Michael. He should know. Bill: Mike, do you know how many people live in Peru? Michael: I can't teli you. I'm doing my math. Look it up in the book

or ask Grandma. She knows everything. Bill: Grandma, do you know what the population of Peru is? Grandma: I have no idea. I'm afraid, I can't help you. Look it up.

itfroise 6. You are at the station of our town. Can you answer these questions?

  1. Where is the nearest hotel?

  2. How do I get to the center of the town?

■ 3. What bus do I take to the Intourist hotel? * . 4. Where is the nearest foodstore?

  1. What is the population of the town?

  2. Do they have any museums? (worth seeing)

■■'. 7. Could you direct me to the post office? •

, 8. Could you tell me where the "lost and found" is?' .',. 9. When is the next train to Moscdw?

' . ■ , ■■'.'- зз- ■ ■' ■ ■ •

Q Exercise 7. Listen and repeat

1.- I don't think they want to set up a joint venture.

-1 think you are right. ■ . (' ':■"

2. - I think we should go to Washington by plane. • •

  • I think so too. In my opinion New York is a very exciting city.

  • That's true.

■ 3. - I think that the Empire State Buiidirrg is the tallest skyscraper in New York.

- i don't think you are right, I believe the World Trade Center is

,.' ta||er- ■-.'■-.' ■■ . ■■-.■-.. ,u~:, ■■ ..■■'

4. - I believe we should fly to Washington,;, • .; ' :


I believe (think, feel) that...

In my opinion...

I guess Л think

I agree (with you).

I think you are right.

That's true.

As far as I know.

Frankly speaking.

If I am not mistaken.

From my point of view (formal)

I don't / can't agree with you.

I don't think so.

I don't think you are right.

You are wrong.


Я полагаю/ думаю/ чувствую что

По моему мнению / по-моему,...

Я думаю. ■ .

Я согласен.

Думаю, вы правы. ,....■

Это верно.

Насколько мне известно.

Откровенно говоря.

Если я не ошибаюсь «

По моему (официально)

Я не согласен с вами.

Не думаю.

Я думаю, аы неправы.

Вы неправы /заблуждаетесь/.

- I think you are right. We can save a lot of time by fiying.

5. - Washington is much more beautiful than New York.

- I can't agree with you. I prefer New York. It's full of life.

6. - It's in Washington that decisions are made.

- You are wrong. Decisions are made where the money is.

Exercise 8. Make the dialogues according to the model.

Model: — Moscow is the most beautiful city in Russia. — I agree (don't agree) with you.

I. If we go by plane we will save time. /• 2 The agreement must be signed tomorrow.

  1. Life is much quieter in Washington than in New York.

  2. The best way to learn about people is to travel.

  3. Life is more pleasant in Washington than in New York.

  4. Going by train is boring.

  5. The only way to travel is to fly. ,*'■''■'-

  6. Most people prefer city life to country life.

  7. A month is enough to get to know a country like America.

10. There's no need to travel when we have books, films and television.

I1. The food in this restaurant in much better than at home.


Вам нравится,..? Да.

Да, очень. Нет.


Do you like...?

Yes. (Yes, i do.)

I do very much (a lot.)

I love it.

I like it very much indeed. J"



Нет, не нравится.

Совсем не нравится.

Я предпочитаю. ■ .

Я не выношу.

Я терпеть? не могу. ■

Я обожаю.

Я возражаю против. . ■

Я надеюсь.

Это ужасно / отвратительно.

• Jack London

  • pop music

  • travelling

  • different food

- Не очень,

- Совсем не понравился. -Да, очень. -Да, очень.

- Ужасный.

- Не могу с вами

No, I don't. . .

i don't like it at all."

I prefer...

I can't stand...

I hate. ■'

i adore.

I don't mind. ■ .

i hope. ■ ■ ■

It's awful / terrible / disgusting.

-Yes, I do. ■■-;.'.., ■■ ,'::■

  • I do very much. -1 love him.

  • I like it very much indeed. -No.

  • No, 1 don't. "

ft Exercise 9. Listen and repeat.

  • Do you like Hemingway?

  • Do you like Mark Twain?

  • Do you like Gershwin?

  • Do you like "Porgy and Bess"?

  • Do you like this monument?

  • Don't you like modern sculpture?

  • Have you seen the newest pictures in

the Gallery? - I have, and I don't like them at all.

- Have you seen the one with two heads

and no arms? What do you think of it? ■ - I don't like modem art, and

hated the picture.

  • Are you sure you wouldn't like to see ВШШ more? ■ • - I can't stand it. -What about the one across the hall? ' - It's.terrible.

  • Do you like modern painting? . ■ - Not particularly. -You are hard to please, aren't you? .. ■■.:

. - ■ . ■ ..,,

Exercise 10. What do you think about these statements?

1. I adore going to discos with friends.


  1. I really hate staying in; I get so bored.

  2. I quite enjoy gardening, but don't like collecting the leaves.

  3. I can't stand cleaning the house, it's such dull.

  4. I don't really mind staying at home with my parents.

Exercise 11. Express your opinion about:

  • Books by Twain • Hemingway

  • fast food • the TV programs

  • rock music «animals

  • the American films you have seen

Exercise 12. Say it in English.

1.- Вы любите путешествовать самолотом? 2,--Как вам понравился фильм?

  1. - Вы любите играть в теннис? ■ .

  2. - Вам нравится ваша поездка?

  3. - Как аам понравился фильм?

8. - Я не люблю кино, я предпочитаю театр.

согласиться. Это разные вещи.


■;'■•. ■ ' - ' Appendix 1, ' ,';'';: . :■'.", ,,/„;. ;.,.,


actually - фактически, на самом деле, в настоящее время

finally - в конечном счёте, а конце концов

anyway - так или иначе, во всяком случае, что бы то ни было

by the way - между прочим, кстати . .

naturally - конечно, естественно

really - действительно, в самом деле, выражение интереса,

удивления, сомнения • ' •

in fact - на самом деле, фактически, по сути дела absolutely - может употребдяться в ответе, выражающим согласие quite - вполне, совершенно, более или менее, действительно

\ ■- 59-

Exactly! Just so.

Things are going smoothly. ,, ■.,.,. ,

How right you are!

in no time. ■. ■ ■.

As easy as ABC. . .

That's the beauty of it!

Better late than never. ■

That's true.

Take my word for it.

It goes without saying.

What luck!

Couldn't be better!

The earlier, the better.

The game is not worth the cand'e.

How nice of you;

How sensible of you!

Easier said than done.

Take it easy. ■ ' ■

Poor consolation! ;

I sympathize with you. ■.■.'.

it depends. ■ '..

That can't be true. ■'■'■

It remains to be seen.

You never know, of coufii.

Well, you never kflOWfOf certain,

of course. ' ■ ■ '.:'■■

'■•'■ '■■■ '-■■' -3S-

Совершенно верно, именно так

Все идет как по маслу.

Вы абсолютно правы!

В мгновение ока. ,;, ', \ "..-.■ ,,-

Проще простого. ,.' ■ . , '

В этом вся прелесть.

Лучше поздно, чем никогда.

Это правда.

Честное слово

Само собой разумеется. .

Какая удача! ■/'/'

Как нельзя лучше!

Чем раньше, тем лучше. ;>■' ' '.

Игра не стоит свеч. "'■■•'; ■

Как любезно с вашей стороны .

Как разумно с вашей стороны.

Легче сказать, чем сделать.

Не принимайте близко к сердцу.

Слабое утешение!

Я вам сочуствую.

Это зависит от обстойтальст!.-

Этого не может быть.

Поживем - увидим.

Никогда не знаешь, что будет :.

завтра. . ■ . ■■ . ■■;■

Конечно, никогда йвльая выН1* ■"

уверенным. «' ■ ■■

Nothing in particular."!

Nothing special. J

Just the opposite.

It's out of the question.

It's above me.

For no reason at all. ■

Know which way the VyifXi i«


Monkey business. ; .

By no means.

Not for the world.

Without wasting words.

Things are not always the **

Once in a blue moon.

It doesn't concern you.

Please come to the point.

Ничего особенного.

Как раз наоборот.

Об этом не может быть и речи

Это выше моего понимания.

Ни с того, ни с сего

Держать нос по ветру. Напрасный труд. Ни в коем случае. Ни за что на свете. Вез лишних разговоров. Раз на раз не приходится. Раз в год по обещанию. Ваше дело сторона. Пожалуйста, ближе к делу.

Appendix 2.


My question is the following (is as follows)

Now there's something special I want to ask you

One question is... The second is...

Can one now raise *це question?

I would like to ask one question in this connection

There is a practical question which...

I would like at this point to ask a question concerning .

May I address a question to...?

Is it possible to describe how... ?

How important are considerations of..,?

ДОБАВЛЕНИЕ К СКАЗАННОМУ ДРУГИМИ I should like to add in connection with.., Finally let me add that... In addition I would like to mention that... I would like to add to somebody's comiients Let rne put some more questions in addition in this context i would add that... ' :

ВЫРАЖЕНИЕ 60ГПА0ЙЙ Basioeoy I think we are in agreement. I'm quite of your opinion. / :

1 think that you are entirely right. ' ''!''■■ It appears to me to be true. ■■'• ; '•'

I fully agree with you. I agree that...

I agreewith most of what you say, apart from the question 1 agree that it is possible, but...

выражение удивления

I was struck by seeing one of the papers

It is rather surprising... ' . :

It is unbelievable... , ■

I am puzzled by... .

I am surprised that it is possible..,

I wonder about... '■'.'■

I find it hard to believe that...

ВЫРАЖЕНИЕ НЕСОГЛАСИЯ / ВОЗРАЖЕНИЯ I beg to disagree. I would like to speak against... I am arguing against... I would object just a little... It seems to me that the main disagreement is... ^ It is out of the question. I object to...

The conclusion does not seem consistent with... I wish I could agree with you but...

ВЫРАЖЕНИЕ СОМНЕНИЯ It seems unlikely that... I have doubts about the... I am not at all sure aboutthte... This is still in question... ''..'. /

We are not yet certain... .-..'. -

I am doubtful whether...

I am not sure that you are right. ■

I have been rather puzzled by the following aspect...

ВЫРАЖЕНИЕ НЕУДОВЛЕТВОРЁННОСТИ I am afraid I have to make a quite negjftive statement I think that the question is still open.

I am afraid you give up only a partial answer.; , ■ , * It seems unlikely that...


I want to point out that... .

I should like to note/emphasize... . . :

I would like to distinguish "OTie points.,, . . ', .,,.,

I should like to stress the importance of..v. •

It je worth pointing out that... ,. , ,

I wish to stress the extreme importance of.., ,

ПРИВЛЕЧЕНИЕ ВНИМАНИЯ К ЩШМЧИбО I would like to draw your attention to... Please, pay attention to... I wouid like just to call attention again to,„


May I suggest that you try Йё..? , . .

If I may make the suggestion", 5'ie...7 . ■ . \'

Another possibility would be the... . ; , -,

Have you thought about the...? '■ ■■"•


I believe that we shall presently hear from... on hie /her latest Afterwards, I hope there will be some discussion. I believe I am correct in saying that...


The paper raises an important question of... ■

Your report demonstrates how Important it is to... ПОПЫТКА ВСПОМНИТЬ J'm trying to remember I can't remember at the moment.


Let me think..,

I'm afraid it has slipped my mind.


I'm afraid i don't quite understand.

I missed / didn't quite get your point.

I don't quite see what you mean. . .' ' . ,.,

I fail to see/can't see how.,. '

I don't get it. .


Well, you see... ' ■

You see, it's like this,.. ;_. Let's put in this way... ., I'll try to explain,.. Let me put it another way.,, I'll say It once again.


I aae/1 understand.,. " '.■ ''•■.' .

I see what you mean...

I see what you are driving.at , :

Yes, i follow you, Qa on. . , ■

I reali?ethat. . , .' '.'■■:■■,'' '':

I get the idea.

You've made it quite clear. ■' .

ВОЗВРАЩЕНИЕ К ТЕМЕ Let's come back to our topic. I would like to come,back to the point raised by... We are returning now to the important problem of...

НАЧАЛО ОТВЕТА Ц was a goo4 question. I just happened to be ready for it.

; r -

To my knowledge... ; '

As far as I know... .

It is rather difficult to answer this question decisively it this pifieht


Actually we don't know. .

I have no particular theoi у for this fact, but... ',


I should like to make a comment of a rather genera! nature.. I would like to make two more remarks. .1 have a few points to make.

I should like to make a remark which may conftortl the mittir again. My comment relates to the question Of...

Appendix 3.


-What's your name? My name's Betty Hansen. ■

What's your address, Ms. Hansen? My address is 46 Oxford Street. And your phone number?

it's251-8347... ;.• ■... :,

Where are you from? .

I'm from Chicago.

Thanks, for answering my questions.. • You're welcome.


  • Hi, Betty. This is Tim. I'm calling from Chicago.

  • From Chicago? What are you doing in Chicago?

  • t'm on vacation.

  • How's the weather in Chicago? Is it sunny? ,,

  • No, it isn't. It's cloudy. .-.■''•*■■■ -Is it hot? ' :

  • No, it's very cold. . -Are you having a good time?

  • No, I'm not. I'm having a horrible time because the wegther is so terrible.

  • Too bad, I'm sorry to hear that. /

  • Hi, How can I help you?

  • Hello. I'm looking for Striped trousers.*

  • But these trousers aon't striped •

  • That's no problem. Striped trousers are not very pcpuiar this year.

■ . ' ■-■■■#"-

-1 know, but I like striped trousers. ;

*4. - May I help you? . ■•' < -

- Yes, please. I'm looking for a pair of glovea. ■/■ 4- But these gloves are greenl '■"■''

, - That's O.K. Green gloves are very popular this year, -1 know, but l-tnink green is just not my ootttur..

$. -1 think this is your pen. . ,

- No, it isn't. >:■■■■ ■ . * - Are you sure?

t - Yes, I'm sure, my pen has blue ink in it, and this one has black.

Ifl. . - Can you drive a truck? : "

- Of course, 1 can. I drive a truck every day. I'm a trucker. '

.11. - Can William play chess?

- No, he can't. He can't play chess at all, but he can play football.

12. - Can Richard play the violin?

- Of course, he can. He plays the violin every day. He's a violinist.

13. - Can your girlfriend bake apple pies? •

- Of course, she can. She's American. Sfii§:batals ftpple pies almost every weekend. . ;

Do you like John? Of course I like him. He's Does John like you? Of course he likes me. How can you tell? Because he told me so.

7. -Can Jeff sing? '

- Of course he can. He singe every dity. Нв'ё « Slrtjjer,

8. - Can Mary dance?

- No, she can't. She can't dance at all.

9. - Can Fred speak English?

„- Of course, he йёп. He's British.

14. - Can your husband cook? - Of course he can. He cooks i

■IS. - Can Dan ski?

- No, he can't. He can't ski at all.

18. - Amy. how do you feel today? -1 feel fine.

- I'm glad to hear that.

17. - John, how do you feel today? -I feel OK

- That's good news.

18. - Hi, how do you feel today? -1 feel terrible

. He's chef.

- What's the matter with you?

-1 have a really painful toothache

- I'm sorry to hear that.

10. - Tom, how do you feel today?

  • Oh, not so good.,,

  • What's the matter with you? ■ -1 have a headache.

. . .' - That's a pity.

■ ■ * 10. - Hi, viohri. How are you?

-1 feel great!

  • Do you have any plans tomorrow? I'm going to have a picnic, but think the weather is going to be bad

  • Really? What's the forecast? ■ .

  • The radio says it's going Wain.

- That's strange! According to the newspaper It's going W fei НЙ .. -1 hope you're right.

21. - Hi, Nancy. What are you going to do next Sunday? " , f

-1 want to plant flowers in my garden, but the forecast s&fi it-i going to be cool. ■•■"' : '■

- That's strange! Acoofding to the newipfcper, It'* going te b» veff

-warm. ' .'•■'■'■ .''■ ■

-1 nope you're nght.

22. - Excuse me, how much does a pound of oranges cost? ,.,

-"A pound of oranges costs four dollars and twenty-five cents. ».*>'

- Four dollars and twenty-five cents! That's a lot of monay!

. ■ '-48- .:■..

- You're absolutely right. Oranges are very expensive this time of 1 year.

23. - Mary, do you think it'll rajn tomorrow?

-1 don't know. Maybe it will, and maybe it won't. We'll just have to wait and see.

214. - Do you think you'll be happy in your new neighbourhood? :,••■; -, -1 don't know. Maybe I will; and maybe I won't. Live and learn, as they say.

28- - What are you going to give your wife for her birthday?

-1 don't know. I might give her a watch or I might give her a bottle of perfume. 1 really can't decide.

2$. There're Ыо people speaking on the phone. One of them is a , pessimist, the other is en optimist. Listen: . - Would you tike to come over and sit in the sun with me?

  • No, I don't think so. -Why not?

  • I'm afraid I might get a sunburn.

  • Don't worry! You won't get a sunbufh.

2 -Are you sure? ■'■■■ ■-.,; . '

- Yes, I'm positive. . :.

■ - p.K. i'H come over. • ■,

27. - Should I buy a bicycle or a motorcyclel

-1 think you should buy a bicycla • .

-Why? *


and we тщ1>му fr^nch - fries for.

- Bicycles are safer than motorcycles. ' ; , .,

  1. - I'm jealous! My apartment isn't as large as ydure. -1 disagree. Yours is much larger than mine.

  2. - Are you looking for so-^thing? Maybe I can help you? ;

- Yes, I'm looking for a very thick carpet. ' . -1 think you'll iike this one. It's very thick.

-}■ - Oh, that's not exactly what i wanted. Don't you have a tfifekir oHif

- No, I'm afraid not. This is the thickest one we have. ■ - Thanks anyway.

1 . - Sorry we couldn't help you. :. .

f0. - Hello, Kathleen, I saw you yesterday, but you didn't see (tie.

  • Really? When? :

  • At about 4:00. You were going to the beach. ■■ • .

- That wasn't me. Yesterday at 3:30 I was playing tennis with my • . brother.

- Oh well, I guess I made a mistake.

31. - Allen, i saw you yesterday, but I don't think you saw me.

  • Really? When?

  • At about 10 o'clock last night. You were getting on a bus with some strange girl. . ■

- That's impossible. Last night my father and I were watching the "baseball game on TV. , . . ■

- Oh well. Guess I made a mi»i«№i. ^ ■ ' -V': '■-■'■'

32. - I'm afraid I won't be able to help you repair your kitchen window tomorrow.

  1. You can't? Why? '

  2. I've got to take care of my neighbour's baby.

  3. Don't worry about it! I'm sure I'll be able to do by myself. ■

33. - Let's buy 2 more

  • No, we mustn't. -Why not?

  • Because they're too

JiJi. .


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